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ISIS global leader targeted, possibly killed in US airstrike

ISIS global leader targeted, possibly killed in US airstrike


The U.S. military targeted ISIS's global leader in an airstrike in Somalia late last month but cannot confirm whether he was killed, three U.S. officials said.

The U.S. government has publicly identified Abdulqadir Mumin as the leader of ISIS's affiliate in Somalia, but two U.S. officials say that last year he quietly became the terrorist group's global leader.

The U.S. Africa Command issued a statement May 31 saying it had carried out an airstrike against ISIS militants in a remote area 81 km (50 miles) southeast of Bosaso, in Somalia, and killed three militants. The AFRICOM statement, however, did not specify who the United States was targeting or who had been killed. AFRICOM said no civilians were killed in the strike.

Abdulqadir Mumin, alias Abdul al-Qadir Mumin.National Counterterrorism Center

Three U.S. officials now say Mumin was the target of the operation, although they have no confirmation of his death.

A senior administration official confirmed that the United States had indeed carried out a strike against a major ISIS target in Somalia, but declined to provide the individual's name and said the U.S. were still trying to verify the result.

A senior defense official says IS in Somalia is relatively small, with only 100 to 200 fighters in total, all located in northern Somalia. But there are other small IS groups in parts of Africa, including Libya, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Mozambique.

ISIS still has thousands of fighters around the world, mainly in northern Iraq and northeast Syria, according to US intelligence agencies.

But because the United States has been effective against ISIS leaders in Iraq and Syria, ISIS leaders view Africa as a place where they should invest, where they are more permissive and capable of operate better and more freely, and they want to expand the IS cell. there. So they brought the caliph to this region, the senior defense official said. Cells around Africa grew thanks to the strategic direction of ISIS leaders, the official added.

The official said ISIS militants in Somalia operate more effectively in some ways than other terrorist networks active in the country, including avoiding the FBI and Interpol and sharing tactics, techniques and procedures with each other, like financing.

The United States says Mumin is responsible for deadly attacks across Somalia over the past decade, including the 2019 assassination of a judicial official in his home and the months-long capture and occupation of a town in the Puntland region in 2016.

In 2016, the United States declared him a Specially Designated Global Terrorist, saying he posed a significant risk of committing acts of terrorism that threatened the safety of U.S. persons or the national security, foreign policy, or economy of states. -United.

The fact that Mumin became the last global leader of ISIS was not widely known, two U.S. officials say. He succeeded Abu al-Hasan al-Hashimi al-Qurashi, who was killed in combat in Syria at the end of 2022. The two previous world leaders of the Islamic State, including its best-known leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, had committed suicide when they were cornered during American military raids.

Courtney Kube

Mosheh Gains contributed.




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