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2024 general election live: The Conservatives could win just 72 seats in the next parliament, a new Survation poll has found.

2024 general election live: The Conservatives could win just 72 seats in the next parliament, a new Survation poll has found.


Nigel Farage is poking fun at the opposition leader as he makes his Tory manifesto.

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A new poll suggests disaster is ahead for Rishi Sunak, with the Conservatives expected to win just 72 seats at the next election.

A survival poll for Best for Britain published by The Sunday Times predicted Labor would win as many as 456 seats, far surpassing Tony Blair's landslide victory in 1997. .

Meanwhile, Labor and Nigel Farage MP have accused the Conservatives of plotting to send more migrants to Rwanda during the election campaign.

The Independent understands there are plans to bring Nigerians and Pakistanis living in the UK illegally to the East African country before the July 4 election. But like the first batch in April, this is a voluntary move and not a forced deportation.

This week Mr Farage claimed Reform UK was the new opposition party, following a YouGov poll that put his party ahead of the Conservatives for the first time.

Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron said Prime Minister Farage was “incredibly divisive” and seeking to destroy the Conservative Party.

Key pointsShow latest updates 1718539108Former deputy postmaster criticizes Sir Ed Davey's campaign antics

A former postmaster who lost his livelihood in the Horizon scandal has called Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey a buffoon over his stunt-filled election campaign.

Lee Castleton compared Sir Eds' actions to those of former Tory prime minister Boris Johnson, adding that trust would never be built by paddleboarding in Cumbria.

Sir Ed was criticized for not doing more to help wrongly convicted postmasters when he was Post Office Minister in the Coalition government from 2010 to 2012.

He has previously apologized for failing to see through the Post Office's lies and insisted he was taking voters' concerns seriously during the campaign, which included visits to theme parks and speeding down the Ultimate Slip n Slide near Frome, Somerset.

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Daveys' campaign has been described as a farce. (Peter Byrne/PA) (PA Wire)

Mr Castleton, from Bridlington, East Yorkshire, went bankrupt in 2004 after his branch was found to have a shortfall of £25,000 and he lost a legal battle with the Post Office.

He told BBC's Sunday Morning with Laura Kuenssberg: I don't particularly like farce. I think that's very Boris-esque and I don't think it's necessary.

It's really, really, really important that we trust him, and trust is never built by swinging a rope or paddleboarding in Cumbria.

Trust is about communicating with the people you need to engage.

Holly Evans16 Jun 2024 12:58

1718537076The UUP leader said no Westminster seats would be lost but vowed not to quit.

Ulster Unionist leader Doug Beattie said it would be a personal failure if his party did not return to Westminster after the general election.

But he insisted he would not resign from leadership if the UUP failed to win any seats.

Mr Beatty said his party was hunting in five constituencies across Northern Ireland.

In the interview, Mr Beatty also denounced the extensive personal abuse he received from other union members.

He pointed to the hostile political environment as the reason his party was unable to persuade more women to run for office.

The Army veteran served as party leader for three years.

Doug Beattie said it would be a personal failure if his group did not return to Westminster. (Liam McBurney/PA) (PA Archive)

Holly Evans16 Jun 2024 12:24

1718535926Actor Brian Cox says Brexit is the devil we don't talk about

Actor Brian Cox has said he is concerned the Scottish National Party (SNP) will not make securing an independence referendum a clear goal for the general election.

The 78-year-old Succession star has been very vocal about his support for Scotland leaving the United Kingdom and his criticism of Brexit.

He referred to the referendum in which Scotland voted to remain in Europe and the majority in the UK voted to leave.

Cox also said that before touching on the economic figures, his top priority was still the devil we're not talking about – Brexit.

He added: It seems we are still suffering from that problem. We didn't do anything about it.

So when we talk about other things, we can't really talk about where we are because we're suffering from Brexit.

Holly Evans16 Jun 2024 12:05

1718534726Wes Streeting says there is nothing 'to be achieved' by the junior doctors' strike ahead of the electionWes Streeting says there is 'nothing to be achieved' by the junior doctors' strike ahead of the election

Holly Evans16 Jun 2024 11:45

1718533545Are there any seats where the Big 3 parties are not standing?

yes. Traditionally, none of the three main parties – the Conservatives, Labor and Liberal Democrats – field a candidate against the Speaker, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, in the Chorley constituency in Lancashire.

And the Conservatives will not appear on the ballot paper in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, due to the last-minute withdrawal of a candidate.

It is the first time since 1945 that a Tory candidate has not contested this seat in a general election.

The Liberal Democrat candidate will not appear on the Manchester Ruholme ballot paper due to incorrect nomination papers.

All other seats in England, Scotland and Wales have Conservative, Labor and Liberal Democrat candidates.

None of the three main parties have a candidate in Sir Lindsay Hoyles' constituency (UK Parliament/Jessica Taylor/PA) (PA Media)

Holly Evans16 June 2024 11:25

1718532326Streeting warns against complacency and returns matches to arsonists.

Shadow health secretary Wes Streeting urged voters not to return matches to arsonists, suggesting a Conservative election victory would be a nightmare for Downing Street.

The Labor frontrunner has warned of stifling complacency over opinion polls predicting a victory for Sir Keir Starmers' party in the general election.

Opinion polls continue to put pressure on Rishi Sunak and highlight why the Conservatives have shifted their strategy to warn Britain's reform voters not to risk a landslide victory for Labour.

The Conservatives are fighting to win this election, with Cabinet Secretary Mark Harper warning that Labor would be given a very large majority and a blank check if UK prime ministers vote for Nigel Farages Reform UK. claimed that there was.

Survation's analysis and modeling showed Labor would have a majority of 262 seats, with the Conservatives down to 72 and the Reform Party potentially taking seven seats.

Holly EvansJune 16, 2024 11:05

1718531126I am the original Brexiteer – Rishi Sunak hits back at Nigel Farage challenge.

Rishi Sunak claimed he was the first Brexit supporter and touted the Tories' international trade record since Britain left the European Union.

As I said in last week's discussion [Sky News presenter] Beth Rigby told the Times I was the first Brexit supporter.

Read the full article here:

Holly Evans16 Jun 2024 10:45

Voters' trust in the Tories on tax has plummeted as Rishi Sunak's final election gamble fails.

Conservative confidence in taxes has collapsed, a new poll has found. Rishi Sunak has suffered another crushing blow as he seeks to turn his party's election fortunes around with less than three weeks to go.

Sir Keir Starmer has a trust rating more than twice that of Lord Sunak as postal votes are sent out this weekend at a crucial stage in the campaign, according to an exclusive poll conducted by Techne UK for The Independent.

It comes after the Conservatives made every effort to use tax as a key divisive issue before launching an attack on Labour's plans in a last-ditch effort to prevent Sir Keir from taking power with a landslide majority on July 4. .

Read the full article here:

Holly Evans16 June 2024 10:25

1718529026How could the euro change the outcome of the election?

One of Rishi Sunak's first accidents on the election road involved tripping over a traffic cone. He was at Chesham United Football Club in Buckinghamshire and took an active part in training sessions with many of the junior players.

From his attempts to kick the ball straight, it was pretty clear that none of the football's leading scouts would have been too upset about failing to sign a generational talent. But proficiency, or rather the complete lack of it, is not the point.

Sunak was there to deliver another indicator of his mediocrity. He has failed to run with the ball at his feet to show voters that no matter what assumptions about wealth and privilege are attached to him, he is just like the rest of us. But it was an own goal, as they say their parents couldn't afford Sky TV when they were kids.

Read the full article here:

How could the euro change election results?

Harold Wilson said England could only win the World Cup if they won it under a Labor leader, and pollsters found that the color of the winning team's shirts was an accurate indicator of who would succeed at the ballot box. Jim White reads the runes and asks: Is Rishi's election timing an own goal or a victory?

Holly EvansJune 16, 2024 10:10

Wes Streeting does not rule out council tax rises.

Wes Streeting has not ruled out council tax increases or reassessments.

Pressured on Sunday whether this could happen under a Labor government, leading Labor MPs joined Laura Kuenssberg in reiterating the party's line: We do not want to see the tax burden on workers rise

None of the promises in our manifesto call for higher council taxes, higher fuel duty or any of the other taxes that the Conservatives claim we want to raise.

Wes Streeting has not ruled out council tax rises (Jeff Overs/BBC/PA Wire).

Holly EvansJune 16, 2024 09:55




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