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US Open: Exasperated Scottie Scheffler throws and slams clubs but slips into weekend as Ludvig Aberg takes advantage

US Open: Exasperated Scottie Scheffler throws and slams clubs but slips into weekend as Ludvig Aberg takes advantage



Many have waxed lyrical about the power of Pinehurst No. 2 over its 117-year history, but on Friday, the North Carolina course received perhaps its greatest appreciation yet: It gave Scottie Scheffler a human aspect.

After exerting a stranglehold on the golf world with impassive composure for months, the world number one's unflappable brilliance finally gave way in the second round of the 124th US Open on Friday.

Scheffler's 168-round run with at least one birdie skidded off the sides of Pinehurst's fiendishly firm and fast greens as he struggled to reach a four-over par 74, compounding an opening 71 .

Yesterday I felt like I did a great job. Today I just couldn't knock down the putts, Scheffler told reporters after his round.

This golf course can be unpredictable at times, and perhaps that has gotten the better of me these past few days. I'm going to sit down and think about where we were going the last few days and figure it out.

How damaging those two days were to Scheffler's hopes of a sixth victory in nine starts was only a secondary consideration: At five points overall, the tournament favorite arrived at the clubhouse admitting that He didn't expect to come back for the last 36 holes.

Scheffler narrowly avoided missing the weekend at a major tournament for the first time since 2022 as another high-scoring day saw the cut line drop to five over par, edging out player 27-year-old and a host of other relieved stars.

It made for an anxious wait after a morning full of frustration for the usually serene Texan.

Starting from the 10th tee, Scheffler threw his putter in the air in exasperation after his saving effort on the 15th hole backfired, resigning him to a first bogey of the day.

When his first drive at the 17th veered left, Scheffler muttered in the second person: Maybe the worst golf shot I think I've ever seen you hit.

After a repeat result at the next tee box, he hit his driver to the ground before picking up his tee and throwing it.

Despite these errors, the reigning Masters champion generally drove well throughout the course, but struggled on and around the greens, his woes culminating in a disastrous double bogey at the par-five fifth hole. His third shot was a chip attempt on the green from the home zone that only gained him a few inches, as his ball took a slope and rolled onto his feet.

Scheffler's subsequent effort left him even further from the hole, past the flagstick and onto the other side of the green. There were still a few grains of salt to rub in the wound, as Schefflers putt to escape with a bogey that missed four inches.

Incredibly, his playing partner and last month's PGA Championship winner, Xander Schauffele, endured an almost identical series of unfortunate events for his own double bogey, his ball returning to him before skidding well beyond the cup during the next attempt.

The world number 2 was candid about his own frustrations after returning to the clubhouse.

That pissed me off, Schauffele, who shot a 6-under 69 to climb to ninth with one-under overall, told reporters.

Although Schauffele remains within striking distance, Scheffler finds himself 10 shots behind Swede Ludvig Aberg, who leads the leaderboard by one shot at five under par after shooting 69.

The 24-year-old has enjoyed a meteoric rise and continues to impress in his first-ever US Open appearance and third career major outing, having finished runner-up in his Masters debut in April.

It's not something I think about all the time, but sometimes I have to stop a little bit and think about how lucky I am to be able to do this at this level, world number 6 Aberg told reporters.

Being able to play in these tournaments, being able to play with the guys that I've watched on TV for so long, it's definitely a pinch-me moment.

Belgian Thomas Detry, along with American duo Bryson DeChambeau and Patrick Cantlay, lead the chasing pack, with Rory McIlroy attempting to end a 10-year wait for his fifth major crown, one shot behind the trio.

A host of big names have been hit by the cut line, including two appearing in the world's top 10. Viktor Hovland and Max Homa narrowly missed out on the overall standings by six points, while three-time champion Tiger Woods finished one stroke behind the duo.

Woods had competed on a special exemption after failing to qualify for a major tournament for the first time in his professional career, but the 48-year-old showed flashes of his former genius by shooting 74 and 73.

The 15-time major champion made it to the Masters weekend in April but has now missed the cut at successive majors after losing at the PGA Championship last month.

He is eligible to play at the Open Championship next month in Scotland due to his status as a past winner. However, when asked by CNN's Patrick Snell if he could have played his last US Open, Woods cast doubt on his future in both open tournaments.

As for my last Open Championship or US Open Championship, I don't know what it is. That may or may not be the case, Woods told Snell.

My ball striking and I felt like my putting was good enough to be in contention and that's not the case, he added.

It's frustrating because I'm not here to have a chance to win this weekend.




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