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US Open Round 3 Live Updates, Standings: Bryson DeChambeau Runs Away With 3 Shots Lead In Dominant Outing At Pinehurst

US Open Round 3 Live Updates, Standings: Bryson DeChambeau Runs Away With 3 Shots Lead In Dominant Outing At Pinehurst


We started Moving Day with a US Open rookie leading the way.

By the time Pinehurst #2 pulled away for the night, Bryson DeChambeau had built up a commanding lead over the rest of the field.

DeChambeau escaped with the third round Saturday afternoon in North Carolina. He carded a 3-under 67 and built up a ridiculous four-shot lead over the rest of the field at one point as everyone was pulling away. He will enter Sunday's final round with a three-shot lead while seeking what would be his second US Open victory.

DeChambeau will start with Matthieu Pavon, who finished with a 1-under 69 on Saturday. Rory McIlroy, who hasn't won a major in almost a decade now, is also at 4 under this week. He was briefly in the mix Saturday, but made two bogeys in his final four holes to fall back. He will start with Patrick Cantlay in the penultimate group, marking the first time they will play together since the Ryder Cup last fall.

Hideki Matsuyama is fifth at 2 under for the week. Ludvig Berg, who started the day with a one-shot lead, made a brutal triple bogey on his back nine and ended up finishing the day 3 points down. He will leave with Matsuyama. Tyrrell Hatton and Tony Finau are tied at 1 under and are the only other golfers under par heading into the final round.

On the other hand, top-ranked Scottie Scheffler once again struggled. U.S. Open golf, he says, is like a “mental torture chamber.”

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Saturday June 15, 2024 at 8:16 p.m. EDT Ranking update

With 18 holes to play, here's a look at the standings at Pinehurst.


1. Bryson DeChambeau (-7)

T2. Matthieu Pavon (-4)

T2. Rory McIlroy

T2. Patrick Cantlay

T5.Hideki Matsuyama (-2)

T5. Ludvig Berg

T7. Tyrrell Hatton (-1)

T7. Tony Finau

Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 8:07 p.m. EDT. Ryson DeChambeau's 3-shot lead

Suddenly the man of the people, Bryson DeChambeau dominated Pinehurst on Saturday.

More Jay Busbee on the ground in North Carolina.

Click the photo to learn more about Bryson DeChambeau's starring role in North Carolina. (David Cannon/Getty Images)

Saturday June 15, 2024 at 8:04 p.m. EDT

Michael Campbell won in 2005, for what that's worth.

US Open 2005 at Pinehurst: – Former US Open winner Retief Goosen led by 3 heading into the final round

US Open 2024 at Pinehurst: – Former US Open winner Bryson DeChambeau leads by 3 heading into final round

We had the unexpected 19 years ago

Justin Ray (@JustinRayGolf) June 16, 2024

Saturday June 15, 2024 at 8:03 p.m. AEBryson DeChambeau finishes 3 shots ahead

Bryson DeChambeau starts 18th, giving him a 3-under 67 on the day. He will enter Sunday at 7 under with a three-shot lead in the field.

Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 7:57 p.m. EDTCIlroy vs. Cantlay rematch

Well, this matchup should be a lot of fun on Sunday after the chaos that occurred in Rome.

Tomorrow will be the first time Rory McIlroy and Patrick Cantlay have been paired together since the Ryder Cup. Penultimate group on Sunday of the US Open.

Dan Rapaport (@Daniel_Rapaport) June 15, 2024

Saturday June 15, 2024 at 7:51 p.m. Sprint EDTA up to 18 years old

Bryson DeChambeau wasted no time. He booked up to the 18th tee, teeed off almost immediately and sent his drive well left of the fairway. We'll see how it goes.

Saturday June 15, 2024 at 7:50 p.m. HAEBryson extends its lead again

Bryson is absolutely cruising. He has just bounced back with a birdie at the 17th, his sixth of the day, and he is once again three shots ahead going into the final hole.

Saturday June 15, 2024 at 7:44 p.m. HAEBryson throws darts again

Yeah, that double didn't shake Bryson. He just stuck his tee shot at the 17th a few yards from the cup to create another birdie look. Amazing.

Saturday June 15, 2024 at 7:41 p.m. HAEBryson gives two back

Well, that changes things. Bryson DeChambeau, after a bad chip at No. 16, has just made a double bogey. His lead is only two shots with two holes to play.

Saturday June 15, 2024 at 7:33 p.m. EDTRory is finished.

Rory McIlroy's day is over and it's hard to think he's not disappointed. He made two bogeys in his final four holes and missed a few good birdies down the stretch en route to his 1-under 69.

As it stands, he's four shots behind Bryson DeChambeau.

Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 7:21 p.m. EDT Ryson's lead continues to grow

Bryson's lead continues to grow. Rory McIlroy has just made another bogey in front of him to fall to 4 under. DeChambeau's lead is now an incredible four shots as he attempts to move up and down to reach par at the 15th.

Sat June 15, 2024 at 7:16 p.m. EDTANOTHER Birdie de Bryson

Bryson DeChambeau starts running away with this thing. He just made another birdie putt after a tough drive, extending his lead to three.

Pinehurst fans love it too.

Walking with Bryson and he is now a HUGE crowd favorite. The American chants resumed as he punched the air after that birdie.

Jay Busbee (@jaybusbee) June 15, 2024

Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 7:01 p.m. EDT Ryson's lead back to two, Berg triples

Bryson made a great birdie at the 13th, but just missed the cut. He settled for an easy par but, since Rory McIlroy had just made a bogey in front of him, Bryson's lead was reduced to two.

Ludvig Berg, on the other hand, is no longer at his starting point. He just made a triple at No. 13, which was the fourth on the hole today, to move back five shots. Brutal.

Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 6:53 p.m. EDT “Don't boo me, I'm sorry.”

Bryson couldn't give the crowd what they wanted and he landed in the bunker.

Of course it worked for him.

Saturday June 15, 2024 at 6:46 p.m. EDTRory closes the gap

Rory McIlroy is now 1 behind after a huge birdie at the 14th. We could be looking at a final Rory-Bryson duo on Sunday…

Saturday June 15, 2024 at 6:37 p.m. EDTRory is not going away

Rory McIlroy holds on. A huge par save at No. 13 keeps him at 5 under for the week, which is still two behind DeChambeau.

Saturday June 15, 2024 at 6:25 p.m. HAEBryson pushes his lead to 2

Yeah, Bryson DeChambeau is fine.

After working on his hip and making the longest drive of the day, Bryson has just made his second consecutive birdie. His lead is now 2.

Saturday June 15, 2024 at 6:19 p.m. EDTryson DeChambeau does his job

Meanwhile, Bryson DeChambeau was working before starting at No. 11.

He then took the longest drive of the day, because of course he did.

Saturday June 15, 2024 at 6:17 p.m. EDT Leaderboard update (again) after Rory's last birdie

This becomes difficult to follow. Rory McIlroy has just made a birdie putt at No. 12 to join the group at 5 under. It was his second birdie in the last four holes.

Bryson DeChambeau may be in the lead, but we have a lot of golf to play on Saturday. Let's look at the top of the rankings.


1. Bryson DeChambeau -6 (10)

T2. Matthieu Pavon -5 (13)

T2. Tony Finau (11)

T2. Rory McIlroy (12)

T2. Ludvig Berg (10)

Saturday June 15, 2024 at 6:10 p.m. EDTDeChambeau takes the solo lead

Ludvig Berg narrowly missed his eagle putt at the 10th, so he will settle for a birdie. That gave him a share of the lead at 5 under…which lasted about 30 seconds.

Bryson DeChambeau, who himself hit a ridiculous approach into the greenside bunker, chipped in for a birdie to take the solo lead at 6 under.




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