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US Open picks, predictions, odds and best bets for No. 2 Pinehurst

US Open picks, predictions, odds and best bets for No. 2 Pinehurst


The US Open is considered one of the toughest tests for the world's best golfers each year, and the 124th edition certainly lives up to that reputation. Pinehurst No. 2 hosts for the fourth time and first in a decade, starting Thursday.

Adding a wrinkle to your US Open picks: Scottie Scheffler is once again one of the big favorites in the latest US Open odds on golf betting sites, and one of the biggest favorites in major golf history. His odds of winning are +280; Xander Schauffele is next on the board at +1000.

Rory McIlroy (+1100), Colin Morikawa (+1400) and Viktor Hovland (+1800) round out the Top 5, with LIV Tour golfers Bryson DeChambeau and Brooks Koepka each at +2000.

These US Open winning odds provide plenty of options when selecting our experts for US Open betting because chasing value is always the name of the game when betting on sports betting apps.

US Open Picks and Odds to Back Xander Schauffele to Win (+1000 at BetMGM)

Golfers who cannot hit straight off the tee at Pinehurst will not be successful. Competitors must do so, be prepared to work the green due to the sloping nature of several putting areas, and they will also be required to score points using the putter. Only one golfer ranks in the Top 26 in terms of hitting accuracy, scrambling and strokes gained: putting.

Scheffler is certainly the favorite for a reason, but Xanders' odds offer much more bang for your buck when making your U.S. Open golf picks, and he can be had at +1,000 at BetMGM, where bonus code BetMGM is offering a first bet offer of $1,500. . This is one of the best US Open betting promotions available.

Xander Schauffele Top-10 (+110 at DraftKings)

Schauffele has just one win all year at the PGA Championship. But he is a full-time resident of the Top 10, finishing there in six of the last seven tournaments and in 77% of all tournaments this year. This includes all majors and the Players Championship. He has the game and the courage to do it once again here.

Well, make it one of our best US Open bets, available at +110 to finish in the Top 10 at most online sportsbooks, including DraftKings.

Tommy Fleetwood finishes in the top 20 (+140 at the Césars)

Fleetwood has hovered around 20th in the majority of his events, missing just one cut with four Top 10 finishes. Over the last six events, he has two Top 10s (including third at the Masters) and finishes 20th, 21st and 26th. on the last three. Fleetwood ranks No. 3 in driving accuracy and No. 10 in scrambling, and putting is pretty good.

Well, make it one of our US Open picks to make the Top 20, but a Top 10 finish at +320 is also attractive at Caesars, where the Caesars Sportsbook promo code offers a deal of $1,000 first bet bonus.

Denny McCarthy finishes in the top 20 (+330 at DraftKings)

There are several golfers in the field who may not always be in contention at typical PGA Tour stops, but whose game fits Pinehurst very well. McCarthy is one of them. He is top 5 in putting and scrambling and a respectable 51st in driving accuracy.

McCarthy has made 13 of 15 cuts in 2024. We're going big with a top 20 here, of which he only has two all year. Those two wins came in his last six events, and he finished sixth and second.

Top 30: Russell Henley Top-30 (+140 at FanDuel)

Another horse on the course, Henley ranks well in all key measurables for Pinehurst and he plays well overall, finishing 27th or better in four straight tournaments, including at the Memorial and the PGA Championship.

When he feels it, he is very competitive, with three fourth places. He should feel comfortable here. And so do we with our US Open picks, taking it to FanDuel, which features one of the best sports betting promotions around.

US Open DFS Picks

For those of you who don't live in states that are legal for sports betting, or just like to make picks for the DFS US Open, these are ours.

$10,000 or more

Xander Schauffele ($11,500) ranks third in the standings behind Scheffler ($13,000!) and Rory McIlroy ($12,100). Scheffler is just too expensive, and while I expect Rory to put up a fight, Alex is the lineup's favorite big dog.

$8,000 to $9,999

Ludvig Aberg ($9,600) has finished outside the Top 25 just once since January. If ever there was a plug-and-play upper-midrange golfer, Aberg was it.

Tommy Fleetwood ($8,500) is the reliable Tier 2 guy, someone we can count on to make a cut, be in the Top 20 through the weekend and hang around on Sunday.

$7,999 – Less

Jason Day ($7,500) hasn't been consistent, but that's his type of run, and he's only missed one cut in his last 11 tournaments.

Russell Henley ($6,900) has only missed one cut this year, is playing top-30 golf and has the right stats to merit high expectations, higher than that price suggests.

Denny McCarthy ($6,700) will be included in all my lineups as a big dark horse with the game to make a while. He may not win, but he should qualify and compete for a Top 40 spot, hopefully higher up.

Billy Horschel ($6,600) is good on this type of course and is finding his form, finishing outside the Top 25 just once in his last five events. That includes a victory in Punta Cana, which earns him a spot among our US Open expert picks for DFS.

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