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Reform Party leader Grant StClair-Armstrong resigns over blog comments

Reform Party leader Grant StClair-Armstrong resigns over blog comments


7 hours ago

ByHarry Farley, BBC News political correspondent

reform party

Grant StClair-Armstrong has said he “severely” regrets comments he made on a blog “years ago”.

Reform British Parliament candidate for the Kemi Badenoch constituency has resigned after previously urging people to vote for the BNP.

Grant St Clair-Armstrong, the party's candidate for North West Essex, told BBC News he had never supported the BNP and was forced to resign by the party.

I would have let the people decide, he said.

But a Reform UK spokeswoman said Ms StClair-Armstrong had tendered her resignation following revelations of unacceptable and historic social media comments.

In remarks first reported by the Times, Ms StClair-Armstrong wrote on the website: Now, every time I pick up a British newspaper and read the latest article about the situation in England, I cry. No doubt Enoch Powell would have done the same if he were alive. My solution is Vote BNP!

Mr St Clair-Armstrong told BBC News that he posted the comments between 2004 and 2007 and that he was an angry person at the time.

I have never supported the BNP. “I think they are a disgusting organization,” he said.

When asked whether he chose to resign, he said the party forced him to do so.

To be honest, I wouldn't have backed out. I would have let people decide.

Because the nomination deadline has passed, Ms StClair-Armstrong will still appear on the ballot paper as a Reform UK candidate. But if he is elected, he will be an independent.

The Times reported that comments on his website also included racial slurs and jokes about female hormones.

According to the newspaper, on a blog called Joli Triste, Mr StClair-Armstrong wrote about Scottish politician Kenny MacAskill and hoped they were suffering from a serious illness.

In the Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq War, he wrote: The simple solution is to extradite Blair. [and] Alistair Campbell, anathema to a country that routinely indulges in torture and executions.

He said this in a speech on Sunday: I deeply regret all the comments I made many years ago, and I'm sorry that some people felt the need to look them up when I wasn't the person I was at the time.

A Reform UK spokesperson said: Mr St Clair-Armstrong has tendered his resignation as a member of Reform UK following revelations of unacceptable historic social media comments and we have accepted his resignation.

List of candidates for North West Essex:

Kemi Badenoch – ConservativeErik Bonino – IndependentEdward Gildea – GreenAndrew Green – IndependentNiko Omilana – IndependentSmita Rajesh – Liberal DemocratsGrant StClair-Armstrong – Reform UKIssy White – Labor




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