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American university professor recounts stabbing attack in China

American university professor recounts stabbing attack in China


HONG KONG An American university professor has given the first personal account of a knife attack in China that left him and several others injured.

David Zabner said he and three colleagues from Cornell College, a private liberal arts college in Mount Vernon, Iowa, were leaving a public park in the northeastern Chinese city of Jilin on Monday when he heard a cry.

I turned around and saw a man brandishing a knife at me. “I didn't immediately realize that was what was happening, I thought my colleagues had been pushed around,” Zabner told Iowa Public Radio from a hospital in Jilin.

Then I looked at my shoulder and realized: I was bleeding, I was stabbed.

David Zabner was among four instructors at a small Iowa college who were injured in a knife attack in Jilin, China. Courtesy of Rep. Adam Zabner

Jilin police said Tuesday that a man named Cui, 55, was arrested Monday in connection with the attack. They said he collided with a foreign national while walking in Beishan Park, stabbing a total of four foreign nationals as well as a Chinese national who tried to stop him.

The police told us he was unemployed and down on his luck, and that someone in our group had come across him, Zabner said. And he decided to respond in kind.

None of the victims had life-threatening injuries, police said. Zabner said he was stabbed in the arm six inches below his shoulder and paramedics arrived after about 20 minutes.

Injured people lying on the ground after Monday's attack at Beishan Park.via

U.S. Consul General Sara Yun said she went to Jilin Hospital on Wednesday to visit the injured instructors, three U.S. citizens and a noncitizen Iowa resident, and was impressed by their resilience.

All of us at the U.S. Consulate General in Shenyang will continue to do everything we can to help them get the support they need to recover and return home to Iowa as soon as possible, she said. declared in a press release.

Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, R-Iowa, said she spoke with the Zabners family in Iowa City, which is part of her district. She said Zabner was doing well and was likely able to travel and return to the United States, while the other two Americans were in more critical condition after undergoing surgery.

They are in intensive care, but they are stable and talking with family members, she told NBC News.

The instructors were in China as part of a joint program with Beihua University established in 2018. Zabner, a Tufts University graduate student and Cornell College alumnus, previously participated in the program in November 2019, when he taught computer science. science lessons.

I was really excited to be able to see it in summer, he said of Jilin, where winters are extremely cold.

On Monday, a public holiday in China, Zabner and his colleagues decided to visit Beishan Park, a hilly green space in central Jilin that is home to several ancient temples.

There's a great view of the city from the top, he said.

Violent crimes against foreigners are rare in China, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the world. China's Foreign Ministry said Tuesday that the attack appeared to be an isolated incident and was still under investigation.

Chinese state media initially remained silent on the attack, discussion of which also appeared to be tightly controlled on China's heavily censored social media platforms. This comes as the United States and China attempt to improve their relations, including people-to-people exchanges.

Some online commentators have expressed concern about how this could affect China's reputation.

There are many videos online showing how safe China is, and now this beautiful image of China has been ruined by this attacker, said a user on social media platform Weibo.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said Tuesday that the stabbing would not affect the normal flow of cultural exchanges between the United States and China.

China is recognized as one of the safest countries in the world, he said. China has always taken and will continue to take effective measures to ensure the safety of all foreigners in the country.

Jennifer Jett

Rae Wang, Frank Thorp V and Janis Mackey Frayer contributed.




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