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Bryson DeChambeau explains US Open pause

Bryson DeChambeau explains US Open pause


By: Alan Bastable June 14, 2024

Bryson DeChambeau played his second shot on the 5th hole Thursday, moments after receiving relief from the TIO.


PINEHURST, NC Winning at the highest levels of professional golf requires a bit of luck. Any pro will tell you that. A gassy burst that causes the flag to shake and fall. A fluffy lie in its raw state. Temporary relief from a real estate obstruction that provides a clearer path to the green.

If this last example tripped you up, a quick word of explanation.

A temporary real estate obstruction, or TIO, is, under the rules of golf, a structure that is temporarily added on or adjacent to the course, usually for a particular competition, and that is fixed or impractically movable. Examples of TIOs are temporary tents, scoreboards, stands, television towers and toilets. TIOs include all supporting guys connected to them, except where the Committee decides that the supporting guys should be treated as immovable obstructions.

So yeah, TIOs aren't something you're likely to encounter during your Sunday morning four-ball match.

Clearing a TIO, the rules continue, is normally permitted in the event of physical interference or line-of-sight interference from the TIO. Interference under this local rule means that the player has:

Physical Interference Line of sight interference, or Both physical and line of sight interference.

We provide this explanation because TIO, a favorite punching bag of a vocal community of tweeting Tour watchers, played a central role in Bryson DeChambeau's first round at this 124th US Open, where on Friday evening he finds himself at four under par, just one. behind Ludvig Aberg's 36-hole lead. The decision came into play on the par-5 5th, DeChambeau's 14th hole of the day, after he drove his tee shot into the sandy, pine-peppered scrub to the right of the fairway.

DeChambeau found his ball in the wooded area but also something else: a narrow ShotLink post near his intended line. The chances of DeChambeau hitting the tracker with his next shot? Thin, if any. But regardless, the obstruction was undoubtedly near or in his line, meaning DeChambeau was entitled to free relief. Led by a rules official, Luke Kerr-Dineen of Golf Digests, who was on scene, reported that the closest relief point that took the ShotLink tower out of play appeared to be about 30 feet to the left from where his ball was, closer to the fairway, plus two extra club lengths.

This left DeChambeau not only with a clearer view of the green, but also a much better angle of attack. From about 250 yards, he hit his second shot to the back left side of the green and two-putted for birdie that brought him to four under. After playing his final four holes in one, DeChambeau signed for a three-under 67. On Friday, after his second-round 69, DeChambeau provided more color on Thursday's TIO situation.

I looked at it, like, whoa, that cable is exactly in line with the flag where it was coming down, and I know it’s an immovable obstruction, I believe,” he said. “So I asked the person in charge about the rules. I said: Is that a relief?

And he says: Yeah, you're a club length in line of sight. So yes, you get relief and you can move to the opposite side. So I used the rules to my advantage.

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DeChambeau acknowledged that he had a path to the green from the position where his drive originally stopped, but added: I used the rules to my advantage until I a cleaner, better lie and I was able to get it back onto the green. . Sometimes you get lucky, and sometimes you don't. In this situation, I was very lucky.

On some occasions Friday, however, luck wasn't in DeChambeau's corner, he said.

People may not have seen it,” he said. “But the [were] definitely lies where I was dug in the sand, one being 12, another being 2, then I just had a few that just pulled my club with a brush a few times and the have thrown in strange places.

DeChambeau wasn't the only star to benefit from TIO's first-round relief. Scottie Scheffler too. After hitting his tee shot to the right of the green at the par-4 16th, Scheffler found his ball obstructed by a Rolex clock. He took a drop that gave him a slightly better angle into the green, but couldn't take advantage of his new lie. Scheffler still missed the green and made bogey fall at two. He signed for a 71 and followed Friday with a 74 to get through 36 holes on number.

To get back into this tournament, Scheffler will need some birdies, fewer bogeys and, yes, a little luck.

Alan Bastable, editor-in-chief

As Editor-in-Chief of, Bastable is responsible for the editorial direction and voice of one of the most respected and trafficked gaming news and services sites. He wears many hats from editing, writing, ideating, developing, dreaming of one day breaking the 80s and feels privileged to work with such an incredibly talented group of writers, editors and producers talented and hardworking. Before taking the reins of, he was editor-in-chief of GOLF Magazine. A graduate of the University of Richmond and the Columbia School of Journalism, he lives in New Jersey with his wife and four children.




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