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US Open: Bryson DeChambeau receives mid-round physiotherapy in the woods then builds up his lead

US Open: Bryson DeChambeau receives mid-round physiotherapy in the woods then builds up his lead



Bryson DeChambeau lay on his back, looking up at the towering pine trees while a physical therapist treated him. Then he got up, dusted himself off and took control of the US Open.

North Carolina's sweltering Pinehurst No. 2 course became an impromptu stage for DeChambeau's hard-hitting and powerful show on Saturday, as the American raced to a three-shot lead with a riveting third-round performance.

The in-form LIV Golf star made six birdies en route to a three-under 67, the second-best score of the round to take a giant step towards a second US Open title, after scoring a six shots to Winged. Foot Golf Club, New York in 2020.

Amazing. I made a lot of good putts today, I tell you that,” DeChambeau, who finished sixth at the Masters and second at the PGA Championship, told reporters.

Tomorrow is the same quote I've been saying all week: Try to have boring golf. The middle of the greens never moves, so I'm going to try to hit a lot of greens, give myself a good look at some holes and make a lot of two-putts.

Few would have described DeChambeau's golf as boring on Saturday. Tournament organizers issued an extreme heat warning before the start as temperatures topped the 90 degree Fahrenheit (32 degree Celsius) mark, but DeChambeau showed little interest in playing it cool.

Fiery from the start, the Californians reacted strongly to the shots and courted those behind the ropes. Once maligned by some golf fans, DeChambeau, whose personal YouTube channel continues to rack up subscribers, has embraced his new role as a crowd favorite.

After one of many booming starts, the 30-year-old paused in his walk down the third fairway to sign autographs, but the most personal interaction would follow at the 13th tee box. In weighing which club to choose, DeChambeau jokingly begged fans not to boo him when he opted not to play the 368-yard par four.

I can't thank them enough, DeChambeau said when asked about the fan support. It was a blessing. Man, they pissed me off.

Thinking back three years ago, the landscape was very different, he later added. I tried to show everyone who I was. I didn't do it the right way and I could have done a lot of things better.

I'm lucky to have a great team around me to help me move in the right direction with content produced, social media, and also a great perspective on life.

This combination of things allowed me to not only have a new perspective, but also the opportunity to show myself in a different light and entertain the fans on the golf course.

Bryson DeChambeau's unique approach to golf

The hole was a perfect summation of DeChambeau's day at the box office. After his tee shot hit a bunker, the American almost escaped with his fascinating subsequent swing.

Even when a costly rollback of the green led to a double bogey at the 16th, DeChambeau immediately responded with a birdie at the next par three.

To top it all off, there was a PGA Tour-sanctioned mid-round physical therapy session in the woods before the 11th hole. The procedure was due to hip discomfort, DeChambeau said, adding that it had been a problem for a long time.

I've been playing a lot of golf lately and trying to finish my house, so I haven't really had time to rest like I'd like, he said.

I just pushed myself a little, so it's going to happen. But I have a great team around me to help me fix some things.

Three shots behind in a three-way split for second, world number 3 Rory McIlroy remains within touching distance of ending his 10-year wait for a fifth major title.

I love the test that Pinehurst presented, McIlroy told reporters. You have to focus and concentrate on every shot. This is what a US Open should be like.

The Northern Irishman's third-round 69 was mirrored by Matthieu Pavon, a surprise major contender who became the first Frenchman to win on the PGA Tour in January.

It's been a remarkable journey for me, Pavon told reporters.

I love competing here. I'm a pretty ordinary guy and it's just great to be here.

McIlroy and Pavon are joined at four under by American Patrick Cantlay, who shot even with a par 70 as he looks to add a major triumph to his eight PGA Tour titles.

Scottie Scheffler's struggles continued, with the world number 1 scoring a 71 on one that sent him sliding further down the rankings and all but extinguished any hopes of him securing his pre-tournament favorite designation .

Having opened with the same score on Thursday, the 27-year-old had cut an atypically irritated figure en route to a second-round 74, just enough to make the cut, and his discontent spilled over into the weekend despite a strong performance improved.

Another frustrating day, Scheffler told reporters. Today was a day where I thought I played way better than my score.

I have a lot of trouble reading these greens. I made a lot of putts today where I felt like I hit really well. I looked up and they weren't going the way I thought.

With five wins in eight starts before Pinehurst, it has been a season of historic dominance for Scheffler, but the reigning Masters champion made a rare slice of unwanted history after being unable to birdie the final hole.

After closing with a two-round 74 during last week's Memorial tournament, but with the caveat that he won the event in the third round 71 from Scheffler, it was the first time he had shot four rounds consecutive over-par runs in a professional career that spanned 120 PGA Tour events.

Six shots behind the group in the ninth tie, Scheffler will need an exciting end to the season to extend his streak of three consecutive top 10 rankings in the major tournament.

Golf is sometimes a mental torture chamber, especially at the U.S. Open, he said.

I wouldn't use myself as a benchmark for what's good right now. Pretty mediocre at best at the moment, he added.




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