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Dutch truckers could stop bringing goods into the UK if delays do not reduce after Brexit | Brexit

Dutch truckers could stop bringing goods into the UK if delays do not reduce after Brexit |  Brexit


The largest trade body for Dutch hauliers has warned that truck driver jobs transporting goods from continental Europe to the UK could be rejected if delays at border checkpoints are reduced and driver conditions are not improved after Brexit.

Transport en Logistiek Nederland (TLN), which represents 5,000 Dutch transport companies, said new checks brought in after the UK left the EU were leading to waits in the UK of more than four hours on average, with some being held up at the border. You can post for up to 20 hours.

The report described the facilities where drivers had to wait as leaving much to be desired and said most border facilities only provided water and had no place for drivers to get food or drink.

In a four-page report summarizing driver experiences and shared with the Guardian, the association said: We are increasingly receiving reports from hauliers that drivers no longer want to drive to the UK unless the situation improves.

The report lists a series of problems experienced by Dutch trucking companies and drivers since the government implemented border checks for animal and plant products on April 30.

The checks, carried out to prevent the disease from entering the UK, take place at designated border control points near ports such as Killingholme, Harwich and Felixstowe. The largest is the inland government-run facility at Sevington, Ashford, which services the Port of Dover despite being 22 miles away.

TLN has raised concerns about the delays and poor conditions that greet drivers at these points and urged the UK government and port authorities to provide good and decent facilities for drivers.

Dutch hauliers say only water is provided in the waiting area at Sevington border control and there is no place for drivers to get food or drink. Photo: TLN

Elmer de Bruin, International Affairs Manager at TLN, said: “Sometimes these drivers are stuck in a waiting room that is just a few square meters and there is nothing there, just some water and not even a cup of coffee.

Drivers who normally enjoy coming to the UK will say that if we continue to experience these waiting times, treatment and facilities. [in the UK]It may happen that these drivers think, 'If there is a major driver shortage, I can start with a new company.'

Earlier this week, the Guardian reported that an Italian lorry driver was held captive at the Sevington border post for 55 hours and told to walk to the nearest McDonald's more than a mile away to eat.

The TLN report also highlighted a number of other problems with border procedures, including a report from a Dutch shipping company that thousands of pounds of plant imports were damaged due to careless handling by port personnel when loading and unloading the goods.

A Dutch transporter said thousands of pounds of plant imports were damaged during loading and unloading at a border post. Photo: TLN

In one case, a TLN member said 40,000 (34,000) units of plant product were rejected by a UK customer due to damage incurred during postal loading and unloading.

The Netherlands was the UK's third largest import trading partner last year, with more than 65 billion goods transported. One of the largest product categories moved from the Netherlands to the UK is plants and cut flowers, with imports of these products reaching $2.1 billion in the first three months of 2024.

TLN called for better training for loading inspectors and border staff, and for drivers to be allowed to assist and instruct port staff on the best way to unload and load trucks.

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The report also called for more transparency from private border control operators about when inspections are conducted. The company claimed it would often receive checks for $300 to $800 at privately run border posts, but had no information about which checks were made.

The group said it had no problem with Brexit changes but was seeking talks with the UK government to improve borders.

Dutch hauliers said they were seeking talks with the British government to explore improvements to border controls. Photograph: Gareth Fuller/PA

De Bruin said: We are not opposed to the new border model, we respect it, but we want to improve the supply chain because ultimately it is for the UK consumer.

From what we are being told, there is no denying that if this continues, prices will rise in the UK. Because we suffer a lot of damage and loss, and because we have to wait, someone has to bear the cost. costs.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said it has been working closely with traders to ensure inspections are completed efficiently and effectively to avoid delays, and inspectors are trained and equipped to ensure goods are handled carefully and in accordance with standard operating procedures.

Standard practice is to provide water and toilets but not food, he said, adding that their role is to carry out checks and guide drivers through the process as quickly and efficiently as possible.

A spokesperson for the British Ports Association said: “Most border control posts must be built and operated by ports, but inspections are carried out by government agencies.”

We share some of the frustrations felt by hauliers and traders about the new process and the way the government has implemented it. Governments must ensure that border agencies have the resources they need to achieve their goals of completing border checks quickly.




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