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Consultants set to lose $3 billion in UK government work under plans to halve advice spending

Consultants set to lose $3 billion in UK government work under plans to halve advice spending


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Consulting firms risk losing billions of pounds in lucrative government work after both the Conservatives and Labor pledged to halve UK government spending on external advisory firms.

Both major political parties this week released manifestos to reduce reliance on consultants in the next parliament, a move expected to save around $3 billion over five years.

Government use of consultants has risen to record levels since the last election, driven by demand for emergency planning, digital transformation projects and civil servant training during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Figures from data group Tussell show that eight companies – Deloitte, EY, KPMG, PwC, McKinsey, BCG, Bain and Accenture – have awarded 7.1 billion public sector contracts since December 2019.

Critics, including parliament's Public Accounts Committee, warn that the government's reliance on consultants wastes money and prevents British civil servants from developing valuable skills in-house.

Lord Theodore Agnew, then a UK government minister, said in 2020 that unacceptable over-reliance on advisers wastes taxpayers' money and infantilizes civil servants.

This week Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer and Chancellor Rishi Sunak pledged to cut spending on consultants to find cash to fund manifesto promises against uncertain economic times.

Labor, which is well ahead in the polls, estimates it could save $745 million a year, or $3.73 billion over five years, by halving spending on consultants, which it estimates will be used to improve frontline service delivery and the public sector. It was announced that capabilities would be redistributed based on priority.

Labor's moves are expected to generate net savings of $3.04 billion by the end of 2029, according to calculations by the Cabinet Office commissioned by the Conservatives.

The Conservatives also said they would halve spending on external advisers and introduce controls on all equality, diversity and inclusion initiatives and spending.

The party also wants to return the civil service to its pre-pandemic size, which would mean cutting nearly 90,000 roles, according to the Institute of Government.

To be more economical, we could say that we could save $3 billion by cutting back on consultants, but then we would have to replace those consultants with other consultants. [civil servants]said a veteran public sector consultant at a global advisory firm.

It may be seen as more efficient, but it is more effective otherwise. Productivity, performance and efficiency will suffer significantly.

The British government has previously made efforts to reduce the use of advisors within Whitehall, including creating an in-house consulting department in the last parliament.

Crown Consultancy, with the support of former Downing Street adviser Dominic Cummings, was supposed to cut government spending on private companies. But the project was scrapped last year after officials acknowledged it was not working and preferred to use outside advice.

High spending since the last election has helped consulting firms, with Deloitte securing $1.9 billion worth of contracts during the period, Tussell data showed. Big 4 competitors KPMG, EY, and PwC recorded 1.3 billion, 1.03 billion, and 1 billion, respectively.

Because many projects span multiple years and the Tussell data sometimes includes project contracts, such as IT upgrades, that the government does not classify as consulting expenditures, actual expenditures are typically lower than the value of the awarded contracts.

The consulting industry argues that it is more cost-effective to attract short-term project consulting firms through competitive bidding rather than hiring full-time experts from government departments.

The next government will face a complex set of challenges of unprecedented scale and will continue to need the best private sector expertise to deliver better frontline services to taxpayers, said Tamzen Isaacson of the Management Consultancy Association. Isaacsson, CEO said.




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