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Immigration is also a big issue ahead of the UK electionExBulletin

Immigration is also a big issue ahead of the UK electionExBulletin


In this drone footage from May 4, an inflatable boat carrying migrants crosses the English Channel toward England. Chris J. Ratcliffe/Reuters .

. Chris J. Ratcliffe/Reuters

LONDON Britain's two main political parties have continued to focus their campaigns on tax policy and the economy ahead of elections early next month. But for many British voters, immigration remains a key concern with record numbers of legal and irregular immigrants.

This general election is the first general election to be held in four years since the UK left the European Union (EU). At a time when immigration has been central to electoral politics elsewhere in Europe, the impact of Brexit on immigration policy remains a topic that UK policymakers are reluctant to acknowledge.

In last weekend's European Parliament elections, anti-immigrant sentiment was one of several factors that helped far-right parties in several countries, including France, Germany and Italy, win more seats in the European Parliament.

Over the years since 2015, Brexit supporters have hailed Brexit as a process that would provide greater control over Britain's immigration policy.

But in recent years, politicians have come to realize that leaving one of the world's largest economic blocs would not only harm the British economy, but would also be no panacea for the country's immigration problems.

For more than two years, powerful photographs and often tragic stories of thousands of people making the dangerous boat crossing from France and several drownings have influenced the British public.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak's solution to stopping boat crossings is a plan to deport illegal immigrants to Rwanda in East Africa and process their asylum claims there. But after two years of effort and hundreds of millions of dollars spent, several court rulings have blocked the policy as illegal, flights to Rwanda have yet to take off and Sunak has admitted they will not take off before election day on July 4. So if he wins the election.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak answers questions from reporters about Britain's relocation plan to Rwanda in the Downing Street briefing room in central London on April 22. Toby Melville/Pool/AFP via Getty Images .

Toby Caption Toby Melville/Pool/AFP via Getty Images

Opponents of Labor, which is ahead in opinion polls, have already made it clear they will scrap the plan if voted into power.

Prominent Brexit cheerleader Nigel Farage also supports strict policies for potential asylum seekers. He announced that he would run for parliament with the relatively new right-wing British Reform Party, which is close to the ruling Conservative Party in recent opinion polls.

“We need to deport people who come to the UK illegally,” he said in a recent interview with the BBC. He sees a significant drop in the number of annual deportations, which he believes is a failed deterrent. For would-be immigrants. “Once people know that if they come to the UK illegally they will never be allowed to stay, they will no longer come here.

Political opponents say Farage refuses to publicly acknowledge that the problem is at least partly rooted in Brexit. But he is not alone.

Last April, an editor at British television ITV News asked Conservative Foreign Secretary David Cameron, who was prime minister from 2010 to 2016, whether he would have pursued the Rwanda plan if he had still been prime minister. “We were in a completely different situation where we could send people directly back to France,” he replied. “Now I wish that would happen again. That would make the most sense.”

But that option is not available at the moment, he continued. “It’s simply impossible.” The editor asked if it was because of Brexit. “Because of the situation we are in,” he demurred.

“The video has gone viral as it suggests that Brexit has failed to some extent in allowing Britain to regain control,” supporters promised.

Before Brexit in 2020, Britain joined the European Union under an agreement known as the Dublin Agreement that allowed Britain to return asylum seekers to other EU member states they had traveled to, including France. “The main goal is to prevent asylum shopping, allowing asylum seekers to pick and choose their destination country,” explains Peter Walsh of the Migration Observatory, a research center at the University of Oxford. “It provided a mechanism for us to return asylum seekers to the European continent, but when we left the EU we left that system too.”

Walsh said it would be difficult to reform a similar multilateral agreement after Brexit, with Europeans reluctant to help. This includes the British government spending tens of millions of dollars to fund French police patrolling beaches to disrupt human trafficking, which helps people travel tens of miles of sea to southern England in rubber boats. Dollars spent.

Coastguard, ambulance staff, border agents and police escort asylum seekers who have landed on the beach at Dungeness in southern England. Asylum seekers will be taken to the UK charity's RNLI station for health checks and searches before boarding buses heading to Dover for processing on November 22, 2023. Andrew Aitchison/In Pictures via Getty Images .

. Andrew Aitchison/In Pictures via Getty Images

Britain's status as an island paradoxically makes border patrols more complex, Walsh said. That's because pushing arriving migrants out to sea is considered too dangerous. Brexit has also created other issues related to immigration. It would make it much more difficult for European citizens to move to the UK for work and vice versa. “This means more non-Europeans are arriving in the UK on work permits to fill jobs, pushing legal immigration numbers to a record high.”

Maria Fernndez-Reino, an academic who studies British public attitudes towards immigration, said the number of people considering immigration a very important issue had increased last year. She says public anger over immigration has decreased significantly and attitudes have softened since 2016. The Brexit referendum, which she calls a “restrictionist view,” was very common.

However, her research also shows that although politicians rarely succeed in swaying people's minds on the topic of immigration because many people have strongly held beliefs about it, it is possible for political leaders to mobilize people who hold opinions in some way. It shows that it does. Brexit. And during periods like elections, the potential for mobilization can be very powerful.




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