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Father's Day Forecast: Extreme Temperatures Pose Heat Risks for Central and Southern U.S.

Father's Day Forecast: Extreme Temperatures Pose Heat Risks for Central and Southern U.S.



The most significant heat wave of the year so far is expected to ravage much of the central and southern United States on Father's Day Sunday, with potentially record-breaking temperatures, four days before the official start of summer.

The National Weather Service warned residents in the South and Midwest who plan to celebrate their fathers outdoors on Sunday to stay cool amid a major heat risk, with high temperatures reaching the 90s in some areas .

The intense heatwave will not stop there. An expansive and unusually strong heat dome will form over the East on Sunday and extend into the Midwest and Great Lakes over the next few days, with heat expected to persist throughout the week.

Heating domes trap air and bake it under abundant sunlight for days, making each day hotter than the last.

The last Sunday of spring will be scorching across the Plains and Midwest, where temperatures will reach the mid-90s, according to the Weather Prediction Center.

People living in the Great Lakes region can expect temperatures in the 80s and 90s.

The Mississippi River Valley will be hit with the worst sweltering conditions on Sunday, with large parts of both states facing a Level 3 or major risk of heat-related impacts.

The National Weather Service office in St. Louis encouraged residents to take extra precautions Sunday because it is the hottest day of the year. It will be between 100 and 105 in the afternoon. We are not yet used to this kind of heat, forecasters wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

According to the weather service, unrelenting heat on Sunday will be felt in states including Kansas, Illinois, Tennessee, Arkansas and Mississippi.

Some small pockets of Level 4 or extreme heat will be felt in a few places like Atlanta, where Sunday afternoon temperatures could reach 94 degrees by the afternoon.

Millions of people will face heat-related health risks as conditions reach extreme levels this week, according to a scale from the National Weather Service and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Heat is the deadliest form of weather in the United States, killing on average twice as many people each year as hurricanes and tornadoes combined.

Extreme temperatures and uncomfortable heat will creep into major cities across the Midwest and Northeast by the start of the work week. On Monday, temperatures in Chicago could reach 94 degrees with a heat index of 97 degrees, according to forecasters at the Chicago Weather Bureau.

High temperatures in the upper Ohio Valley and Great Lakes regions will reach the mid-to-upper 90s on Monday, with the potential to tie or break many records, according to the Weather Prediction Center.

The risk of record heat will last in the Ohio Valley and Northeast through Friday, with some areas reaching heat indices of 105 degrees, the Weather Prediction Center said.

A Level 3 heat risk is expected to affect large parts of states including Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio on Monday, according to the weather service. Meanwhile, much of the southern half of Iowa faces a risk of extreme heat Monday.

Weather service forecasters in Des Moines, Iowa, warned of high heat and humidity through Tuesday, as temperatures reach the 90s and heat index values ​​nearly reach the three digits.

Morning lows will be just as impressive, as temperatures remain in the mid to upper 70s, the Weather Prediction Center said.

The combination of heat, humidity and little relief during the night will result in potentially widespread and significant heat-related impacts to anyone without adequate hydration or reliable cooling, according to the center.

In Detroit, where daytime temperatures are expected to reach the 90s, the city's urban core won't see much relief after dark, where weather service forecasters say nighttime lows will only drop into the high 90s. 70 this week.

Sweltering conditions will continue to expand across the eastern and northeastern United States through Tuesday.

CNN's Elisa Raffa contributed to this report.




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