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What each political party promises voters in its UK general election manifesto | Manifesto 2024

What each political party promises voters in its UK general election manifesto |  Manifesto 2024


Of the major parties contesting elections outside Northern Ireland, all but the Scottish National Party and the UK Reform Party have now published manifestos. So what's available to 4th of July voters so far?

Economy, Taxes and Spending

Financial proposals can be broadly divided into two camps. One is the reluctance between Labor and the Conservatives to raise taxes. There are also less rigid approaches from the Liberal Democrats and the Greens. Of course there are many other differences.

Labor's manifesto promised $7.4 billion in tax increases, including a pledge to levy value-added tax on private school tuition, strengthen non-state taxation and expand the windfall tax on oil and gas companies. That's just $4.8 billion in new spending, which would pay for more teachers and nurses and green investments.

The Conservatives are taking on much greater responsibility when it comes to spending and fundraising. The Democratic Party of Korea plans to cut taxes by $17 billion by lowering the national insurance premium rate. But it is less specific about how that money will be raised, for example pledging 12 billion in unspecified welfare cuts.

The Liberal Democrats have bigger promises, promising to raise taxes by $27 billion, including capital gains tax and windfall taxes on fossil fuel companies. Most of that money will be spent on the NHS and social care, including mental health support and providing greater access to GPs and dentists.

The party said it would spend an additional $19.7 billion on investments, including building 150,000 new social homes a year. However, this money was not included in the cost, suggesting it would be funded through additional borrowing.

The Green Party advocates, among other things, a wealth tax to support fiscal planning. Plaid Cymrus' focus is primarily on securing Wales what the party claims is a fairer distribution of central government funding.

Health Quite all parties agree that dentistry needs urgent action, including tackling dental deserts alongside other NHS crises. Photo: Andy Lane/EPA

Almost everyone agrees that urgent action is needed for the NHS and dentistry, but each political party has its own way of tackling the crisis of waiting lists and dental deserts.

Labor has pledged 40,000 new appointments a week to clear the backlog, as well as more NHS skills and a dental rescue plan including supervised tooth brushing for children aged three to five.

The Tories have promised their own dental scheme, based mainly on new GP surgeries and some health service managers. As part of the long-term workforce plan announced by Chancellor Rishi Sunak last year, the party said it would recruit an additional 92,000 nurses and 28,000 doctors by 2029.

The Liberal Democrats and Greens have a wider fiscal reach thanks to tax changes and are going further. The Liberal Democrats will guarantee access to a GP and provide free adult social care. The Greens would add $8 billion a year for the NHS and a similar amount for infrastructure.

Plaid Cymru promises to increase GPs by restoring funding to 8.7% of the devolved health budget despite problems with the Welsh health system.


Unlike Labour, the Conservatives are committed to continuing to issue North Sea oil and gas drilling licenses. As long as oil prices do not plummet, the windfall tax will be maintained, but investment incentives for fossil fuel companies will continue to be provided. The party says it will invest in green technologies such as carbon capture and storage, but will give lawmakers a vote on the next steps of its net zero plan.

Labour's climate plan focuses on the creation of two new institutions: an energy generation company known as Great British Energy and an investment vehicle called the National Wealth Fund. Together, this makes up the bulk of the party's green investments, with Labor promising to decarbonise the electricity grid by 2030.

The Liberal Democrats go further, proposing an emergency program to insulate homes and install heat pumps, while the Greens promise to revoke a recently granted license for the Rosebank oil field. Plaid Cymru is driving a major expansion of renewable energy across Wales.

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EducationLabour is committed to a free breakfast club in every primary school. Photo: Andrew Fox/The Observer

The Conservatives have made a number of promises on education, including banning the use of cell phones during school hours and making maths compulsory until the age of 18. The Conservatives promise to keep day-to-day spending on schools real, but this will increase. Pressure on other unprotected areas such as local government and court systems.

Labor has pledged to add value-added tax (VAT) to private school fees, recruit 6,500 new teachers and provide free breakfast clubs in all primary schools. The party said this week it would introduce 3,000 extra childcare places in schools, but some in the industry have called on the party to provide more money to pay for the extra staff.

Among the Lib Dem proposals is a lifetime skills grant that would give adults $5,000 to spend on improving their skills. The Greens would abolish Ofsted, end high-stakes formal testing in primary and secondary schools and abolish university fees. Plaid Cymru also wants to recruit more teachers and provide universal free school meals.


The Conservatives are campaigning hard on the immigration issue, promising that flights to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda will depart immediately if they win the election. Sunak has pledged to reduce net migration to half its current level, while also implementing limits to keep it there.

Labor also did not say how much it promised to reduce net migration. The Rwandan plan will be scrapped and a new border security command will seek to stem unofficial arrivals via small boats crossing the strait. The party has also pledged to strike returns agreements with international partners, but has not said how many people it is willing to accept as part of those agreements.

Other parties take different approaches, with the Liberal Democrats promising safe and legal routes for asylum seekers and removing responsibility for work and student visas from the Home Office. Plaid Cymru wants to introduce safer routes for asylum seekers to come to the UK, while the Greens would scrap restrictions on migrant workers bringing dependents and allow asylum seekers to work.

Housing construction on a new apartment block in Barking Riverside, London. Photo: Marcin Rogozinski/Alamy

The Conservative manifesto pledged to build 1.6 million new homes in the next parliament, but did not commit to reinstating the council's canceled mandatory housing target for 2023.

Labor will restore local housebuilding targets and allow some targeted building in the greenbelt. The party also promised a major overhaul of the planning system, including lowering mandatory purchase prices.

The Lib Dems will promise 150,000 new social rental homes a year and Plaid Cymru will commit to what the party calls the right to adequate housing. The Greens have promised a massive building program, rent controls and a plan that would allow councils to seize empty properties or those without proper insulation.

crime and security

The Conservatives say they will oversee the recruitment of 8,000 new police officers and the rollout of facial recognition technology. Labor is promising local police teams and says it will tackle petty crime such as fly-tipping.

The Liberal Democrats say they want a greater focus on rehabilitation and community supervision, while the Greens have proposed a national commission to agree an evidence-based approach to reforming Britain's unproductive drug laws. Plaid Cymru is calling for police powers to be fully devolved to Wales.




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