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Let’s make the UK a clean energy superpower – Labor Party

Let’s make the UK a clean energy superpower – Labor Party


The climate and nature crisis is the biggest long-term global challenge we face. The clean energy transition represents a huge opportunity to generate growth, tackle the cost-of-living crisis and make the UK energy independent once again. That's why clean energy by 2030 is Labour's second priority.

The Conservatives failed to seize the opportunity in this area for two related reasons. First, because they simply do not accept that economic growth, energy security, lower rates and addressing climate change can be complementary. Second, it is ideologically opposed to using the role of the state, including public investment, to guarantee it.

The harmful effects of the confusing plasterboard policy that has continued for 14 years were revealed when President Putin invaded Ukraine. Fossil fuel energy prices have soared in international markets. The Conservatives' ban on new onshore wind, failure to build new nuclear power plants and decision to stop investing in home insulation have left British households with some of the highest energy bills in Europe. That's just one way we pay the price. While countries around the world are competing to secure the jobs and wealth that the transition will provide, the UK is losing out.

But it's not too late to stop confusing yourself and turn the page.

We have enormous untapped advantages: long coastlines, strong winds, shallow waters, universities, and a skilled maritime workforce, combined with vast technological and engineering capabilities. With a serious industrial strategy and real partnerships between the public and private sectors, we can make the UK a clean energy superpower.

Labor will take decisive action to seize this economic opportunity. We will create markets and raise private funds through public investment. Central to our approach is our Green Prosperity Plan, which invests in the industries of the future through partnerships with businesses through the National Wealth Fund. Our plan will create 650,000 jobs across the country by 2030.

We will end the Conservative Party's confusing policy changes, boost energy security by harnessing clean power and invest in upgrading home insulation. We will save families hundreds of pounds on their bills, not just in the short term but forever.

We will provide leadership at home to influence other nations so that every nation can do its part to fulfill our collective obligation to future generations.

At home, it will also tackle the Conservative Party's nature emergency, including the unforgivable pollution of our rivers and seas. We will improve access to nature, promote biodiversity and protect our landscapes and wildlife.

Labor understands the way forward. We have been clear that this transition provides an opportunity to create good jobs and support good-paying jobs in existing and future industries without alienating communities. Conservatives propose an alternative path. denial of reality; delay in action; increasing costs in the UK; It exposes us to anxiety. And you don't get the jobs of the future. They tried this confusing approach in the 1970s and 80s, and communities are still scarred by what happened. This is the choice facing Britain.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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