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Reform UK announces 2024 election deal

Reform UK announces 2024 election deal



The party's agricultural manifesto focuses on its promise to help farmers with agriculture.

Britain's Reform Party published its manifesto for the July general election last week, following the Conservatives, Labour, Greens and Liberal Democrats.

The party called its manifesto a ‘contract’ with the British people.

The election manifesto is divided into reforms it says are needed in the first 100 days after the general election and beyond.

‘Take advantage of Brexit’

The ‘Reform Britain’ deal argues that UK agriculture needs reform to take advantage of Brexit.

The report criticized the current government's policy of paying farmers for environmental goods, saying agriculture is in crisis and food security is at risk.

The manifesto calls for government subsidies to force farmers to meet environmental goals instead of producing food.

Fuel and fertilizer costs have soared. Farmers have to deal with huge amounts of paperwork.

Agricultural land is being lost to rewilding and solar farms.

High energy costs and supermarket price fixing have driven many farmers into bankruptcy. Rural communities are dying.

Read more: Labor manifesto: Food security is national security

Read more: Conservative Manifesto: What does it promise farmers?

first 100 days

If a political party is elected, it pledges to take the following actions within 100 days of being elected.

Farming Budget: The farming budget was increased to KRW 3 billion, with a focus on small farms and continued use of farmland.

The party said this would attract young people to agriculture and revitalize the rural economy and culture.

We are also committed to supporting farmers in their farming practices by strengthening innovation and diversification.

Environmental policy: Eliminate climate-related agricultural subsidies and replace them with direct payments.

Country Sports: Protect country sports. The party calls for increased investment in environmental conservation. This boosts rural jobs, communities and local economies.

READ MORE: Lib Dems pledge extra $1 billion a year for ELMS.

Read more: Green manifesto: Party will triple funding for nature-friendly agriculture

After the first 100 days

Reform UK makes the following commitments after 100 days in office:

Supermarkets: Empower the Competition and Markets Authority to ensure fair prices.

Reform UK also said it would change planning laws to help farmers sell their produce directly to the public and support farm shops at zero rates.

Buy British: Strengthen food security by targeting 70% of British food produced in the UK.

Taxpayer-funded organizations must source 75% of their food from the UK, with clear food labeling.

Small food processors and slaughterhouses are offered tax breaks and other incentives to reduce transportation costs and promote animal welfare.

READ MORE: General election 2024: Which party will do the most for British agriculture?

Paperwork: Cut through red tape from HMRC and the British Cattle Movement Service.

Newcomers: Subsidize courses and apprenticeships at agricultural colleges to help young people learn agricultural skills and business management.

Future Technology and Fertilizer Supply: Access new technologies to increase production and reduce costs.

Britain's food security also depends on fertilizer supply and production, the declaration points out.

The party said its agricultural pledge would cost $2 billion a year.

Read more political news.




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