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Renew your US passport online. here's how

Renew your US passport online.  here's how


If you are a U.S. citizen, you may be able to renew your passport online now.

The updated online passport renewal system will be rolled out in beta over the coming months, the U.S. State Department said. The ministry said it was preparing for the official launch of the updated system, but did not give a timetable for its full implementation. The beta version launched on Wednesday. Travelers who submit their application online will not be able to travel internationally for at least eight weeks from the date they submit a renewal application due to the beta status of the system.

President Biden signed an executive order in 2021 to allow online passport renewals as part of pandemic recovery efforts; but when the program rolled out in 2022, it was temporarily paused until now.

Here's everything you need to know about the new process.

Who is eligible?

The ministry said people wishing to renew their passport online must meet several different requirements, including that their passport has been valid for 10 years (issued between 2009 and 2015), that they are aged 25 or over and that they are they do not change their name. sex or place of birth.

See the full list of requirements, here. If you do not meet these requirements, you can renew your passport by mail or in person at a passport agency or center, the ministry said.

Read more: How long does it take to get a passport? Here's what you need to know

When can I submit my application?

The online system will only be open during a limited window each day at 1 p.m. Eastern Time, a department spokesperson said in a statement to TIME. The spokesperson, however, said this timeline could change as the ministry monitors the performance of the systems.

The ministry has warned that you may not be able to start your application on the day of your choosing; the system will shut down once the daily application threshold is reached. The department did not specify what the threshold is, but a spokesperson told TIME it is a limited number that would gradually increase over time so the department can track any issues that may arise with the updated system. The ministry emphasized on its website that limiting the number of applications each day is an important and standard part of the software development process.

The limited service will operate for the next few months.

The ministry said that if you are unable to start your application on a specific day, you should try to do so on another day. The processing time for a passport renewal will be the same as if you were renewing by mail

How to apply?

To request a passport renewal online, you can create an account on the MyTravelGov homepage, then click the Renew Your Passport button on the homepage to start the application. You can save your application and finish filling it out later, but you have 30 days to complete your application after starting it or you will have to start over, the department said.

You will need to enter your most recent passport information as part of your application. The ministry said it may encounter temporary technical problems when the system is first launched.

You will need to enter your travel plans as part of the application process so the department can ensure you meet the online renewal requirements. You will also need to upload an original digital photo in .JPEG file format (this cannot be a selfie, nor a scanned photo or a photo of a previously printed photo).

You can access the online passport status system to choose to receive email updates on the status of your application. The ministry will notify you when your application is in progress, approved and when it will send your passport. They will also let you know if they need more information to process your application.

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