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US Open 2024 odds, golf picks: Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy predictions from the model that hit the Masters, PGA

US Open 2024 odds, golf picks: Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy predictions from the model that hit the Masters, PGA


Wyndham Clark will begin its title defense when the 2024 US Open begins on Thursday, June 13 at Pinehurst No. 2. Clark, who finished one stroke ahead of Rory McIlroy last year to record his first major championship, will attempt to become the first golfer to repeat since Brooks Koepka accomplished the feat in 2017-18. Clark performed well this season, taking one win and two second places. However, he has struggled at major championships in 2024, missing the cut at the Masters and the PGA Championship. Scottie Scheffler, reigning Masters champion and world No. 1 player, is the 11-4 favorite according to the latest 2024 US Open odds.

He is followed by McIlroy (10-1), Xander Schauffele (10-1), Bryson DeChambeau (10-1) and Viktor Hovland (12-1) on the PGA odds chart. Clark leaves at 33-1 to repeat. Before locking in your picks for the 2024 US Open or entering PGA DFS tournaments on sites like DraftKings and FanDuel, be sure to check out the golf predictions and projected rankings from SportsLine's proven computer model.

Our exclusive model, built by DFS pro Mike McClure, has been booming since the PGA Tour restarted in June 2020. In fact, the model is up nearly $9,000 on its best bets since the restart, nailing the tournament after tournament.

McClure's model correctly predicted that Scottie Scheffler would finish atop the leaderboard at the 2024 Masters, the Arnold Palmer Invitational and the Players Championship this season. McClure also included Hideki Matsuyama in his best bets to win the 2024 Genesis Invitational. This bet reached +9,000, and for the entire tournament, McClure's best bets returned nearly $1,000.

The model also predicted Jon Rahm to be victorious at the 2023 Sentry Tournament of Champions and American Express. At the 2023 Masters, the model was all over Rahm's second career major victory heading into the weekend. Rahm was two shots out of the lead heading into the third round, but the model still projected him as the winner. It was the model's second consecutive victory at the Masters, which also set Scheffler up for victory in 2022.

This same model also won 12 majors entering the weekend, including three straight Masters and the 2024 PGA Championship. Everyone who has followed it has seen massive returns.

Now that the 2024 US Open is approaching, SportsLine has simulated the tournament 10,000 times and the results have been surprising. Head over to SportsLine now to see the projected 2024 US Open standings.

US Open 2024 predictions for Brooks Koepka, Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy

A shock that the model calls for at the 2024 US Open: Xander Schauffele (10-1), fresh from his first major victory at the PGA Championship and one of the big favorites this week, stumbles and barely ranks in the top five. There are better values ​​on this week's PGA odds board.

This victory was a huge monkey off the back of one of the best players in the world who had never won a major tournament before. However, he has not finished better than T10 at the US Open since 2021 and he has finished T10 or worse in nine of his last 11 majors. He also shot a 75 in the fourth round of the Memorial this weekend, so the model found better value in the 2024 US Open field. Find out who else to fade here.

The model also locked in its projection for Tiger Woods (125-1), a 15-time major winner. Woods has recorded 82 career victories on the PGA Tour, which is tied with Sam Snead for the most victories in tour history.

Woods holds the record for most consecutive cuts made on the PGA Tour with 142. He did not miss a cut between 1998 and 2005, breaking the previous record of 113. Woods spent 683 weeks as a golfer n #1 in the official world. Golf ranking, more than double that of Greg Norman, who spent the second longest time as world No. 1. Woods' 15 major titles rank him second all-time behind Jack Nicklaus (18) and he is one of five career Grand Slam winners. However, Woods missed the cut at the PGA Championship and shot 82 and 77 in the final two rounds of the Masters to finish 60th. Find out where each golfer finishes here.

On the other hand, the model looked at Rory McIlroy's (9-1) chances of winning his second US Open after being victorious in 2011. McIlroy has accumulated 26 career victories on the PGA Tour and he has won two of his last four starts. at the memorial tournament. One of those victories came at the Zurich Classic, the PGA Tour's only team event.

McIlroy finished second at the US Open in 2023, but he hasn't won a major championship since 2014, when he won the PGA Championship and the Open Championship. He earned a T-12 finish at the PGA Championship in May, but his game appears to be returning to form heading into the 2024 US Open. McIlroy ranks second in distance traveled (318.1), third for strokes gained: off the tee (0.861) and third for strokes gained: total (1.723). He also ranks 12th in scoring average (69.42) and 14th in birdie average (4.35). Check out the full US Open projections from the model here.

How to make US Open 2024 picks

The model targets three golfers with odds of 20-1 or better for the 2024 US Open who will make surprising runs. Anyone who sustains these long shots could succeed big. You can only see the model choices for the 2024 US Open here.

Who will win the 2024 US Open, which long shots will surprise the golf world and where will Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy end up? Check out the latest 2024 US Open odds below, then visit SportsLine to see the projected 2024 US Open standings, all from the model that has won 12 golf majors, including the Masters and the This year's PGA Championship.

US Open 2024 Odds and Field

Check out the full 2024 US Open picks, best bets and predictions here.

Scottie Scheffler 11-4 Rory McIlroy 10-1 Clark 33-1Justin Thomas 35-1Hideki Matsuyama 35-1Cameron Young 40-1Dustin Johnson 40-1Jordan Spieth 40-1Matt Fitzpatrick 40-1Sahith Theegala 45-1Tom Kim 45-1Tony Finau 45-1Tommy Fleetwood 45-1Jason Day 45-1Sungjae Im 50 – 1Min Woo Lee 50-1Tyrrell Hatton 50-1Si Woo Kim 55-1Will Zalatoris 55-1Shane Lowry 60-1Corey Conners 60-1Sam Burns 60-1Dean Burmester 60-1Keegan Bradley 60-1Byeong-Hun An 70-1Brian Harman 75-1Patrick Reed 80-1Sepp Straka 90-1Stephan Jaeger 90-1David Puig 90-1Russell Henley 90-1Adrian Meronk 90-1Jake Knapp 100-1Justin Rose 100-1Billy Horschel 100-1Chris Kirk 100-1Aaron Rai 100-1Nicolai Hojgaard 100-1Thomas Detry 125 – 1Eric Cole 125-1Phil Mickelson 125-1Rickie Fowler 125-1Tom McKibbin 125-1Akshay Bhatia 125-1Tiger Woods 125-1Christiaan Bezuidenhout 125-1Austin Eckroat 150-1Victor Perez 150-1Taylor Pendrith 150-1Daniel Berger 15 0-1Denny McCarthy 150-1Cameron Davis 150-1emiliano Grillo 175-1Taylor Moore 175-1ryan Fox 175-1tom Hoge 175-1harris English 175-1eugenio Chacarra 175-1adam Schenk 175-1adam Hadwin 175-1erik van Rooyen 200-1nick Taylor 200-1kurt Kitayama 200-1rik Uya Hoshino 200 -1J.T. Poston 200-1Mackenzie Hughes 200-1Beau Hossler 200-1Lucas Glover 200-1Seamus Power 225-1Grant Forrest 225-1Adam Svensson 225-1Davis Thompson 225-1Harry Higgs 250-1Gary Woodland 250-1Mark Hubbard 250-1Matthieu Pavon 250-1 Richard Mansell2 50 -1Webb Simpson 250-1Greyson Sigg 250-1Ben Kohles 300-1Brendon Todd 300-1Tim Widing 300-1Sam Bairstow 300-1Peter Malnati 300-1Sam Bennett 300-1Matteo Manassero 300-1Gordon Sargent 300-1Jason Scrivener 300-1Justin Lower 350-1Casey Jarvis 350-1Chesson Hadley 350-1Nicolas Echavarria 350-1Nick Dunlap 350-1Zac Blair 350-1Frankie Capan III 400-1Max Greyserman 400-1Matt Kuchar 400-1S.H. Kim 400-1Robert Rock 400-1Chris Petefish 400-1Rico Hoey 400-1Wells Williams 500-1Sung Kang 500-1Charles Reiter 500-1Federik Kjettrup 500-1Ashton McCulloch 500-1Ryo Ishikawa 500-1Isaiah Salinda 500-1Mcclure Meissner 50 0-1Brandon Wu 500 -1Jackson Buchanan 500-1Michael McGowan 500-1Jim Herman 500-1Brian Campbell 500-1Logan McAllister 500-1Carson Schaake 500-1John Chin 500-1Benjamin James 500-1Omar Morales 500-1Luke Clanton 500-1Neal Shipley 500-1Gunnar Broin 5 00- 1Stewart Hagestad 500-1Carter Jenkins 500-1Francisco Molinari 500-1Brandon Robinson Thompson 500-1Taisei Shimizu 500-1Chris Naegel 500-1Willie Mack III 500-1Hiroshi Tai 500-1Parker Bell 500-1Takumi Kanaya 500-1Colin Prater 500-1Andrew Svo bo by 500 -1Bryan Kim 500-1Santiago De La Fuente 500-1Riki Kawamoto 500-1Joey Vrzich 500-1Edoardo Molinari 500-1Martin Kaymer 750-1




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