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The Ipsos boss has predicted Reform UK will overtake the Tories in the polls.

The Ipsos boss has predicted Reform UK will overtake the Tories in the polls.


Sunday, June 9, 2024 4:36 PM

Author: Jessica Frank-Keyes, Jess Jones

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Reform UK is likely to overtake the Conservatives in at least some polls in the so-called Crossover Moment, the boss of a top polling firm has predicted.

Kelly Beaver, CEO of market research firm Ipsos UK, told Times Radio on Sunday: “Some people are saying that in the coming weeks, some polls will show Reform getting more votes than the Conservatives. .

I think we will see that moment and I'm sure there will be a lot of coverage about it. Because some polls currently only show the Conservatives 2% ahead of reform.

After a difficult few days for the Conservatives, Rishi Sunak has come under fire for his decision to leave D-Day commemorations in Normandy early.

British reform leader Nigel Farage argued that Sunak was completely disconnected from class due to the privilege felt by the country's general public, while Penny Mordaunt, a former defense secretary and former Tory leadership contender, said: A TV debate on Friday said that was very wrong.

Bieber also likened the situation to that of Canada in 1993, when Kim Campbell's main right-wing party, the Progressive Conservatives, lost all but two seats.

Sunak is under pressure after admitting 'mistake' in leaving D-Day event early

They were stripped of their official party status and effectively replaced by the Reform Party of Canada, which became a broad base for right-wing voters.

She said she was told this was a Canadian moment of sorts because there was a moment in Canada where one of the major political parties ultimately gave way to a party similar to Reform, which became the second major party.

But the Ipsos boss emphasized that in the UK the devil is right here.

Different pollsters' methodologies vary. Some respondents ask more detailed questions about who might win the vote, or ask repeat questions when they encounter a question they don't know.

This could change the results of the polls and explains the changes we have seen in the polls in recent weeks.

Aggregator polls average results from a variety of polling companies, so the oft-cited Labor is leading the polls in the 20s.

Read more Our generation must never forget the D-Day heroes who sacrificed their lives for our freedom.

Beaver added that he would be surprised if Reform UK outperforms the Conservatives at an aggregate level, but suggested that could happen in smaller polls using a variety of methodologies.

Opinion polls still showed Labor ahead by about 20 percentage points, so there was little movement at the top despite the Prime Minister's difficult week, she said.

Cabinet minister Mel Stride told Sky News on Sunday that Sunak deeply regretted his decision to leave early for the 80th anniversary of D-Day and was deeply patriotic.

He added, “The prime minister acknowledged his mistake.” He clearly apologized for what happened and that he would be very uncomfortable.

Labor Secretary Sir Keir Starmer said: Clearly he has questions to answer regarding what happened on D-Day, but he does not seem to want to answer them at the moment.

The Labor leader added: I know what I stand for and why I went there on Thursday to pay my respects and say thank you. And when I was there, I was actually humbled.

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