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Why is no one talking about Brexit in the UK election? | Brexit

Why is no one talking about Brexit in the UK election?  |  Brexit


Getting Brexit done was a promise repeated ad nauseam that helped Boris Johnson's Conservatives secure a landslide victory in the 2019 British election. But four-and-a-half years later, a topic that has long been a defining issue in British politics was barely addressed in this summer's campaign.

Labor MP Keir Starmer, who is 20 percentage points ahead in the poll average, has said little about Britain's relationship with the European Union, to the point where he had to deny in a recent interview that he was afraid to talk about the issue.

Labor is keen to see no major changes to Britain's status outside the EU, but Starmer said he was determined to build a closer and better relationship with the 27-nation bloc, accusing Johnson of rushing to seal a failed deal while leaving the EU.

Anand Menon, director of the British think tank Transforming Europe, said: If you're so far ahead, why change when everything you're doing is working?

Starmer feels vulnerable to attack as a former Remainer and opponent of Brexit, and there is an underlying anxiety about Labor as it needs to hold on to pro-Brexit voters.

The Brexit referendum was held in June 2016, with a narrow 52% vote in favor of leaving the EU, but there was no clear plan for implementing Brexit. This sparked a period of political turmoil as Johnson took control of the Conservative Party and won the 2019 election.

Ahead of that vote, Starmer, who was the party's Brexit spokesman at the time, urged Labor to support a second referendum, saying we would campaign for Remain. But the topic was suppressed because Johnson's election victory was so strong and because it was so important for Labor to win back Conservative votes among Brexit supporters.

As Menon explains, the silent Brexit omert goes further. Chancellor Rishi Sunak was also reluctant to talk about Brexit. This is partly a response to the fact that the number of Britons who believe leaving the EU is a good idea is falling amid repeated narratives highlighting transition problems.

This week, an Italian lorry driver said he was made to wait 55 hours by border officials in Kent and had 10 of his trucks full of plants inspected over fears they were pests. Full post-Brexit controls on plant and animal imports only came into force at the end of April, one of dozens of changes that have affected cross-border businesses.

Meanwhile, the Conservatives have little to say about their Brexit success. Joe Twyman, founder of polling firm Deltapoll, said: When respondents were asked last year to name specific benefits of Brexit, only one in 10 could name a specific benefit for the country and only one in 20 could name a specific benefit. Tell them what the specific benefits are for them and their families.

Sunak supported Brexit in 2016 but was noticeably unenthusiastic. He produced a tame video during his campaign to become leader of the Conservative Party in 2022. The video showed a man tearing a piece of paper with EU legislation to shreds and weakly promising to keep Brexit in place. safe.

Sunak did not enter politics to talk about Brexit or immigration and has never really agreed on either, said James Starkey, a member of the main pro-Brexit organization and an adviser to three Conservative cabinet ministers. Many Conservative policies on both issues have not really succeeded, and Labor's reluctance to highlight either issue makes it feel like both parties are committed to not talking about either topic.

Complicating the situation for the Conservatives is right-wing populist Nigel Farage, who is one of the politicians keen to talk about Brexit but also criticize the government's record. Farage said at the campaign launch last week that Sunaks' party had presided over a massive betrayal of the 17.4 million people who voted for Brexit. Because it has not led to a sharp decline in immigration.

But British voters are focused on the economy, which has been rebranded as a cost-of-living crisis in the UK. Soaring inflation has dominated the last four-and-a-half years of Conservative rule, reaching 11% in 2022, levels not seen since the early 1980s, and mortgage rates falling during the 49-day prime ministership of Johnson's successor, Liz Truss. Costs have skyrocketed. Announced a series of unfunded tax cuts.

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Economists estimate that leaving the EU would have taken a 2-3% hit to the UK's overall gross domestic product (GDP). We need another divisive referendum.

Even the Liberal Democrats, Britain's third-largest party and traditionally the most ardently pro-European, rarely mention Brexit. This week, the party published a policy statement highlighting its pledge to invest more in British health services, a sharp contrast to 2019 when it pledged to overturn the Brexit vote result. The Liberal Democrats ultimately performed poorly, winning only 11 seats out of 650.

Some want Labor to be bolder in promising to move closer to the EU because it is so far ahead.

Tom Baldwin, a former communications director and anti-Brexit campaigner, pointed to a quieter Labor commitment set out by David Lammy, Labour's foreign affairs spokesman. He wants to negotiate a security deal with the EU, which could extend to economic and climate security, but it is unclear what that means in practice.

But perhaps the most important issue underpinning the Brexit silence is voter fatigue. Johnson's victory in 2019 was based in part on extreme fatigue from the issue that has dominated media coverage over the past three years. This is especially so because the elections held after the 2017 Brexit vote resulted in a parliament being formed without a majority from any single party.

Menon said that when you mention Brexit in focus groups, the biggest reaction you get from voters is yawns and eye rolls.




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