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Bryson DeChambeau fires 67 and leads by three at US Open

Bryson DeChambeau fires 67 and leads by three at US Open


PINEHURST, North Carolina This sprawling resort town, with nine golf courses and nearly 130 years of memories, is where history is made and history is honored. That was not lost on any of the golfers who will take to Pinehurst's famed No. 2 course on Sunday for one final round, aiming for a life-changing U.S. Open title and a place in the game's record books.

It's certainly not lost on Bryson DeChambeau, who is playing this week with a cap on his bag in honor of Payne Stewart, another SMU alum who memorably won the 1999 U.S. Open on this same course. DeChambeau, 30, appears to have captured a similar blend of Pinehurst magic, stringing together three days of spectacular golf and entering the final round with a three-shot lead as he chases a second U.S. Open title.

For 18 holes Saturday, DeChambeau charmed fans and dazzled Pinehurst, making six birdies and posting a 67, his third straight under-par round on the miserly course. He's at 7 under par, but he'll fend off several hungry challengers on Sunday, including Rory McIlroy, who is looking to win his first major championship since 2014. After shooting a 69 in the third round, McIlroy is at 4 under and tied for the second place with Frances Matthieu Pavon and Patrick Cantlay, who are both looking for a first major title.

Once seen as something of a villain for joining Saudi-owned LIV Golf, DeChambeau was fully embraced at Pinehurst on Saturday, and no one looked more comfortable on the twisty course this week than him.

“It just gives me an adrenaline rush and allows me to focus more on what I'm doing for the fans, for myself and for my family,” he said. It just inspires me.

It's a moment he's been working towards since he was a child. DeChambeau was 5 when Stewart beat Phil Mickelson on the 18th green here in one of the most memorable finishes of the U.S. Open. Stewart is the reason DeChambeau committed to SMU to play college golf and the inspiration for that recognizable flat cap DeChambeau wore for so many years.

The cap hangs on the side of the bag, it's with me and makes me think of him every time I walk on that field, he said this week.

Like Stewart, DeChambeau is a showman, and he certainly put on a show on Saturday. He hit bombs off the tee, rushing to save par and finding birdie opportunities where others succumbed to Pinehurst's tricky domed greens. He only needed 25 putts a day.

His tour was not without drama. Just after making a seven-foot birdie on the 10th green to take the solo lead, he seemingly disappeared, away from the fans and reporters following his round. An NBC drone camera, however, showed him lying on the ground in a fenced-in area, getting stretched by a physical therapist mid-ride. Apparently his right hip was bothering him, but it certainly didn't seem to affect his swing, at least to the naked eye.

It was harder to get through on a few shots. Everything is fine, DeChambeau said. I've had it for a long time now. It's just something that popped up.

DeChambeau quickly showed up at the 11th tee box, where he quickly drove a 359-yard drive down the fairway. That led to a second straight birdie and gave him a two-shot lead.

DeChambeau is a storybook character whose evolution and place in the game has been as fascinating to watch as anything in golf. He was a big guy when he won the 2020 US Open at Winged Foot, and while he still hits the ball miles, he's just as well known for his cerebral approach, for tinkering with his equipment, for his curiosity and constant search for an edge.

I've always done things a little differently, he said Saturday.

While he has ruffled feathers by joining LIV Golf in 2022 and putting his name to a lawsuit against the PGA Tour, he has been a fan favorite this week, inspiring roars as loud as any other here, sometimes even engaging with the gallery.

For example, at No. 13, a 368-yard par 4 DeChambeau was considering removing his driver. I would love to go for this green, he said to his younger brother. Fans around the tee heard him weigh his options and make their feelings known. Don't boo me, he begged the crowd as he reached for a 7-iron instead. I'm sorry.

It was amazing, DeChambeau said of the fans. I can't thank them enough. Man, they pissed me off.

Despite the three-shot lead, DeChambeau will have his work cut out for him on Sunday. McIlroy is as hungry as anyone on the court. He was 22 when he won the US Open for the first time, and he won four majors by age 25. But in the decade since, he has nine top-five finishes at major tournaments, but no titles. He was dogged by disappointment and dogged by questions about whether he would ever win another one.

McIlroys' goal this week? Honestly, he said, embracing what I would have called boring at the time.

He meant playing for a simple drive, approach, two putt, but Pinehurst doesn't allow for boring golf, and there is nothing boring about McIlroy's game. He followed his opening round of 65 with a 72 on Friday, but seemed to chase pins a bit more on move day.

I love the test that Pinehurst presents, and you have to concentrate on every shot, McIlroy said. This is what a US Open should be like. It’s obviously great to be in the mix.

He at least put himself in position if DeChambeau hesitated. McIlroy posted a 69 on Saturday, although bogeys at Nos. 15 and 17 put some distance between the 35-year-old Northern Irishman and the lead.

It's a position McIlroy knows well. He was second and just one shot behind the leader after 54 holes at last year's U.S. Open, where he also stood after 72.

No matter what happens, I feel like two shots, three shots, four shots, I have a great chance to go. [Sunday]McIlroy said.

While DeChambeau shined, others on the court failed to make an effort when it was needed most. One exception: Pavon, the Frenchman who posted a 69, keeping his cool on a scorching day and maintaining his place at the top of the leaderboard.

It’s just golf,” Pavon said. At the end of the day, it's me against the golf course. Even more so in the majors, my only goal every time I show up is to try to beat the golf course. Here it's hard. The only thing I'm focused on is this goal, and that's what I'm going to do tomorrow.

Ludvig Aberg, the 24-year-old Swede, as skillful and calm as anyone swinging a golf club these days, is trying to become the first golfer since 1913 to win the U.S. Open in his first appearance. But he posted a 73 on Saturday, his scorecard marred by a triple bogey on No. 13, where he played ping-pong on the green. He will enter Sunday at 2 under, five shots behind the leader.




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