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Reform UK overtakes Conservatives in new opinion poll, dealing new blow to Rishi Sunak | political news

Reform UK overtakes Conservatives in new opinion poll, dealing new blow to Rishi Sunak |  political news


Nigel Farage has declared Reform England the “party against Labour” after the party overtook the Conservatives for the first time in a new opinion poll.

In a new blow to embattled Chancellor Rishi Sunak, a YouGov survey for The Times found Reform UK backed by 19% and the Conservatives by 18%.

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The results came just ahead of an ITV debate between senior figures from the seven main political parties.

Mr Farage wasted no time praising the poll, saying in his opening statement: “Right before we went on air we were ahead of the Conservatives in a national poll.

“We are now against Labor.”

The poll was conducted after Chancellor Sunak unveiled a £17 billion tax cut package in the Conservative manifesto earlier this week.

Reform rose by two points, while Labour, the Lib Dems and the Greens all fell by one point.

Here are the full results:

Labor: 37% (-1) Reform: 19% (+2) Conservative: 18% (nc) Liberal Democrats: 14% (-1) Greens: 7% (-1) SNP: 3% (+1) Plaid Cymru: 1% (nc)Others: 2% (+1)

Farage wastes no time in praising the poll breakthrough.

john craig

Chief Political Correspondent

@John Craig

The first statement from the ITV leaders' debate was very short but spoke volumes.

As expected, Nigel Farage wasted no time in praising Reform UK for the shock poll just minutes before kick-off which put Reform UK ahead of the Conservatives.

“We are now the opponents of the Labor Party,” he declared, boasting that he had wanted to trumpet it to the loudest for weeks as support for his party had grown steadily higher during the campaign.

And Penny Mordaunt has put it on notice that she will attack Labor on taxes, claiming in the debate that Labor will talk about cutting taxes and Labor raising taxes.

Sky News polling analyst Will Jennings said the YouGov poll “represents a moment of great danger for the Conservatives”.

“Because of their constituency, Reform is not expected to win many seats, but it could still cost the Conservatives a win in narrowly contested seats nationally,” he said.

“In many places this will make a difference between constituencies electing Conservative or Labor MPs.”

A Reform UK spokesman said: “One poll doesn’t make an election, but it’s clear that the Conservative Party is as broken as it has broken the country.

“Labour will win right now, but their only real opponent is Reform.

“People who are thinking of voting Conservative out of misplaced loyalty should think again. They can and should vote for a party that has the energy and imagination to challenge Labor hegemony.”

After announcing his shock return to politics last week, Mr Farage made clear his plans to replace the official opposition Conservative Party if Labor wins in the landslide victory currently predicted by opinion polls.

He ruled out striking a deal with the Conservatives after Tory lawmaker Suela Braverman said the Conservatives should embrace the former UKIP leader because “there really isn't much difference between him and a lot of the policies we support”.

The poll is further bad news for Mr Sunak, who has struggled to bounce back from last week's D-Day mistakes.

Read more on Sky News. The Tories promise to fund 8,000 extra police officers by increasing visa costs.

The prime minister has repeatedly apologized for not attending international events attended by U.S. President Joe Biden and others to mark the allied landings, but he continues to face backlash from rivals, veterans and some within his own party.

The level of outrage was such that he was forced to resign while publishing his manifesto and quash rumors that he might admit “people are frustrated with me”.

The policy document includes promises including a further 2p cut to National Insurance (NI), new tax cuts for pensioners and a complete abolition of NI for the self-employed.

But it failed to turn the dial on Mr Sunak, who was already 20% behind Labor when he decided to call a July 4 election.




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