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US Open 2024: Bryson DeChambeau earns one-stroke victory as Rory McIlroy's major wait continues at Pinehurst No. 2 | Golf news

US Open 2024: Bryson DeChambeau earns one-stroke victory as Rory McIlroy's major wait continues at Pinehurst No. 2 |  Golf news


Bryson DeChambeau took advantage of a late collapse from Rory McIlroy to win the US Open for the second time with a dramatic one-shot victory at Pinehurst No. 2.

DeChambeau took a three-shot lead into the final day, but found himself two behind when McIlroy – playing in the penultimate group – made four birdies over a five-hole stretch around the turn to bolster his hopes of an elusive fifth major victory.

McIlroy remained one ahead until he followed back-to-back bogeys at the 15th with another at the final par four, missing two putts inside four feet during that final sequence, as DeChambeau produced a high and a sensational low at the last to secure his second major title.

Final standings (United States unless otherwise noted)

-6 Bryson DeChambeau; -5 Rory McIlroy (NIrl); -4 Patrick Cantlay, Tony Finau; -3 Matthieu Pavon (Fra)

Others selected: -2 Hideki Matsuyama (Jpn); +6 Brooks Koepka; +8 Jordan Spieth, Scottie Scheffler

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Rory McIlroy fell to six under par after three-putting at the 16th during the final stages of the US Open.

DeChambeau carded a final-round 71 to finish six under and a shot ahead of McIlroy, who remains without a major victory since his success at the 2014 PGA Championship, with Tony Finau and Patrick Cantlay finishing another shot in third from Matthieu Pavon .

How DeChambeau edged out McIlroy in a major thriller

McIlroy – playing in the penultimate group alongside Cantlay – got off to a dream start when he rolled 20 feet to first, then found himself at the front after DeChambeau failed to saving par from behind the green at the fourth. .

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McIlroy birdied the first hole to close the gap on leader DeChambeau to just two shots

A terrible break for McIlroy at the par-five fifth saw his excellent approach run out onto a sloping green, with the Northern Irishman then crashing into a bunker after a poor lie as he headed for a bogey that allowed it's up to DeChambeau to pull away by two points.

McIlroy missed the green four times in five holes, but continued to fight to keep pars in touch with DeChambeau, who produced an incredible up-and-down at the eighth and holed from 15 feet to stay at six under .

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McIlroy makes bogey after luck went against him on fifth hole of US Open final round

The lead was cut to one when McIlroy rose from 15 feet to birdie the ninth, with the 2011 US Open champion then draining a 25-footer at the par five to take a share of the lead for the first time .

DeChambeau briefly regained the lead when he also birdied the 10th and did well to save par at the next one after finding a greenside bunker with his approach, only to see McIlroy come back level with another Long-range birdie at the 12th.

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A look back at the big failures that cost Rory McIlroy his first major in 10 years during a dramatic final day of the US Open.

A two-shot swing saw McIlroy convert from five feet to recover a driveable shot at the 13th, having taken a favorable bounce off a stand off the tee, while DeChambeau made bogey on the previous hole after errant practice left him throwing.

DeChambeau responded by sinking a two-putt birdie at the 13th to get within seven under, which was enough for a share of the lead when McIlroy missed the green at the 15th tee and recorded a sixth bogey of the week on a par-three.

Image: McIlroy finished second at the US Open for a second year in a row

The nerves became evident in both players down the stretch, with DeChambeau three-putting from 25 feet at the 15th to fall behind, then McIlroy inexplicably missing by two and a half feet to save par at the 16th.

McIlroy responded by getting up and down from the sand at the 17th but gave DeChambeau the lead at the last, where he failed to find the green in two and missed a putt to save par inside of four feet, bringing it down to five cents.

DeChambeau pulled his tee shot into the home zone and missed the green with his second, only to produce a remarkable 55-yard drive from the sand to four feet and convert the putt to complete a remarkable Sunday major.

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DeChambeau wins his second US Open at Pinehurst No. 2 with a final round one-over-par 71

“I felt like I hit the driver like I wanted to today,” DeChambeau said during the trophy presentation. “I just continued to stay focused on the course trying as many fairways as possible even though I didn't make it, but I got out of trouble really well, but I can't believe that up down there, it was probably the best shot of my life.

“I was just trying to land pretty much where I landed. I knew it was huge to go up and down to win this huge, prestigious championship. It's the highlight of my life.”

And after?

McIlroy is expected to be back in action at the Travelers Championship, the latest of the PGA Tour's flagship events, with live coverage on Thursday from 12:30 p.m. via the Red Button and 5 p.m. on Sky Sports Golf.

The final men's major of the year is The Open, which will take place at Royal Troon from July 18-21, where DeChambeau will once again be among the pre-tournament favorites. Stream the PGA Tour, majors and more with NOW.

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