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Man dies hours before partner gives birth to daughter | uk news

Man dies hours before partner gives birth to daughter |  uk news


A pregnant woman tried to wake her 40-year-old partner before going to hospital to give birth, but he died after doctors misread an abnormal heart scan, an inquest heard.

Rebecca Moss, from Stretford, Greater Manchester, told Thomas Gibson: “Wake up, it's baby day” before the ambulance arrived, Stockport Coroners' Court was told.

A few hours later, Ms. Moss gave birth to her daughter, Harper.

The inquest heard that she woke up at around 5.15am on June 7 last year and went downstairs to undergo a caesarean section.

Moss said her partner was sleeping on the couch. “I was trying to encourage him and say, ‘Wake up, it’s baby day,’” she told the hearing.

“Tom was unresponsive so I went over to the sofa and kissed him. He was lying in his usual sleeping position. When I touched him he was cold and stiff. He didn’t wake up.”

“I called 999 immediately. They told me to pull Tom down to the floor and do chest compressions. I started doing chest compressions until the ambulance arrived.”

She also said the “shock, trauma and physical exertion” was “overwhelming” as she had to pull him off the couch and do chest compressions at 39 weeks pregnant.

The inquest heard doctors at the hospital had misinterpreted an electrocardiogram (ECG) scan taken 11 days earlier when he went to A&E with a serious stomach illness.

Image: Photo: PA

Mr Gibson was physically healthy but suffered from cramps and diarrhea for about three weeks before his death, the hearing was told.

He attended A&E at Wythenshawe Hospital on May 27 last year and was examined by Dr Oliver Handley.

Medical staff noticed abnormal signs in his ECG tracing and referred it for a second opinion to Dr. Thomas Bull, a senior figure there.

Dr Bull, the medical records officer, said the ECG scan most likely showed an abnormality described as intraventricular block. This is not a “rare finding” nor is it clinically “significant” in the absence of other heart-related symptoms.

“Generally, if there are no cardiac symptoms, the advice is that no investigation is necessary at this point,” Dr. Bull said.

Image: Photo: PA

Later analysis showed the ECG showed complete heart block, also known as third-degree heart block, the most severe type, which can lead to sudden cardiac death, the family's attorneys said.

“Looking back now, we can see that there was more to it than what we could see now,” Dr. Bull added.

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Mr Gibson, who worked in a lumber yard, was discharged from hospital after it was deemed he did not require immediate medical attention.

I was asked to come back in a week if my severe gastrointestinal condition did not improve.

However, a pathologist concluded that he was found dead 11 days later from sudden cardiac death.

Lawyers for his relatives said Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust had fully accepted responsibility for providing negligent medical care to him in the days before his death.

The investigation continues.




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