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AI candidate running for British Parliament says AI could humanize politics

AI candidate running for British Parliament says AI could humanize politics


An artificial intelligence candidate has appeared on the British general election ballot next month.

AI Steve, represented by Sussex businessman Steve Endacott, is running to represent the Brighton Pavilion constituency in Brighton and Hove, a city on the south coast of England. It will appear on the ballot alongside AI candidates.

AI Steve is the AI ​​co-pilot, Endacott said in an interview. I am a real politician in parliament, but I am controlled by a co-pilot.

Endacott is the president of Neural Voice, a company that creates custom voice assistants for businesses in the form of AI avatars. Neural Voice's technology is behind AI Steve, one of seven characters the company created to showcase its technology.

He said the idea is to use AI to create politicians who can always talk to voters and take their views into account.

People can ask AI Steve questions or share opinions about Endacott's policies on the website, while a large-scale language model provides answers in voice and text based on a database of information about his party's policies.

If there is no policy on the specific issue raised, AI will conduct internet research before engaging voters and generating policy proposals.

When asked about his position on Brexit, Steve, a public AI, told NBC News: As a democracy, Britain decided to leave. Views on the matter.

What are your thoughts on how to manage Brexit going forward? Added.

Screenshot of conversation between NBC News reporter and AI

Endacott said he is also looking for thousands of people he calls validators. Or the people he is targeting because he believes they represent residents of the Brighton area, particularly those with long commutes each day.

Once a week, they were asked to rate their policies from 1 to 10. And if the policy gets more than 50% approval, it will pass. And this is the party's official policy, he added. “On every single policy, I will say my decision is the voters’ decision. And I am connected to my constituents any time of the week through electronic means.

In 2022, Endacott failed to run in local elections as a member of the Conservative Party. He received less than 500 votes. The unusual nature of his candidacy this time sparked conversation at X over the weekend. News of AI Steve's launch leaked online, sparking around 1,000 AI proxy calls in one night.

According to the request, the top issues for voters so far (in order of importance) have been concerns about the safety of Palestinians, trash cans, bike lanes, immigration and abortion. Endacott pointed out that having an AI representative could, in a sense, respond to thousands of potential members per day.

I don't have to knock on their door or drag them out of bed when they don't want to talk to me, Endacott said. He said that while it is an old form of politics, people can now contact AI Steve at their own will and convenience.

Endacott describes himself as a centralist who aligns most closely with the Green Party. His political party, Smarter UK, is not registered in time for this year's election.

He said he does not use his AI avatar to further his business interests, as he owns less than 10% of AI Steve's platform, Neural River. His main motivation, he said, is to pressure governments to enact changes to reduce carbon emissions, whether by running for office or, at worst, using political influence.

If elected, AI Steve would be the first AI congressman to hold public office, but he is not the first to experiment with leveraging emerging technologies in elections. A Cheyenne, Wyoming, mayoral candidate reportedly said he would use an AI bot to make decisions on his behalf. And two years ago, a political party based on an AI-based platform was created in Denmark.

While the concept of AI politicians may seem silly to some and unsettling to others, Endacott said he wants to make it clear that his platform is no joke. He rejects the premise that AI will replace human politicians, arguing instead that the goal is to involve more humans in politics.

AI is not taking over the world. AI is used as a technological way to connect with voters and reinvent democracy. “You don’t vote for someone every four years.” You actually control the vote consistently, he said. In England it's very radical. Perhaps even more radical in the United States.




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