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British expats are casting a shadow over the Conservatives in the Spanish sun.

British expats are casting a shadow over the Conservatives in the Spanish sun.


Mediterranean twilight casts light on the rugged mountains of the Sierra de los Filabres as temperatures drop enough for Spaniards to venture outside. But about 70 Brits had already gathered for an hour of quiz night at a roadside bar. British singer Marie McDonald McLaughlin Lawrie asks the quiz host. By which name is it better known?

The contestants, with their boisterous mix of deep tans and bleached blonde hair, helped give the semi-desert town of Arboleas the uncanny distinction of being Spain's most British municipality. 53% of residents are British, the highest proportion in the UK. Changes to UK election law will allow record numbers of voters to cast their ballots in the July 4 general election. There is also a lot of hostility toward the Conservative Party.

They will get what they deserve, says Paul Baker, 65. He was kicked out. A member of the Conservative Party for most of his adult life, he resigned around the time the Conservative Party elected Boris Johnson as leader. He laments the dismal state of the British economy through his software company, whose clients include restaurants struggling with understaffing, inflated costs and insufficient demand.

Baker, who has transformed Hertfordshire into a dry rock landscape 30 miles from year-round sunshine and beaches, is more concerned with another issue: Rejoin. He said: Unfortunately, none of the major political parties are committed to canceling Brexit and returning to the EU. I actually sent an email to Keir Starmers' office asking why it doesn't include rejoining, or at least rejoining the customs union. he says If Labor did that I would be forced to vote Labor.

Quiz at New Bar International in Arboleas Charlie Bibby/FTThe semi-desert town is the most British municipality in Spain Charlie Bibby/FT

There are 2,300 Britons in Arboleas, almost 300,000 in Spain and millions more outside the UK. A change to the law earlier this year could potentially triple the impact on elections by repealing rules that disenfranchised people who have lived abroad for more than 15 years. The government estimates the changes will increase the pool of potential overseas voters from 1 million to about 3.3 million, but historically less than a fifth of those eligible have completed the registration.

Labor opposed the reforms, arguing they were creating loopholes that would allow tax haven billionaires to continue funneling money into Conservative coffers. It has long been assumed that people with the resources to immigrate will lean more to the right than to the left. The government argued that the law must be changed to ensure fairness. But anger over Brexit once turned Conservatives against the party.

The consequences of leaving the EU may still seem distant to some back home. But in Arboleas, a cluster of cream-colored villas and lemon groves in the Almera region, the British live in real life every day.

Bugbears include the need to obtain a Spanish driving license, a ban on importing prescription glasses from the UK and tariffs on everything else.

Brexit is truly a disaster. That's true, says Cliff Chilton, 74, a retired electrical contractor. When he ordered 20 books from England, Spanish authorities demanded a tariff of 40 to publish them. In response, he stopped shopping on It's easier to buy things from Chinese websites.

Over drinks at the New Trinidad bar, which costs $3 a drink and photos of World Cup winner Bobby Moore decorate the walls, Chilton said he has been a lifelong conservative but is undecided about how he will vote this time. said. Rishi Sunak is very clever, he says. But his premature exit from the D-Day commemorations showed he lacked backbone.

Cliff Chilton (left) has stopped buying from It's easier to buy things from Chinese websites. Charlie Bibby/FTExpats Charlie Bibby/FT enjoying a game at Indalo Bowling Club

The most dramatic impact of Brexit on Spain has been the way it has cornered Britons who have been living illegally without registering as residents, taking advantage of the difficulty of tracking them due to their unstamped EU passports. British visitors who are not EU citizens can now only stay for 90 days out of 180, making it difficult for those in the shadows to be forced to leave or obtain a visa.

To obtain permanent residency as a retiree, Britons must demonstrate they have approximately $28,000 in funds for up to five years. Andrea Hollings, director of Dream Homes estate agents in Arboleas, says to keep her money in the bank. Then the next year people tell me I don't have it anymore. I decorated the kitchen. So this is the house you go to.

Costa del Sol lawyer Michael Davies has had clients crying over Brexit. He said the biggest injustice of the referendum was that people who had left the UK for more than 15 years were disenfranchised. Probably 80-90% of them voted against Brexit. Now you can vote again, but it's too late.

Brits at Arboleas love its rustic charm and affordable prices. A three-bedroom home with a pool costs $250,000, while the same property by the ocean costs twice as much.

Real estate in Arboleas is much cheaper than in coastal towns. Charlie Bibby/FTTracy Fowler plans to vote for Sir Keir Starmers Labour. He's not my favorite person. But I think he's much better than Conservative Charlie Bibby/FT.

The Spanish sun cemented the feeling that the mother country offered a raw deal. Craig Baddeley, 51, a military veteran who now runs a swimming pool cleaning business, said the two-party duopoly had failed people. Given the choice between Sunak and Starmer, he wants neither. Nigel Farages' return to reform Britain is something I need to look into further, he says. I want to invest my money in outside opportunities because things can change. But I'm old enough to know that will never happen.

Badley moved to Spain just before Brexit took effect in early 2020 and voted for it in 2016. He said he had no regrets but was distressed to see asylum seekers being housed in former military bases and hotels. I don't think the reason I voted for Brexit was to look after Britain's coasts.

Cost of living is also important. He was surprised to discover that thanks to the solar panels on his home, his electricity bill in Spain never exceeded 4 per month. The weather isn't the only reason he leaves England. It's not all about busy roads. Because that amount was kicked out.

In Bar International's Quiz, Ayrshire's Tracy Fowler agreed. I still have children in England, but it's really difficult to live there.

After voting Labor all her life, she backed the Conservatives in 2019 because she couldn't stand Jeremy Corbyn. This time her vote will go to Starmer. He's not my favorite person. But I think he is much better than the Conservatives.

At least one thing about home gives the contestants some satisfaction. Marie McDonald McLaughlin Lawrie was right that she was better known as Lulu.

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