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FACT SHEET: U.S.-Ukraine Bilateral Security Agreement

FACT SHEET: U.S.-Ukraine Bilateral Security Agreement


On June 13, 2024, President Biden and Ukrainian President Zelensky signed a historic bilateral security agreement between the United States and Ukraine, reflecting the close partnership between our two democracies. Today, the United States is sending a strong signal of its strong support for Ukraine now and in the future. Through this agreement, the United States will work with our partners to strengthen Ukraine's ability to defend itself now and deter future aggression. In doing so, we will strengthen Ukraine's security, which is essential to European and American security.

More than two years after Russia's brutal and unprovoked attack on Ukraine, President Biden today unequivocally declares that the United States and its partners will stand with Ukraine in its fight for freedom and for the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.

With the signing of this 10-year agreement, the United States and Ukraine will work together to:

Build and maintain a credible defense and deterrence capability of Ukraine. The agreement presents a vision of a strong, sustainable and resilient future Ukrainian force. The United States and Ukraine will deepen their security and defense cooperation and work closely with Ukraine's extensive network of security partners. We will support all of Ukraine's current defensive needs now and in the long term, helping Ukraine win the war and strengthening its deterrence capabilities against future threats. Together, we will expand intelligence sharing, strengthen interoperability between our militaries in accordance with NATO standards, and work with our allies and partners to position Ukraine as a long-term contributor to European security. Strengthen Ukraine's ability to continue its fight over the long term, including by building on efforts to strengthen Ukraine's defense industrial base and supporting its economic recovery and energy security. Accelerate Ukraine's Euro-Atlantic integration, including through Ukraine's implementation of reforms to its democratic, economic and security institutions, in line with its EU membership objectives and reform agenda of NATO. Achieve a just peace that respects Ukraine's rights under international law, that enjoys broad global support, that respects key principles of the United Nations Charter, including sovereignty and territorial integrity, and which includes responsibility for Russia's actions. Consult at the highest levels in the event of a Russian armed attack on Ukraine to determine appropriate and necessary measures to support Ukraine and impose costs on Russia.

This agreement, together with the mutually reinforcing security agreements and arrangements that Ukraine signed with a broad network of partners under the G7 Joint Declaration of Support for Ukraine, constitutes a key part of the bridge of Ukraine towards NATO membership. As President Biden said in Vilnius last year and as NATO allies have agreed, Ukraine's future lies in NATO. We are not waiting for the NATO process to be completed to make long-term commitments to Ukraine's security, to address the immediate threats it faces and to deter any aggression that may arise .

The United States will continue to work with a broad coalition of allies and partners to continue to impose costs on the Russian Federation as long as its aggression against Ukraine continues.

In 2024, the US Congress allocated $61 billion to respond to the war in Ukraine, in a bipartisan show of support for Ukraine. To achieve the goals set forth in this agreement and its accompanying annex, the Biden Administration will work closely with the U.S. Congress to build on the national security supplement and develop sustainable levels of assistance to the Ukraine in the long term. We will continue to work with our allies and partners, including the 15 other countries that have already concluded their own bilateral security agreements and the 16 other countries that are negotiating agreements with Ukraine, to maintain a balanced distribution of responsibilities and sharing of the burden in order to meet the capabilities necessary for the future Ukrainian force.

Today we are sending the clearest message possible: the United States stands with the people of Ukraine as they defend their freedom and democracy. Ukraine can count on the enduring strength of the U.S.-Ukrainian partnership.





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