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UK manufacturer recalls food due to E. coli risk.

UK manufacturer recalls food due to E. coli risk.


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Greencore, Britain's largest sandwich maker, and other manufacturers have recalled a range of snacks, salads and wraps after health authorities discovered a link to a fast-spreading E. coli outbreak.

Large outbreaks of E. coli began in the UK last month, with the number of cases rising to 211 as of June 11. Public health officials have linked the outbreak to a small number of salad leaf products.

On Friday, the Food Standards Agency said manufacturers including Greencore Group and Samworth Brothers had recalled the food as a precautionary measure.

Retailers Aldi, Amazon, Asda, Boots, Co-op, Morrisons and Sainsburys all have recalled products, including chicken salad sandwiches and hoisin duck wraps, according to a notice published by the FSA.

An outbreak of the bacteria, which can cause severe bloody diarrhea, stomach cramps, vomiting and fever, has seen 67 people admitted to hospital in recent weeks, according to the UK Health Security Agency.

British government health authorities announced that the outbreak was concentrated in the UK, with 147 cases recorded, with a significant increase of 35 cases in Scotland, 27 cases in Wales, and 2 cases in Northern Ireland.

The first case of E. coli was reported on May 25, and the number of cases nearly doubled from 113 to 211 between June 4 and 11.

UKHSA incident lead Trish Mannes said people who were unwell or had recently eaten salad leaves and were worried about their symptoms should follow NHS guidance to prevent the spread of the disease.

Greencore said it had recalled a number of the sandwiches and wraps as a precautionary measure due to potential food safety risks.

Greencore adheres to the highest food safety standards and is working closely with the Food Standards Agency and its suppliers to better understand the possible causes of potential problems, the company said.

Samworth Brothers, which supplies products to Tesco, said the FSA had advised suppliers of salad ingredients used by the company that they should carry out product withdrawals and recalls. He added that a food chain investigation is ongoing but has not yet reached a conclusion.

It said a small number of its sandwich and wrap lines produced at its Manton Wood site were being recalled as a precautionary measure to ensure a high level of health protection for consumers.

Andrew Opie, of the British Retail Consortium, which represents the sector, said following the FSA and UKHSA's investigation, retailers were taking swift action to prevent the items from being sold as a precaution.

A notice will be posted in your store telling shoppers what to do if they purchase your product. The FSA says you can also return it for a full refund.




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