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US Open 2024 live updates: Ludvigberg leads through 36 holes as Scottie Scheffler hangs on to pull ahead

US Open 2024 live updates: Ludvigberg leads through 36 holes as Scottie Scheffler hangs on to pull ahead


PINEHURST, NC It all started with a simple question on a bad record: Man, what are you doing?

This evolved into a club flip, a visceral throw of his putter five feet in the air and over his head. Scheffler's par putt at the 15th, his sixth hole of the day, inexplicably broke left at the very last moment, and Scheffler threw his Spider Tour X into the air and turned around in disgust without even attempting to catch it . He dropped it on the ground.

Soon he spoke to himself again. His tee shot into the par-3 17th went straight into the left bunker. Maybe the worst golf shot I've ever seen you hit, Scheffler thought.

And all this before he missed a birdie attempt on the second hole. He covered his face in genuine shock, walked to his bag near the next tee, and slammed his putter into his bag so hard that the US Open Special Edition TaylorMade bag fell to the ground. ground. Scheffler had to pick it up and put it down in frustration.

So by the time the disastrous hole came at Pinehurst's fifth hole, by the time Scheffler's biggest U.S. Open nightmare actually appeared in the form of a double bogey, Scheffler was no longer angry. He was resigned to the fact that it wasn't his day. He still had four holes to go. Four more holes to gauge his feelings about the likelihood he won't win his third major this week in North Carolina. He could sign his scorecard and talk to reporters with a strange good humor, joking about his bad day and how Pinehurt's home regions had gotten the better of him.

This is where you should stop and remember that we saw a foreign show on Friday. We saw Scottie Scheffler, golf's No. 1 player, a heavyweight winning five tournaments in eight weeks, a man who recently went 10 months between rounds over par, in danger of missing the cut after a Friday 74, which earned him 5 over par for golf. week. You could call it history.

Read more about Scheffler's tour here.


Scottie Scheffler and the US Open which will not bend to his will




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