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Biden, Zelensky to sign 10-year US-Ukraine security deal at G7 summit

Biden, Zelensky to sign 10-year US-Ukraine security deal at G7 summit


President Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky plan to sign a 10-year security agreement on Thursday that will commit Washington to providing Kiev with a broad range of military assistance, national security adviser Jake Sullivan said, aiming to strengthen Ukraine's struggle against Russia.

The deal aims to commit future U.S. administrations to supporting Ukraine even if former President Donald Trump wins the November election, officials said. This will be part of a long-term U.S. effort to help grow Ukraine's armed forces, which have innovated drone warfare and other cutting-edge techniques in the fight against Russia but are also desperately under-armed and in need of modern weapons. weapons.

Officials said they hoped the deal would transcend political divisions in the United States, but acknowledged that Trump or any future president could withdraw from the legally binding executive agreement because it is not about a treaty and will not be ratified by Congress. Nor does he make any new commitments regarding Ukraine's prospects of joining the NATO defense alliance, which remain distant.

“We want to demonstrate that the United States supports the Ukrainian people, that we stand with them and that they will continue to help meet their security needs, not only tomorrow but also into the future,” Sullivan said to reporters on Air Force One as the president flew to a summit of Group of Seven leaders in the Puglia region of southern Italy.

Washington will strengthen Ukraine's credible defense and deterrence capacity, Sullivan said. If [Russian President] Vladimir Putin thinks he can survive the coalition supporting Ukraine, but he is wrong.

With Trump leading Biden in many election polls, the future of the deal remains uncertain. Trump has at times expressed skepticism about continuing the fight in Ukraine, saying at one point he would end the war between Russia and Ukraine within 24 hours, and he has pushed Europe to take more responsibility the burden of supporting Kiev. But he also finally agreed to Congress passing aid to Ukraine this spring.

The deal comes after months of negotiations that began in August last year, the month after a NATO summit at which the Biden administration was among the most reluctant to offer Ukraine a fast track to alliance membership. Officials have instead proposed a series of bilateral security agreements as a way to create a different form of organized and binding long-term support for kyiv.

However, shortly after negotiations began, billions of dollars in short-term military aid that the United States is sending to Ukraine became blocked in Congress as skeptical House Republicans delayed the approval of new financing until April, a seven-month period that suspended discussions. about the 10-year contract. U.S. officials believed it made little sense to talk about long-term commitments to Ukraine when they were unable to muster support for the immediate fight.

Biden will join 15 other countries on Thursday that have signed bilateral deals with Ukraine, including Britain, France, Germany and Italy. Sixteen other countries have committed to similar agreements. Officials expect countries to coordinate how they implement their aid pledges, potentially starting at the NATO leaders' summit in Washington next month, even if all countries signed an agreement with kyiv are not members of this alliance.

The deal does not commit Washington to providing troops to defend Ukraine if it is attacked, contrary to NATO's one-for-one, one-for-all mutual defense pledges, an administration official said. speaking like others on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive issues. details of the agreement before they are made public. There is also no dollar amount attached to the support Washington will provide to Ukraine.

But he commits the United States to holding high-level consultations with kyiv within 24 hours if Ukraine is attacked again in the future, and he promises that the American president will work with Congress to implement the agreements security, the official said.

The United States will also continue to train Ukraine's military, deepen cooperation on defense industrial production, and share more intelligence than currently. And it will try to help strengthen Ukraine's long-term deterrent power in different domains, including air, maritime and cyber, people familiar with the deal said.

It's about moving the planning cycle from just fighting the current war to thinking in a much broader perspective about deterrence and defense, said Eric Ciaramella, a former White House official who is now a member of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

That's not the end of the story, he said. There will be ways to strengthen these agreements over time, including coordination with allies.




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