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Russia-Ukraine war live: Moscow ready to attack French troops as Britain sends 1,000 drones to Kiev

Russia-Ukraine war live: Moscow ready to attack French troops as Britain sends 1,000 drones to Kiev


Zelensky: China is trying to disrupt Ukraine peace talks

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Russia is prepared to attack French troops if they are sent to Ukraine to help train Kiev soldiers, the Kremlin has suggested.

Ukraine's top commander, Oleksandr Syrskyi, said last week that French trainers would soon arrive in Ukraine, a claim ignored by Paris and Kiev.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “Instructors involved in training Ukrainian troops do not have immunity.” It doesn't matter whether they are French or not.

In February, French President Emmanuel Macron said the situation in Ukraine was dynamic and nothing could be ruled out.

It comes as Britain seeks to send 1,000 first-person view drones to Ukraine as part of an international support coalition.

The $300,000 appeal calls for the procurement of 20 first-person view racing quadcopter-style drones in batches of up to 15.

Meanwhile, Russian sources claimed that Ukraine had fired US weapons in Belgorod for the first time since Washington lifted a ban on the use of weapons against Kiev within Russia.

The Russian Ministry of Defense and military bloggers reported that the Ukrainian military fired an M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) near the border of Belgorod city.

Key Points View Latest Updates 1717610149Ukraine urges China to attend Swiss peace summit

Ukraine's First Deputy Foreign Minister called on China to send a delegation to a summit on Ukraine to be held in Switzerland this month.

Russia has not been invited to attend next week's meeting and China has so far said it would not describe the participation of either side as a precondition for a substantive peace conference.

The Ukrainian side expressed hope that China's participation in this event could be a good opportunity to make a practical contribution to achieving a just and lasting peace in Ukraine, after a meeting in Beijing by Chinese Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Andriy Sybiha, the Ukrainian side said. said. Sun Weidong.

According to Kiev, more than 100 countries have accepted an invitation to a summit to discuss a peace plan put forward by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy over the Russian invasion, which is now in its third year. Moscow has ridiculed the summit as meaningless without its participation.

China declared an unrestricted partnership with Russia just days before Moscow launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, but has expressed neutrality in the conflict and submitted a 12-point report laying out general principles more than a year ago. An end to the war welcomed by both sides.

Andy GregoryJune 5, 2024 18:55

1717606669Polish investigation into Russian and Belarusian influence on national security is ongoing.

A 12-member special committee tasked with investigating Russian and Belarusian influence in Poland and led by the head of Warsaw's military counterintelligence service has now begun its work, Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced.

At a news conference in Warsaw, Mr. Tusk and other officials described the committee as a nonpartisan group of experts aimed at protecting national security, and which, at Mr. Tusk's request, has been conducting research on Russia and Belarus over the past 20 years. The impact will be examined in May's Tusk.

He and other Polish officials said Poland was facing heightened hybrid attacks, including acts of sabotage, cyberattacks and increased pressure along the Polish-Belarusian border. The number of attempts to cross the border has jumped from a handful to nearly 400 in recent months. day.

Interior Minister and secret police chief Tomas Siemoniak said there was no doubt that the border situation was the work of Russia and Belarus and that it accounted for all incidents over the past 20 years that bore traces of Russia. Alternatively, it is very important for Belarusian activities to be visible.

Andy Gregory 5 Jun 2024 17:57

1717603129Zelensky in Qatar for meeting with King

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has arrived in Qatar for talks with King Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani.

Qatar is supporting Ukraine in returning children kidnapped by Russia, Prime Minister Zelenskyy said. We will discuss these ongoing efforts within the International Coalition for the Repatriation of Children from Ukraine and the agenda for the Peace Summit.

Qatar has also actively participated in the preparations for the peace summit and should be one of the Middle East's voices in support of its returnees and global food, nuclear and energy security.

Andy GregoryJune 5, 2024 16:58

1717599602Sergei Lavrov visits Burkina Faso.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov pledged to supply additional military supplies to Burkina Faso during a visit to the West African country on Wednesday.

Russian state media on Wednesday quoted the official as saying additional support would be provided as part of efforts to strengthen the country's defense capabilities.

Lavrov has visited Africa several times since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. Russia, hit by Western sanctions, is trying to find new trading partners and unite developing countries around a vision of a multipolar world.


Athena StavrouJune 5, 2024 16:00

1717596002Ukrainian officials discuss cooperation with China

The First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine visited Beijing and discussed ways to strengthen cooperation with China.

Ukraine's Andriy Sybiha met with China's Vice Foreign Minister Sun Weidong, Ukraine's Defense Ministry said Wednesday.

Sibiha expressed hope that China would attend the Ukraine-led peace summit at the end of June, which he said could be a good opportunity to make a practical contribution to achieving a just and lasting peace.

Athena StavrouJune 5, 2024 15:00

1717593002A Spanish company's tank modifications for Ukraine, a victim of Russian cyberattacks

A Spanish company modifying Leopard tanks for Ukraine suffered a cyberattack that crashed its website, a pro-Russian hacker group said.

A spokesman for Germany-based General Dynamics said the defense company was still analyzing the cause of the website outage and that all operations in Europe were operating normally.

The NoName hacking group on the Telegram messaging service claimed responsibility for the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack.

A DDoS attack sends a large amount of Internet traffic to a target server, taking that server offline.

We sent DDoS missiles against a Russian-phobic Spanish website that often directs such actions against countries that support Ukraine. the group wrote on Telegram on Tuesday.

NATO said last month that Russia was behind an escalation of hybrid attacks against businesses and infrastructure in member countries, a claim Moscow dismissed as misinformation.

The General Dynamics unit, called Santa Barbara, is based in Spain and assembles heavy vehicles such as Leopard tanks and artillery equipment for the Spanish army. According to the Ministry of Defense, the company has been involved in modifying Spain's mothballed Leopard tanks for delivery to the Ukrainian military.

Leopard Tank (AFP via Getty Images)

Athena StavrouJune 5, 2024 14:10

The Kremlin says the United States is threatening China by imposing sanctions on its exports to Russia.

The Kremlin on Wednesday explained U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's remarks that the United States would not tolerate China's increased exports of dual-use goods to Russia and would respond with sanctions as a threat.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the US tone was completely unacceptable and that Moscow would stand in solidarity with China.

We are well aware that Chinese comrades do not accept such language, such messages, such threats as blackmail, Peskov told reporters.

The United States says China is bolstering Russia's war effort in Ukraine by providing dual-use goods for both civilian and military purposes.

China is the largest supplier of machine tools, microelectronics and nitrocellulose (essential for making munitions, rocket propellants and other dual-use items) that Moscow is using to strengthen its defense industrial base, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said. The Minister said during his visit. To Beijing in April.

Athena StavrouJune 5, 2024 13:13

1717582427Remote control stretcher exhibition

Remotely controlled stretchers could soon be deployed to the front lines in Ukraine.

The electric stretcher, designed by Dmytro Mamonov, was on display at a Ukrainian manufacturing presentation outside Kiev last week.


Athena StavrouJune 5, 2024 11:13

1717580913Investigation Alleges Russian Orthodox Church Kidnapped Ukrainian Children

The investigation found that the Russian Orthodox Church, with support from the Kremlin, played a role in Russifying the identities of Ukrainian children.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW), a war-monitoring think tank, cited research by Russian opposition student journal DOXA and open source outlet Kidmapping.

The report said that in the early days of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, officials expelled children from orphanages and boarding schools in the occupied Donetsk Oblast to Russia's Rostov Oblast.

Prelate Metropolitan Mercury reportedly visited the children and encouraged them to consider being baptized into the church.

Ukrainian children were also reportedly held in church-run shelters, where clergy and related officials held military-patriotic events in an effort to encourage pro-Russian sentiment among children and dissociate them from Ukrainian identity. .

Athena StavrouJune 5, 2024 10:48

1717577468Russian sociologist loses appeal against 5-year sentence for justifying terrorism

A Russian sociologist and activist has had his appeal to overturn his five-year prison sentence for justifying terrorism.

Russia's Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected Boris Kagaritsky's appeal after a petition calling for his release was signed by intellectuals and politicians from around the world, including former Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn.

Kagarlitsky, 65, has long been a political dissident and has repeatedly spoken out against Ukraine's civil war in the magazine he edits and on his YouTube channel.

Kagarlitsky, a former teacher at the prestigious Moscow High School of Social and Economic Sciences, was designated a foreign agent by the Russian government in 2018 and added to the register of terrorists and extremists last year.

A Russian court will pay him 600,000 rubles in December 2023 after finding him guilty in October 2022 of publicly justifying terrorism in a video in which he mentioned Ukraine's attack on a bridge linking Russia's annexed Crimea peninsula. Sentenced to a fine of

Athena StavrouJune 5, 2024 09:51




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