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Jon Rahm withdraws from US Open due to mysterious toe injury

Jon Rahm withdraws from US Open due to mysterious toe injury


By: James Colgan June 11, 2024

Jon Rahm returned from the US Open on Tuesday afternoon.

Getty Images

PINEHURST, N.C. What afflicted Jon Rahm Tuesday at the U.S. Open was no secret.

Not his head, not his shoulders, not his knees, but his toes.

Rahm was spotted all over Pinehurst No. 2 as a cool Tuesday morning turned into a scorching afternoon, sporting what might charitably be called the most unusual shoe arrangement of the day: a shoe golf on one foot, flip-flops on the other. Sparing a rather gnarly sock tan, the sandaled foot was unaffected, save for a single, large bandage between Rahm's two smallest toes. The problem area was small, but Rahm's limp was not. Something was wrong.

Early Tuesday evening, we learned just how much. Rahm withdrew from the US Open due to his injury, sharing the information via a statement on his social media channel.

“After consulting with numerous doctors and my team, I have decided that it is best for my long term health (sic) to withdraw from this week's US Open Championship,” Rahm wrote. “To say I’m disappointed is an understatement! I wish all my peers good luck and want to thank all the USGA staff, volunteers and the Pinehurst community for hosting and organizing what I am sure will be an incredible championship! Hopefully I'll be back in action as soon as possible!

After consulting with numerous doctors and my team, I have decided that it is best for my long-term health to withdraw from this week's US Open Championship. To say I'm disappointed is an understatement! I wish all my peers good luck and want to thank everyone at the USGA.

– Jon Rahm Rodriguez (@JonRahmOfficial) June 11, 2024

The cause of WD is officially a toe injury. Specifically, according to Rahm's press conference Tuesday morning, a “lesion” between his fourth and little toes that was infected during last week's LIV golf tournament in Houston. Rahm also came out of that event after a numbing injection taken before the start of play to keep him from pain, he said, which left him in agony on the second hole.

“I don’t know how or what happened, but he got infected,” Rahm said. “The pain was intense.”

He arrived at Pinehurst with just one shoe on the advice of his medical team, who urged him to keep the area dry before the game started, lest he risk reinfection. As of Tuesday afternoon, Rahm still hadn't set foot on the course as he did his best to let his toe heal.

He was more concise than usual during Tuesday morning's press conference, particularly when asked about the injury.

“Oh, that’s concerning,” he said shortly. “It’s getting better, but it’s definitely still painful.”

Rahm's appearance in the press box Tuesday morning indicated to many that he would compete at the U.S. Open, home of his first major championship victory at Torrey Pines in 2021. But as he spoke longer, it became clear that this was far from a certainty. .

“Could I have dragged myself out there and posted some sort of score? Yeah. But I was getting to a point where I wasn't making the swings I wanted to make, and I could have injured other parts of my swing just from the pain,” he said of his WD in Houston, before taking a break.

“As for this week, I don’t know.”

By Tuesday night, Rahm had seen enough. He withdrew from the US Open shortly after 5 p.m. local time, opening a spot for Jackson Suber, a 24-year-old Korn Ferry Tour pro from Tampa, Florida.

Rahm's WD marked the final chapter of a frustrating 2024 for the two-time major champion. Rahm recorded top-10s by handfuls on LIV, his new home tour, but also finished T45 at the Masters and missed the cut at the PGA Championship.

Now, thanks to one of the most bizarre injuries in recent major championship history, he will return home from Pinehurst without even arriving on Thursday.

James Colgan Editor

James Colgan is News and Features Editor at GOLF, writing articles for the website and magazine. He manages Hot Mic, GOLF's media vertical, and uses his on-camera experience across all of the brand's platforms. Prior to joining GOLF, James graduated from Syracuse University, during which time he served as a caddying fellow (and trick looper) on Long Island, where he is originally from. He can be contacted at [email protected].




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