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A declaration has been issued. What do Labor and Conservatives say about Europe? – Urative

A declaration has been issued.  What do Labor and Conservatives say about Europe?  – Urative


Britain's centre-left Labor Party published its manifesto today, June 13, under the one-word slogan: “Change”. They suggested that they would be the next government, with a 20 point lead. The parties view the UK-EU relationship.

When comparing Labor and Conservative 2024 manifestos with their 2019 manifestos, Europe is left out of the rankings. In both years, Labor mentioned the UK's relationship with the EU less than the Conservatives. This was significant because in 2019, former Prime Minister Boris Johnson campaigned to get Brexit done, while Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn maintained an ambiguous stance on the EU that did not sit well with most members of his party.

Labour’s silence on Europe in 2024 is deafening. Current leader Keir Starmer made no mention of the UK's relationship with the EU in his speech at the launch of the declaration.

This contrasts with Conservative leader Rishi Sunak, who has occasionally announced his intention to reap the expected benefits from Brexit.

The Conservative manifesto has very little on EU topics, especially compared to 2019, but there are several references to EU laws that Sunak would like to change. In comparison, the opposition manifesto put the EU as low on the agenda as possible. There are 2.5 paragraphs on page 115 of the chapter called “Britain Reconnected”. This makes sense as Sunak claims to be running a campaign of continuity, while Starmer aims to break with the past.

So what will they do against Europe?

On immigration, the issue that prompted Brexit, the Conservatives want to deport illegal immigrants to Rwanda to prevent future immigrants from entering the country. But Labour's manifesto branded the plan a “hoax” that would “already cost hundreds of millions of pounds”.

Their flagship immigration policy is the third of their top six priorities. [of] a new Border Security Command comprised of hundreds of specialized investigators; and [of] We need a counter-terrorism capability that can crush criminal boat gangs.”

Immigration policy has revealed additional differences in international law. “We have been forced to choose between our security and the jurisdiction of foreign courts, including the ECHR, and we will always choose our security,” Sunak said in Tuesday’s launch. This is also printed in his manifesto. However, Labor promised in its manifesto that “the UK will remain a member of the European Convention on Human Rights.”

Labor also said it would “break down unnecessary trade barriers”, hoping to reach a veterinary agreement to limit border checks. Secure mutual recognition of professional qualifications and “help touring artists.”

But those seeking something resembling a UK recommitment to European integration will be disappointed. Labour’s manifesto states that “the UK will leave the EU”. There is no room for integration through the backdoor, the declaration promises, “there will be no return to the single market, customs union or freedom of movement.”

The Conservatives said “they are committed to the EU settled status system and the rights it guarantees to EU citizens”, so no further changes are expected.

Cross-party agreement on military spending, Ukraine

The Conservatives are proud of their record on Ukraine after a full-scale Russian invasion in 2022. Boris Johnson was the fifth political leader to visit Kiev since Russia's full-scale invasion on February 24. They were followed by the Prime Ministers of Poland, Slovenia and the Czech Republic and the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Messola.

As the war progressed, Britain often took the lead in supplying strategic weapons to Ukraine, initially from anti-tank rocket launchers to long-range 'Storm Shadow' missiles, making it easy for its Western allies to follow suit.

Support for Ukraine is still ongoing, with promises in the party's manifesto to “ensure Ukraine the support it needs in the long term” and “build an international agreement to use immobilized Russian assets to support Ukraine.” G7 summit.

Labor gave a similar description of its commitment to Ukraine in its manifesto, adding that if elected Kiev would “play a leading role in providing Ukraine with a clear path to NATO membership”.

Elsewhere, the two parties remain broadly close on defense. Both have pledged to spend 2.5% of GDP on defense. Both men pledged to maintain Britain's 'Trident' nuclear deterrent. Labor also said it would “explore an ambitious new EU-UK security deal”.

The biggest difference in this regard is the Conservative Party's proposal to introduce a conscription system for those over 18 by passing the 'National Service Act'. Labor has never proposed such a policy. In his manifesto speech, Starmer said he was “sick of politicians lecturing young people about their responsibility to their country”. [the politicians] “Don’t take responsibility for the future.”

The UK election will be held on 4 July 2024. You can see each party's manifesto below.

[Edited by Rajnish Singh]

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