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2024 general election live: The Conservatives could win just 72 seats in the next parliament, a new Survation poll has found.

2024 general election live: The Conservatives could win just 72 seats in the next parliament, a new Survation poll has found.


Nigel Farage is poking fun at the opposition leader as he makes his Tory manifesto.

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A new poll suggests disaster is ahead for Rishi Sunak, with the Conservatives expected to win just 72 seats at the next election.

A survival poll for Best for Britain published by The Sunday Times predicted Labor would win as many as 456 seats, far surpassing Tony Blair's landslide victory in 1997. .

Meanwhile, Labor and Nigel Farage MP have accused the Conservatives of plotting to send more migrants to Rwanda during the election campaign.

The Independent understands there are plans to bring Nigerians and Pakistanis living in the UK illegally to the East African country before the July 4 election. But like the first batch in April, this is a voluntary move and not a forced deportation.

This week Mr Farage claimed Reform UK was the new opposition party, following a YouGov poll that put his party ahead of the Conservatives for the first time.

Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron said Prime Minister Farage was “incredibly divisive” and seeking to destroy the Conservative Party.

Key pointsShow latest updates 1718562601Wes Streeting pleads with doctors not to strike amid warning of NHS plans for labor worse than austerity

It comes after the shadow health secretary made it clear he would not agree to calls for a 35% pay rise.

But the issue comes as respected health think tank the Nuffield Trust warned that Labor and Tory plans for the NHS were worse than the height of the austerity era during David Cameron's post-financial crisis period as prime minister.

Mariam Zakir-Hussein16 Jun 2024 19:30

Tory vote collapse so severe Labor claims it can beat Farage in Clacton

Labor has argued that the collapse in Tory support is now so severe that it could prevent Nigel Farage from winning Clacton if the last remaining Conservatives vote for their candidate tactically.

In 2019 Tory MP and former actor Giles Watling beat Clacton with 72.3% of the vote and a majority of 24,702 votes, with Labor coming a very distant third with just 15.5%.

But the dynamic appears to have changed with Mr Farage emerging as a reform candidate in a seat twice held by his former party, Ukip.

Read the full article here:

Holly EvansJune 16, 2024 18:30

Jo Cox's sister says threatening politicians is unacceptable

The sister of murdered Labor MP Jo Cox says threats against politicians are completely unacceptable.

Asked about Nigel Farage's milkshake attack, Labor candidate Kim Leadbeater told Sky Newss Politics Hub with Sophy Ridge: I think Joe and I and many others would find some of that behavior completely unacceptable.

No matter where you are on the political spectrum or what your views are, there is no excuse for such abuse, threats, or intimidating behavior.

On the eight-year anniversary of Cox's death, Leadbeater said he remains angry about what happened.

But what I try and do is channel that anger and channel that emotion into something positive, she said.

In 2016, Rep. Jo Cox was stabbed and shot to death by a far-right extremist. (Handout/PA) (PA Media)

Holly EvansJune 16, 2024 17:40

1718550048Election extinction: New weekend poll deals blow to Sunak as opinion polls give Labor a bigger lead.

Holly EvansJune 16, 2024 16:00

1718548818Douglas Ross's decision to run for parliament has left a bad taste in the North East.

Douglas Ross's decision to become an MP has left a bad name in the northeastern Scottish constituency he ran for, First Minister John Swinney has said.

The Scottish Conservative leader has put himself forward as candidate for Aberdeenshire North and Moray East after David Duguid was told by party executives that he was unable to stand due to poor health.

Mr Ross said he would soon step down as leader after colleagues expressed displeasure with the move.

The boundary change means Aberdeenshire North and Moray East will be contested for the first time, but the bulk of the constituency is in Banff and Buchan, previously represented by Mr Duguid.

Read the full news article here.

Holly EvansJune 16, 2024 15:40

1718547048Kemi Badenoch has accused Labor of intimidation and abuse against her.

Kemi Badenoch has accused Labor of making threats and abuse towards Labor candidate Rosie Duffield.

It comes after Labor peer Lord Cashman called out Ms Duffield, who has defended women's rights, for being blunt or lazy for canceling local gatherings over safety concerns.

Badenoch, the Minister for Women and Equalities, said on Twitter: “I can’t imagine what it would be like to be Rosie in a party where her colleagues continually attack her simply for standing up for women.”

This is now about more than women's rights, but about how political parties manage internal disagreements. Instead of healthy discussion, threats and abuse occur.

If this is what they are doing to themselves, imagine what they will do to our country.

Holly EvansJune 16, 2024 15:10

Wes Streeting says Rosie Duffield's rude or lazy criticism is extremely unfair.

Wes Streeting has accused Rosie Duffield of being blunt or lazy Labor colleagues after she canceled a local convocation over safety concerns.

Former EastEnders actor and Labor MP Lord Cashman has apologized after commenting on a social media post about Duffield's move Frit. Or you're lazy.

It comes after Labor general election candidate Duffield, who has championed women's rights and women-only spaces, said it was impossible to attend local rallies due to ongoing trolling.

Read the full article here:

Holly EvansJune 16, 2024 14:50

1718545248Douglas Ross's decision to run for parliament has left a bad taste in the North East.

Douglas Ross's decision to become an MP has left a bad name in the northeastern Scottish constituency he ran for, First Minister John Swinney has said.

The Scottish Conservative leader has put himself forward as candidate for Aberdeenshire North and Moray East after David Duguid was told by party executives that he was unable to stand due to poor health.

Mr Ross said he would soon step down as leader after colleagues expressed displeasure with the move.

The boundary change means Aberdeenshire North and Moray East will be contested for the first time, but the bulk of the constituency is in Banff and Buchan, previously represented by Mr Duguid.

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross's decision to stand as an MP has been criticized (Jane Barlow/PA) (PA Wire)

Holly EvansJune 16, 2024 14:40

1718544348Labour will seek to work closely with the Scottish Government on spending.

The Labor-run Scotland Office will work with the Scottish Government as it uses new spending powers, Shadow Scotland Secretary Ian Murray has said.

Labor has said that, if elected, the equalization money would be used through the Scotland Office to tackle poverty and encourage growth.

Mr Murray said he was willing to work with the SNP on this, but added it takes two to tango.

He campaigned alongside Edinburgh East and Musselburgh candidate Chris Murray on Sunday.

The shadow Scottish Secretary said Labor had held more than 120,000 conversations in Scotland since the election campaign began.

He told reporters: The Scottish office I run will focus solely on delivering services for the people of Scotland, which means we will have to work closely together.

Holly EvansJune 16, 2024 14:25

1718542872Voters reveal which political leader they want to manage the England football team.

With England set to push for Euro 24 against Serbia, British voters have revealed that Sir Keir Starmer will be chosen as the party leader to manage the team.

The Labor leader, a keen Arsenal season-ticket holder, topped a Techne UK poll of 1,636 British voters with 31% and was seen as a tough manager for the Labor Party after kicking Jeremy Corbyn out of the team.

The Labor leader has already published a team message for Britain.

Read the full article by Politics Editor David Maddox here.

Holly EvansJune 16, 2024 14:01




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