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Map shows where new UK rail lines could open | uk news

Map shows where new UK rail lines could open |  uk news


Plans are in place for new rail routes across the UK (Photo: Grand Union Trains)

More frequent, new rail services could be on the way as independent operators announce plans to run additional trains across the country.

Stirling in Scotland and Carmarthen in Wales could be some of the first places to have a direct link to London following proposals from future open company Grand Union Trains (GUT).

It is one of several operators revitalizing rail travel and offering lower fares on already expensive routes.

They have the support of the UK government, which says increased open access will give customers more choice and increase passenger numbers.

Rail Minister Huw Merriman said: It's not just our problem to allow rail operators to compete with each other.

There is an opportunity for railways to carry passengers who can fly or actually drive.

Open access is a very positive thing.

A number of new routes are expected to open as plans progress (Picture:

Mr Merriman added: There will be no strikes against open access operators. Perhaps because it is a newer way of working with the workforce rather than based on an old rulebook.

During the recent rail strike, companies such as Lumo and Grand Central were able to continue operating services due to their separate status.

GUT is also consulting on possible services between Edinburgh and Cardiff. There are currently no direct routes between the Scottish and Welsh capitals.

Other open operators include Go-Op, which aims to operate services between Taunton and Weston-super-Mare and Swindon, and Wrexham, Shropshire & Midlands Railway, which hopes to create a line between London Euston and Wrexham.

Lumo also plans to extend the route between London Kings Cross and Edinburgh to Glasgow, while FirstGroup is looking to launch a service between the same London terminus and Sheffield.

What is an open rail operator?

Most of the UK's major rail operators are either owned by, or pay management fees to, the governments of England, Scotland and Wales.

LNER, Scotrail, CrossCountry, Avanti West Coast and many others fall into this category.

However, open operators who set their own rates, take full commercial risk and do not receive taxpayer-funded subsidies can also use the track.

These include companies such as Lumo, Grand Central, Heathrow Express, Eurostar and Hull Trains, with more to come soon.

Supporters say the availability of these other options increases competition, which lowers rates.

But critics argue the companies are simply taking advantage of a false economy and that it would be better for passengers if the big airlines simplified their timetables.

Ian Yeowart, Grand Central Managing Director, said: It's not only good for the passengers because the survival of (the operator) depends on how good the passengers are and what the customers think, but there are also no handouts from the government.

Like any other business, you can't survive if people don't like it and don't come to you.

But Gareth Dennis, an engineer who writes about the rail industry, said open services should not be allowed in Britain because of the complexities of fitting trains into already tight timetables.

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He said: The continent's argument for open access operators is that they provide competition, but there is no meaningful competition on a rail network as saturated as ours.

What you need is a simple, repeatable timetable that gets a lot of people moving.

Mr Dennis argued that operators can charge lower rates because they can use warehouses that exist for other companies and hire staff who are already trained rather than training themselves.

He added: It's a really bad economy.

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