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Who will win the 2024 US Open? Assessing Bryson DeChambeau and Rory McIlroy's chances at the top of the leaderboard

Who will win the 2024 US Open?  Assessing Bryson DeChambeau and Rory McIlroy's chances at the top of the leaderboard


PINEHURST, N.C. — Seconds after his 67th shot of the day found the bottom of the 18th cup at Pinehurst No. 2, Bryson DeChambeau turned toward the sprawling infrastructure that stretched down the left side of the green. He raised his arm and hand, his fingers gripping a golf ball, and waited for the roars.

They came, as they had all day, before the lone leader of the 124th US Open threw his ball into the stands to the approval of all those who had stayed up overnight to witness the greatest current golf show. He had already given them everything else.

How did it happen? How did Bryson DeChambeau – awkward, a little grumpy and very bombastic – become… the crowd favorite at the United States Open? There isn't enough time between now and his final turn to fully answer that question. (And frankly, at this point, it doesn't really matter.)

What matters is that on Sunday, with his second US Open at stake and a player in his duo (Frenchman Matthieu Pavon) who no one there will be cheering for (sorry, Matt), it will feel like the whole country is behind him. .

“It was amazing,” DeChambeau said of the love he received Saturday. “I can't thank them enough. It was a blessing. Man, they pissed me off. It just gives me an adrenaline rush and allows me to focus more on performing for the fans, for myself and for my family it just inspires me.”

More important than the gap in support for DeChambeau is the gap between his score and everyone else's. After a torrid nine in which he hit four approach shots within 15 feet, a double bogey at the par-4 16th undid some of his work. So, sure enough, Bryson carded a 2 at the par-3 17th to claw back a stroke and open a three-shot lead over Rory McIlroy, Patrick Cantlay and Pavon.

That three-shot margin means a second major title for the greatest showman is a probability… but not a certainty.

So while the Pinehurst crowds — I can't believe I'm saying this after the way Bryson was treated less than three years ago by golf fans — will try to bring the American golfer home him on Sunday for a victory in his national championship. , there will be a handful of suitors who will make it difficult for him.

Let's take a look at the contenders who will attempt to defeat the even-money favorite in DeChambeau, ranked starting with the most likely to catch him once they play at No. 2 Pinehurst on Sunday afternoon.

1. Rory McIlroy (-4): McIlroy hits the ball as well as ever. His driver remains the game's greatest weapon, and he went shot for shot with DeChambeau off the tee Saturday in the third round. It would be easy to look at the guy who is first tee to green and 45th this week in putting and say, “He just needs to knock a few down on Sunday, and he'll be there.” But it's actually a bit loose. an iron game on the way home that McIlroy has to put away to have a real chance.

Regardless, Rory Low-Key hasn't had as many chances over the last 10 years to win majors, and this is probably one of his top three or four. At some point the numbers don't matter, the top 10 doesn't matter, the speed of the ball doesn't matter. At some point, all of this no longer matters. All he has to do is get in the fight on the last nine holes and get the job done. That's what champions do, and he was one of the greatest over the last two decades. Now all he needs is the major title to prove it. Odds: 3-1

2. Patrick Cantlay (-4): Even after his 65 on Thursday, Cantlay did not appear to be a legitimate threat to win this tournament. For what? He's been shaky from the start, and that's a tough category to overcome over the course of 72 holes of play. However, he continues to linger, to drag. And if a player of his caliber manages to return to the bottom nine on Sunday, one or two points ahead, anything can happen. After Cantlay chased down McIlroy at the Ryder Cup and made putt after putt in huge moments, it changed the way he was viewed as a competitor. The thing to watch for him on Sunday is whether he continues to drive it offline. If that's the case, then he could run into some bad breaks in the turf, which could lead to a double or worse which would end his chances. Odds: 15/2

3. Ludvig Berg (-2): One hole hurt Berg's US Open chances as he made a triple bogey on the short par-4 13th on Saturday. Although he is first in this field when it comes to ball striking, it is his short game that has proven to be his flaw. He still held on. It'll probably take something pretty special from Berg, but he's the kind of talent that could absolutely shoot 66 and make history as the first US Open player to win in his debut in 111 years old.

4. Hideki Matsuyama (-2): Nobody talks about Matsuyama, which probably suits him just fine. After his round of 66 on Friday, he shot a par 70 on Saturday to place in the top six. He's currently in the top 10 in this area in approach play, and he plays from a spot where he could post up with a back nine and wait for everyone to pile in behind him. Matsuyama is no slouch, and this Augusta National-Pinehurst double major would be spectacular. Odds: 18-1

5. Matthieu Pavon (-4): I'm not necessarily a believer, but Pavon hung around admirably this week. It's impossible not to be on this list, but it's slightly concerning that he's #1 in putting. It may be durable, but it could easily come undone Sunday afternoon. Odds: 16-1

Rick Gehman and Greg DuCharme recap the 2024 U.S. Open at Pinehurst No. 2 on Saturday. Follow and listen to The First Cut on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.




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