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British royal Kate Middleton makes first public appearance since developing cancer | health news

British royal Kate Middleton makes first public appearance since developing cancer |  health news


The Princess of Wales said she was making progress as she underwent preventative chemotherapy treatment.

British royal Kate Middleton made her first public appearance since announcing that she was suffering from cancer in March.

The Princess of Wales, as she is officially known, made an appearance at Saturday's Trooping the Colour, an annual military parade held in central London to mark King Charles' birthday.

The princess, whose husband Prince William is the heir to the throne, stood on the balcony of Buckingham Palace wearing a pure white dress.

She also joined her children Prince George, Prince Louis and Princess Charlotte in a carriage during the parade portion of the event.

In a message released on Friday, the royal said she was making good progress, but as anyone undergoing chemotherapy knows, there are good days and bad days.

Catherine arrives at the Trooping the Color parade honoring King Charles. [Chris J Ratcliffe/Reuters]

On those bad days, your body becomes weak, tired, and needs rest. But on good days, when you feel stronger, you want to make the most of feeling good.

She added that she's not out of the woods yet.

cancer diagnosis

The 42-year-old was last seen in public last December when she joined other senior royals at the annual Christmas church service.

Three months later, as suspicions grew over her lack of public appearances, Kate announced that she had been diagnosed with cancer following abdominal surgery and had begun preventive chemotherapy.

Kensington Palace declined to give details about the type of cancer or treatment.

Royal critic Richard Fitzwilliams told Al Jazeera that it was important for Kate and her children to appear in public because they represent the future of the monarchy.

British Royal Princess Anne, Prince William of Wales and Prince Edward, Duke of Edinburgh salute at the Trooping the Color parade. [Chris J Ratcliffe/Reuters]

He also noted that King Charles, 75, who attended Saturday's event, is also battling his own cancer diagnosis.

Charles himself is battling cancer, Fitzwilliams said. He has been doing remarkably well recently and has appeared at many engagement parties.

Saturday's events showed a bright side for the royal family after recent years of turmoil.

This included deep family conflict surrounding the death of Queen Elizabeth II in 2022 and Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's decision to give up their royal duties in 2020.




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