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The US Open isn't over, but Bryson DeChambeau has already won it

The US Open isn't over, but Bryson DeChambeau has already won it


By: Sean Zak June 15, 2024

Bryson DeChambeau prepares to hit his golf ball into the stands Saturday night at the US Open.

Getty Images

PINEHURST, NC Admit it, Bryson DeChambeau has won your heart. Whether it's golf on YouTube, 58 on LIV, fist bumps and hat tosses, driver smashing and sign stealing. Do you remember that from the Masters? Maybe it's that birdie on the 72nd hole at Valhalla, or the time you heard about his 3D-printed irons, or maybe when you saw him taking selfies with USGA interns on Wednesday evening, when he was one of the last players to play. the property.

Either way, you're here now, almost like you never left. It feels good, doesn't it?

Maybe you had bowed out when DeChambeau left for LIV Golf. Or when he led a costly lawsuit against the PGA Tour. Maybe it was his moaning about equipment like no one else. Or maybe it was years ago, back when you were on Team Brooks Koepka, back in the days of their rivalry. Maybe you even chanted “Brooksy!” during a Tour event as Bryson walked by. (BK had his reasons.) That was then, this is now. Bryson has won you over. And on Sunday, he will win again.

It doesn't matter if DeChambeau takes a three-shot lead and ultimately takes home the U.S. Open trophy on Sunday, what matters is that he has taken complete control of this tournament. All. If he wins his second US Open, on a course very different from his first, it will be the magic of golf. If he loses, watch. It will be a painful but endearing step on his path to becoming the sport's greatest entertainer.

Saturday was special. Partly because his week was slow, a very good round Thursday night, then another early Friday morning. On Saturday, he woke up as one of the favorites in the rankings, certainly, but he was not in the lead. In front of him was the young, slender Swede who didn't seem to be doing anything wrong. There is Rory McIlroy and his Sisyphean pursuit of this 5th career major. There was the adorable Tony Finau. Who doesn't love Tony?

But just seconds after his first shot of the day, there was no doubt who the fan favorite was. The best player from the United States at the United States Open. DeChambeau (and Ludvig Berg too) were delighted in the United States, with American chants at the start of the 1st tee. No one else received this. But this continued all day. On the 14th tee, on the 15th tee, on the 18th tee.

Bryson DeChambeau smiles for the camera after hitting his ball into the stands on the 18th hole. Darren Riehl

For everything they gave him, he gave back amply. He signed autographs while playing the 3rd hole. He cheered them on after they birdied the 8th. He clubbed the driver on the 13th and then said out loud: Don't boo me, I'm sorry. They laugh. The commentators laughed. You probably laughed too. After hitting for 67, he signed his ball, whistled to the grandstand and hoisted his Bridgestone into the crowd. Twenty minutes later, he was sitting in a press conference, taking an emotional break. Because it wasn't always like that.

Thinking back three years ago, the landscape was very different, he said. I tried to show everyone who I was. I didn't do it the right way and I could have done a lot of things better.

Three Years Ago takes us back to the land before LIV. When DeChambeau went four events and two months without speaking to reporters. For what? He had had enough. It wasn't necessarily harsh questions or criticism from the press, but rather disgusting attention and unstable treatment from fans. DeChambeau was in the middle of this big boy feud with Koepka, which played out on social media but then continued as spectators chanted Brooksy's or Koepka's full name at DeChambeau at Tour events. This got under DeChambeau's skin, even if he didn't want to admit it. But during the 2021 Memorial Tournament, DeChambeau had several fans kicked off the court for shouting Koepka's name in his presence. (Koepka did little to stop this nonsense.) The situation became so serious that PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan announced that any spectators who did so in the future would be ejected. Rory McIlroy (who, at four-under, might be DeChambeau's biggest threat on Sunday) spoke openly about it at the time:

I think he's been having a hard time lately and it's actually quite sad to see because deep down, I think, he's a nice person and all he wants to do is try to be the best golfer possible. .

But McIlroy also provided important context at the time. That DeChambeau had brought a bit of antagonism upon himself. He loves to be adored, with his golf the center of your attention, but he sometimes lashes out.

It's not a regret. It's a learning experience, DeChambeau said Saturday night. He talked about it to himself. I never regret anything in life. Don't I like what I did? Absolutely. But every moment I live in this life, I always try to learn from my mistakes. So, could you have called it a mistake? Of course. You can call it a bunch of things. But for the most part, the most important thing is that you grow and learn. You grow from these moments.

It may seem like DeChambeau is offering his most thoughtful personality now that his name is at the top of the leaderboard, but he showed it all week. His press conference Tuesday ended with this thought: “They say every five years someone's life changes and that couldn't be more true,” DeChambeau said. “I’m a completely different person than I was at Winged Foot.”

What this person looks like on Sunday, it seems like they will feed off their surroundings. Fanhood, in a sport ravaged by loneliness, can become the triumph of something cyclical, in the way Kiawah Island rallied around Phil Mickelson, how Rory McIlroy fed off St. Andrews, and how East Lake got attached to Tiger Woods. DeChambeau gives and takes. We give and he takes. It's a beautiful thing to watch.




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