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Bryson DeChambeau wins 124th US Open, beats Rory McIlroy by 1 stroke in thrilling final

Bryson DeChambeau wins 124th US Open, beats Rory McIlroy by 1 stroke in thrilling final


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Bryson DeChambeau, who lost the PGA Championship by one stroke, made up for it by winning at Pinehurst No. 2 in the 124th US Open by one stroke over Rory McIlroy.

DeChambeau is now a two-time US Open winner, having hoisted the trophy in 2020 when there were only a few fans at Winged Foot Golf Club due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This time, however, fans went into a frenzy when DeChambeau buried his par putt to win the tournament. A fan favorite all week, DeChambeau let out a groan as the grueling test this course put on him, and every golfer, this week ended in victory.

But although DeChambeau was part of the final pairing of the day with tournament lead Matthieu Pavon, McIlroy found himself in sole possession of first place at 8 under par after watching holes 10, 12 and 13 .


Bryson DeChambeau acknowledges the gallery after teeing off the sixth hole during the final round of the US Open golf tournament. (Katie Goodale-USA TODAY Sports)

DeChambeau, who just made a bogey on the 12th hole, said that after the round he knew he needed a birdie at the 13th to stay there because of the McIlroy “heat” he was on. He managed to do it and moved forward with a shot in front.

Over the past decade, McIlroy has sought a major tournament victory, as he came close but fell short. But his putter started to betray him once he reached the 15th hole.


He made a bogey of 15, then missed two putts from within five feet in the final three holes 16 and 18 to finish at 5 under for the tournament.

The crowd couldn't believe what they were witnessing, especially on the 18th green when McIlroy saw his putt miss right, which would have forced the first overall playoff in U.S. Open history if he had failed.

DeChambeau had already made his 18th tee shot in the home zone when McIlroy missed the putt, where he was all day because he just couldn't find the fairways like he was in his previous rounds. He knew he needed a par to earn the victory, but it was going to be difficult with a poor line of sight to the green and a tree root right next to his ball.

Rory McIlroy hits from the sixth tee during the final round of the US Open golf tournament. (Jim Dedmon-USA TODAY Sports)

While hitting his pitching wedge while crouched under a tree branch, DeChambeau made solid contact, although he shot to the right and ended up in a bunker 55 yards from the pin in the middle of the green.

However, DeChambeau fought hard all day to stay in the hunt, and he said the best shot he ever made came when he splashed his bunker shot where he wanted and saw him rolling a few meters from the hole.

All the emotion DeChambeau had pent up during his four rounds was released by his screams and cheers in front of the crowd. Meanwhile, McIlroy will likely be a meme, as the NBC broadcast caught him in the clubhouse completely dejected after seeing DeChambeau bury the putt. He knew he had wasted a chance to end the major drought.

Also worth mentioning is DeChambeau's win: the late Payne Stewart was someone who inspired him in all aspects of golf, including attending SMU and wearing the traditional flat cap.

All week, DeChambeau wore a Stewart pin on the back of his hat because it was the 25th anniversary of his iconic celebration after making an 18-foot birdie at Pinehurst No. 2 to win the U.S. Open. The course honored him with a special flag on the 18th hole featuring a silhouette of the first pump leg raise celebration.

Bryson DeChambeau hits from the seventh tee during the final round of the US Open golf tournament. (Katie Goodale-USA TODAY Sports)


DeChambeau was showing the sky for Stewart, as well as his late father, on Father's Day when he won the tournament that was nerve-wracking and thrilling until the final putt that sealed the deal.

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