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Where the US Open is heading

Where the US Open is heading


By: Jack Hirsh June 15, 2024

The next four US Opens will be played at Oakmont, Shinnecock, Pebble Beach and Winged Foot.

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Are you already looking forward to the next US Open? Don't worry, we already know that the 2025 US Open will take place in Oakmont, near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

It will be the same for the 2033 edition, the 2042 championship… and the 2049 tournament.

Yes, you read that correctly, there is already a US Open planned at Oakmont in 2049, and it's not even the last one planned. The USGA already has an agreement with Oakland Hills, Michigan, to host the 2051 U.S. Open.

At the U.S. Open, Tiger Woods will be 75 and this year's 36-hole leader, Ludvig Aberg, will be 51, likely in his second season on the PGA Tour Champions.

This US Open 'anchor' at Pinehurst sends a powerful message By: Michael Bamberger

Unlike what the R&A did with the Open (the last Open is only scheduled for 2026), the USGA has gone ahead and scheduled most US Opens for the next 26 years, but there are still a few empty slots. NOW.

Four years in the 2040s currently await host selection. Could we see Chambers Bay return to the national championship? Perhaps another flagship site will be chosen, like this year's Pinehurst No. 2 site, or next year's Oakmont site.

Riviera was the most recent addition to the calendar, scheduled last summer for 2031.

Continue reading below for the full schedule of US Open venues through 2051.

Future US Open venues, 2025-2051

2025: Oakmont Country Club

2026: Shinnecock Hills Golf Club

2027: Pebble Beach Golf Links

2028: Winged Foot Golf Club (West)

2029: Pinehurst (No. 2)

2030: Golf Mérion

2031: Riviera Country Club

2032: Pebble Beach Golf Links

2033: Oakmont Country Club

2034: Oakland Hills Country Club (South Course)

2035: Pinehurst (No. 2)

2036: Shinnecock Hills Golf Club

2037: Pebble Beach Golf Links

2038: The Country Club

2039: Los Angeles Country Club (North Course)

2040: Mérion Golf Club

2041: Pinehurst (No. 2)

2042: Oakmont Country Club

2043: to be determined

2044: Pebble Beach Golf Links

2045: to be determined

2046: to be determined

2047: Pinehurst (#2)

2048: to be determined

2049: Oakmont Country Club

2050: Mérion Golf Club

2051: Oakland Hills Country Club (South Course)

Jack Hirsh Editor

Jack Hirsh is an associate editor at GOLF. A native of Pennsylvania, Jack is a 2020 graduate of Penn State University, where he earned degrees in broadcast journalism and political science. He was captain of his high school's golf team and recently returned to the program as head coach. Jack still *tries* to stay competitive among local amateurs. Prior to joining GOLF, Jack spent two years working at a television station in Bend, Oregon, primarily as a multimedia journalist/reporter, but also as a producer, anchor, and even weatherman. He can be contacted at [email protected].




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