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In trying to reduce immigration, US seeks allies in Latin AmericaExBulletin

In trying to reduce immigration, US seeks allies in Latin AmericaExBulletin


U.S. President Joe Biden greets Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador during a welcoming ceremony as part of the 2023 North American Leaders Summit at the Palacio Nacional January 9, 2023 in Mexico City. Hector Vivas/Getty Images .

switch captionHector Vivas/Getty Images

Last week, President Joe Biden announced executive actions that, with few exceptions, effectively close the border to most undocumented asylum seekers.

It is the latest in a series of measures adopted by the administration in recent weeks aimed at curbing illegal immigration into the country.

In pursuing this goal, the administration is also relying on governments in Mexico and Central America, where the outcome of recent presidential elections could impact the flow of migrants to the United States.

American immigration policy is ineffective without Mexican cooperation, which has been in force for decades.

Current President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador accepted the expulsions and last year deployed the Mexican National Guard to control migration, leading to serious accusations of human rights abuses.

The recent election of President Claudia Scheinbaum is unlikely to change much, as migration has become a major problem in Mexico.

It's now a priority for Mexico, says Lila Abad of the Wilson Center. And that's because Mexico is no longer just a transit country. It is now a destination country.

Like his predecessor, Scheinbaum said that ending immigration requires addressing root causes such as poverty.

Although the recent Mexican elections did not change much, several significant changes took place in Central America. Panama recently elected President José Raul Mulino, who pledged to close the Darien Gap, the dangerous jungle region through which hundreds of thousands of migrants pass each year on their way to the United States. It's unclear how Mulino would do this.

Then in El Salvador, Nayib Bukele began a second term as president on June 1. The United States has a difficult relationship with the dictator who describes himself as the coolest in the world. But last week, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas attended the presidential inauguration ceremony.

Roman Gressier of the newspaper El Faro says in English that it is clear that the Biden administration has changed its position: we are not getting stuck in the mud on the issue of unconstitutional re-election and we are emphasizing migration cooperation and economic.

Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele and his daughter Layla salute while standing on a balcony with first lady Gabriela Roberta Rodrguez, after her swearing in for a second term, in San Salvador, Salvador, Saturday, June 1, 2024. Salvador Melendez/AP /AP .

. Salvador Melendez/AP/AP

Ultimately, immigration analysts say deterrence alone is not enough to curb irregular migration in the long term, much less when people are fleeing for their lives.

Perhaps one of the most impactful migrations at this point is occurring in Venezuela, a country experiencing a severe humanitarian crisis. About 7.7 million Venezuelan migrants and refugees were displaced last year. The exodus shows no signs of slowing.

Estefani, a Venezuelan mother living in a shelter in New York, recently told NPR that she knew the road to the United States could be dangerous, even deadly, but she didn't think she had a choice. She asked that her name be withheld because she had been sexually assaulted during her trip.

Raising a child in Venezuela is very difficult. You can give them lunch, but there will be no dinner, she said.

Estefani tried living in Colombia and Ecuador, and eventually became desperate enough to venture to the United States.

As presidential campaigns heat up in the United States, Latin American countries are under increasing pressure to help with immigration enforcement. But analysts say that until people like Estefani see no choice but to leave their countries, any policy deterrence at the U.S.-Mexico border will only be a short-term solution.




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