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Change-makers and innovators recognized in HM The King's Birthday 2024 Honors list

Change-makers and innovators recognized in HM The King's Birthday 2024 Honors list


More than 1,000 people from across the UK have been honored in HM The Kings Birthday Honors List 2024, published today by the Cabinet Office.

The focus of this list is individuals who have made an immeasurable impact on the lives of people across the country, whether by creating innovative solutions or driving real change in public life.

Many of these people are active community advocates, innovative social entrepreneurs, pioneering scientists, passionate health workers and dedicated volunteers.

Alan Bates, founder of the Justice for Subpostmasters Alliance, receives a knighthood for services to justice. Tracey Emin receives a DBE for services to the arts, and Imelda Staunton receives a DBE for services to drama and charity.

The youngest beneficiary on the list is Shamza Butt, 20 years old. He received a BEM for his work as a member of the National Citizens Service Trust Youth Voice Forum. Harold Jones is the oldest recipient of a BEM at the age of 100 for his fundraising work for motor neurone disease and charities involved in the Sutton Coldfield community.

Innovators and change leaders

Michael Palmer, Andrew Airey and Timothy Owen, who launched the Three Dads Walk campaign after losing their young daughter to suicide, each receive an MBE for services to young suicide prevention. The father-of-three traveled across the UK to raise awareness of young people's suicide and funds for charity Papyrus UK.

Eight people have been recognized for their contribution to the Royal National Lifeboat Institute (RNLI), which celebrates its 200th anniversary this year. Angus Heddle from the Orkney Islands received an MBE for 73 years of volunteering with the RNLI, while David Nicoll from Cornwall started volunteering at the age of 18 and received a BEM for 43 years of service.

Northern Ireland's Clodagh Dunlop received an MBE for her services to stroke survivors and for her work reforming stroke services. In 2015, Clodagh suffered a brainstem stroke, which left her with the syndrome. She has made a remarkable recovery in recent years and is back working as a detective. She is a Stroke Association Ambassador and has educated and inspired many stroke survivors in the UK and around the world.

Patrick McCourt and Karen McCourt, from Larne, County Antrim, both receive BEM for services to fostering children in Northern Ireland. They are both over 70 years old and have raised over 331 children together over the past 45 years.

Rebecca Redfern, from Droitwich, received an MBE for services to young people and the community in Worcestershire. She was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa at age 7, and at age 14 she was identified as a disabled swimmer by British Swimming. She has since gone on to win medals at the 2016 and 2021 Olympics as a GB Paralympic swimmer and she has visited hundreds of schools across Worcestershire to talk to children about overcoming obstacles to succeed.

Deborah Pezzani, from Broxbourne, Hertfordshire, received a BEM for her services to adolescents and young adults with cancer. In 2007, she founded Teens Unite to bring together young people aged 13 to 24 living with cancer. The charity hosts more than 100 beneficiary activities and events each year, has nearly 100 volunteers and has raised just over a million.

Sally Bourton received a BEM for services to the community in Cornwall. She is a schoolmistress in Trewoon and has been at the heart of the community for 24 years. She ran the post office along with local fundraising activities and was instrumental in bringing together local volunteers willing to help the community during the pandemic. For King Charles's coronation, she organized that every child in the village received a Mint coin bearing the king's head.

Dean Jackson, from Derbyshire, received an MBE for services to business and innovation for setting up his own wetsuit company, HUUB. This first emerged in 2011 when Dean noticed a gap in the market after little progress had been made in wetsuit design and performance. HUUB has since expanded its products into cycling gear and is now worn by some of the world's best athletes, including the Brownlee brothers.

Alison Baverstock, from Kingston upon Thames, received an MBE for charitable services to families in the British Armed Forces community. She founded her charity, Reading Force, in 2011 to develop a plan to support parents in the military to read with their children during deployment and training. The scope of the scheme was later extended throughout the UK and to British forces overseas. To date, over 250,000 people have requested reading scrapbooks or received reading books to improve their children's reading skills.

Anyone is free to nominate someone for honor.

ENDS Notes to editors:

The Honors System strives to be inclusive of the whole of British society. Of the 1,077 people awarded:

948 candidates were selected at BEM, MBE and OBE levels. Of the 300 MBEs, 223 OBEs and 692 OBEs (64%) in BEM 425, 64% of the awardees have carried out outstanding work in their local communities, either in a volunteer or paid capacity. 713 (66%) of beneficiaries live outside London and the South East. 509 women are recognized in the list, accounting for 48% of the total beneficiaries. 40% of beneficiaries at CBE level and above are women. 10% of successful candidates are from ethnic minorities. 4.6% of the awardees are of Asian ethnicity. 3% of beneficiaries are from the black ethnic group. 1.6% of beneficiaries from mixed ethnic backgrounds; 0.4% of beneficiaries are from other ethnic backgrounds.

Full birthday honors list 2024 on

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