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Lebanon arrests gunman following attack on US embassy in Beirut | Conflict News

Lebanon arrests gunman following attack on US embassy in Beirut |  Conflict News


The attacker was shot dead by soldiers in a shootout before being arrested and taken to hospital, the embassy said, staff are safe.

A gunman who fired on the US Embassy in Beirut has been arrested after being injured in a return fire.

The attack on the embassy on Wednesday morning was carried out by a Syrian national, according to the Lebanese army. The incident comes amid heightened tensions in the region as Israel continues its war in Gaza.

The attacker, injured during a shootout with soldiers, was arrested and taken to hospital. The army said in a statement broadcast on X that the attacker was a Syrian national and that it was investigating the incident.

US Embassy Complex in Beirut [Bilal Hussein/AP Photo]

He provided no further details, but a photo circulating on social media shows a bloodied man wearing a vest with Islamic State written in Arabic and the English initials I and S.

From outside the embassy, ​​Al Jazeera's Zeina Khodr highlighted the heavy security presence, with the Lebanese army not allowing people to enter the compound.

The embassy, ​​which is based in Awkar, in the northern suburbs of the city, said small arms fire was reported at 8:34 a.m. (0534 GMT) near the entrance to the building. He added that embassy staff were safe.

At 8:34 a.m. local time, small arms fire was reported near the entrance to the US embassy. Thanks to the quick response of the army, ISF and our embassy security team, our facilities and our team are safe. Investigations are ongoing and we are in close contact

American Embassy in Beirut (@usembassybeirut) June 5, 2024

Local media reported that the shooting lasted nearly half an hour. A member of the embassy security team was reportedly injured as the army combed the area for other possible attackers, according to a security source speaking to the Reuters news agency.

Lebanese security sources suggested the arrested attacker may not have acted alone, Khodr said. Authorities suggested four other gunmen were involved in the attack.

Lebanese police officers check a man on a motorcycle near the US embassy in Beirut [Mohamed Azakir/Reuters]

The embassy is located north of Beirut, in a highly secure area with multiple checkpoints along the road leading to the entrance. She moved there following a suicide attack in 1983 which left 63 dead.

Tension has been high in Lebanon since the start of the Israeli war in Gaza in October. Hezbollah, an armed group linked to Iran, has engaged in mutual attacks with Israel on the country's southern border.

In September last year, a gunman opened fire on the US embassy, ​​causing no casualties. Lebanese police said at the time that the attacker was a delivery driver seeking revenge for the humiliation he suffered at the hands of security personnel.

Lebanese army forces deploy near the US embassy in Beirut [Joseph Eid/AFP]

The shooting coincided with the anniversary of a deadly car bomb attack in September 1984 outside the US embassy annex in Beirut, which killed at least 20 people, and which the United States blamed on Hezbollah. .

In October last year, many protesters gathered outside the embassy to demonstrate at the start of the Gaza war, and Lebanese security forces used tear gas and water cannons to push them back.

Iran-linked groups in Syria and Yemen have also maintained low-intensity conflict with Israeli forces.

It is too early to tell [what were] the motives for the attacks. No responsibility was claimed, Khodr said.

Since the war on Gaza in October, we have seen violent protests in that area, people trying to go to the embassy, ​​people expressing their anger at the US administration, the correspondent noted.




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