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Motorsport UKs Academy co-driver cohort continues to showcase talent.

Motorsport UKs Academy co-driver cohort continues to showcase talent.


Learning the skills needed to develop and develop as a rally co-driver, which is an integral component of the Motorsport UK Academy programme, is just one part of the motorsport performance pathway for young athletes.

The 2024 cohort of co-drivers undertook their first assignment last March with a two-day trip to M-Sport HQ in Dovenby Hall, Cumbria. Hosted by the seven-time FIA ​​World Rally Championship winning team, the group heard how best to run a rally and how co-drivers can learn the tools and skills they need for the job.

Activities included creating a scouting itinerary using local roads around the M-Sport and exploring onboard reviews. The group also presented their skills to M-Sport top management for the opportunity to gain valuable work experience in a round of the FIA ​​World Rally Championship.

Harry Walshaw has been announced as the next co-driver to join WRC team M-Sport at the Secto Rally Finland in August. Harry has had a successful 2024 to date, serving as co-driver at the Rallynuts Severn Valley Stages with Carl Stuttard driving a Ford Escort RS 2000 MKII and the Argyll Rally with Jake Briggs in a Ford Escort MK2.

This opportunity will give co-drivers an insight into how a top-level WRC team operates and introduce them to other job roles they may consider during their career within motorsport.

Harry's success follows that of academy graduate Bonnie Papper, who was selected as the first co-driver to join M-Sport at the Rally Croatia, taking place in the Croatian capital Zagreb from April 18-21.

He said: “I am delighted to have received this amazing opportunity from the Academy and M-Sport. Rally Finland was my favorite rally on the WRC calendar. So to say we are very excited about this amazing event would be a huge understatement!”

Katie Baldwin, head of competitor development at Motorsport UK, said: “Harry is now the second co-driver to have the opportunity to join M-Sport through our partnership and gain experience at WRC level. This is a unique opportunity for co-drivers from our academy to develop their learning in practice, identify transferable skills across roles within rallying and have hands-on experience while attending international events.

M-Sport Team Principal Rich Milliner added: “I am absolutely delighted to hear that the next time Harry joins the WRC he will be an Academy member. Finland is a fantastic event in terms of pace, crowd and atmosphere so we have no doubt he will enjoy seeing behind the scenes how we operate. We will make sure to keep him busy for a few days and help Harry take his first steps into the WRC.

Harry will be traveling with M-Sport to the Secto Rally in Finland from August 1-4.




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