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US Open 2024 Picks, Odds: Expert Predictions, Favorites to Win at the Betting Course at Pinehurst No. 2

US Open 2024 Picks, Odds: Expert Predictions, Favorites to Win at the Betting Course at Pinehurst No. 2


As the U.S. Open returns to No. 2 Pinehurst for the first time in a decade, the key question everyone is asking is the same across the golf world: Who do you pick to win this 124th national championship? With an extraordinary field bringing together the best professionals in the world, the third major championship of 2024 should be an epic adventure from the first round on Thursday until the presentation of the US Open Championship Trophy early Sunday evening.

There's a three-headed monster at the top of the 2024 US Open field as Scottie Scheffler, Xander Schauffele and Rory McIlroy are simply raking in right now. Scheffler and Schauffele are the first two major winners of the year, while McIlroy continues to seek his first major in a decade. There's no doubt that Scheffler is currently playing the best golf in the world – having won five of his last eight starts – but Schauffele and McIlroy are clearly in second place, above the rest of the field.

Collin Morikawa, a two-time major winner looking to take the third step in his Grand Slam bid, and Bryson DeChambeau, who recorded his career-best results at the Masters (T6) and PGA Championship (2nd) already this season. Defending champion Wyndham Clark, despite his up-and-down play this year, remains fourth in the Official World Golf Rankings, and a return to form could be possible even in the one dominated a year ago.

There are plenty of golfers behind them who will surely be in contention, including prodigies Ludvigberg and Brooks Koepka, and it will be interesting to see if Max Homa, Sahith Theegala and Viktor Hovland can find enough play to put pressure on the club . favorites. And then there is the duo of Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson. Woods hasn't played the weekend at the US Open since 2019, and he's only made one cut since 2013. Mickelson, meanwhile, infamously finished 2nd or T2 at the US Open at six times, most recently in 2013. He has not finished in the top 50 at the US Open since 2018, missing three cuts during that span.

So, what will happen at Pinehurst this week? Let's take a look at a full set of predictions and picks from our CBS Sports experts as we attempt to project who will win – and what will happen – at one of golf's most prestigious tournaments.

US Open 2024 Expert Picks and Predictions

Kyle Porter, Senior Golf Editor

Winner: Scottie Scheffler (3-1): Who else? If every win so far has made his season more historic, this one will make it the most historic. First golfer since Tiger Woods to win six times in one year, including a major. One of four players to win six times in a season since 1983. Third player this century to win the Masters and US Open in the same year. His gifts are abundant, but the two most underrated – his short game and his course management – ​​will be on display throughout the week at Pinehurst as his season goes from extraordinary to truly historic.

Sleeper – Will Zalatoris (80-1): Two top-six finishes in his last three US Opens, and Zalatoris is 80-1 to win the tournament? I know his golf lately hasn't been great, but he has a lot of major championship history that we can draw on for the week. I think that 80-1 number is going to look ridiculous Friday afternoon.

Top 10 – Rory McIlroy: He has five straight top 10s at this event and is up nearly 2.25 shots over the average PGA Tour field so far in 2024, according to Data Golf. It's a wacky number — we usually only see four or five players a year above 2.0 — that was destroyed by the Scheffler year. Rory plays great golf, but not good enough to beat Scottie.

Star who definitely won't win — Viktor Hovland: It's too inconsistent right now for me. This seems like a crazy choice after what he did at the PGA Championship, but the short game is still in too bad shape, and he was very quiet (for someone of his caliber) at the US Open .

Scottie Scheffler vs. It's so hard to stay so focused right after winning that first match, and while I think the match will go well in the long run, I don't think it will be as good this week as the other two.

Tiger Woods vs. Phil Mickelson: Tiger will make the difference here; Phil is not. This is the kind of place where Woods can think on his feet and use his extraordinary hands to make a lot of pars. I don't see Mickelson thriving at Pinehurst, and I certainly don't believe Tiger will compete – only that he can absolutely qualify in a way he simply had no chance of doing at the PGA Championship at Valhalla.

Surprise Prediction — The course won't be as difficult as expected: I think a lot about this article by Garrett Morrison of Fried Egg. While I hope to get the quickest, crispiest greens imaginable, I doubt we'll get that from the USGA. And that's very good. I just don't want anyone to think — after Wyndham Clark said Monday that the greens were already on the brink — that the USGA would take them back to (or maybe even up to) the line like it did. has done in the past.

Lowest Round: 65 (-5) Winning Score: 278 (-2) Winner's Sunday Score: 70 (E)

Patrick McDonald, golf writer

Winner — Hideki Matsuyama (50-1): Scheffler is more or less taken care of at this point, so let's add a little more excitement to this. Matsuyama thrives in two areas that will be heavily tested at Pinehurst: on the approach and around the green. The former Masters champion ranks No. 1 on the PGA Tour in strokes gained around the green and is among the leaders in proximity from 200 yards and bogey avoidance. He assuaged any concerns about his lack of reps since the Masters with a top-10 result last week at Memorial and has a strong US Open resume with a second-place finish in 2017 and a top-five finish in 2022.

Sleeper – Russell Henley (100-1): Six players can claim to rank in the top 20 in strokes gained on approach and strokes gained around the green over the past three months, and Henley is one of 'between them. Also among the sharpest drivers in the game, Henley will need to rely on the firm and fast conditions at Pinehurst and hopefully turn this par 70 into a slightly smaller stadium. For my money, he is the most underrated player in the game and he has two top 15 finishes in his last three US Opens to prove it.

Top 10 lock – Xander Schauffele: Back to the well with this one. He comes into the US Open with nine consecutive top 20 majors and that's all he's done in this championship alone. In seven US Open starts, Schauffele has six top 10s with his worst finish at the Country Club coming in the form of a T14 result. The tee-to-green match wasn't up to par for Jack, but that didn't matter and he still found a way to finish in the top 10 like he will this week.

Star Who Definitely Won't Win – Wyndham Clark: “Star” may be an exaggeration, but he's the world number 4 and the reigning US Open champion. Clark has been brutal in recent months, missing the cut at the Masters, the PGA Championship and most recently last week at the Memorial. Combine the lack of form with some additional commitments off the golf course, and I could see the reigning champion struggling again.

Scottie Scheffler vs. Xander Schauffele vs. Rory McIlroy: I'm going to side with the Official World Golf Ranking on this one and follow their order. It appears that Scheffler's floor at this point ranks in the top three, while Schauffele's floor ranks in the top 10. McIlroy plays good golf – make no mistake – but there are some gaps in his iron game that neither Scheffler nor Schauffele possess at the moment.

Tiger Woods vs. Phil Mickelson: At the start of the season, I thought this would be Tiger's best chance to at least show us something because Pinehurst is a golf course that requires mental strength as much as physical strength. A flat field that will play firm and fast, Pinehurst should be in Tiger's wheelhouse and should see him through the weekend. Meanwhile, Mickelson has been poor on LIV Golf and is a candidate to miss the cut.

Surprise Prediction – No First Major Winner: This may seem like a strange prediction, but the US Open has been the first major winner for the last five winners. Since 1973-78, that streak hasn't extended to six, and I don't think this year will end that drought. Schauffele's success at the PGA Championship obviously helps the cause, but there are potential concerns here with Viktor Hovland, Ludvigberg and Sahith Theegala.

Lowest round: 66 (-4) Winner's score: 278 (-2) Winner's Sunday score: 70 (E)

Who will win the US Open and which long shots will surprise the golf world? Visit SportsLine to see the projected U.S. Open leaderboard, all from the model that has won 12 golf majors, including the last three Masters and the 2024 PGA Championship.




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