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Rory McIlroy quickly leaves the US Open after another major and painful defeat

Rory McIlroy quickly leaves the US Open after another major and painful defeat


PINEHURST, N.C. After winning the 2024 U.S. Open with a successful putt, Bryson Dechambeau launched his golf ball in front of the enthusiastic crowd on the 18th hole.

Runner-up Rory McIlroy probably felt like throwing up. Again.

Seeking once again to break a 10-year drought in major championships that marred a once limitless career, McIlroy failed in the most painful way: by a single stroke after two short missed putts in the final holes.

Whether he fits into his personal house of horrors or the pantheon of great golf collapses will be debated for a while, but the extent of his injury was revealed within minutes of his round. He walked silently to his Lexus courtesy car, loaded two golf bags into the trunk, dropped a garment bag in the back, then jumped into the driver's seat and drove off with his caddy, his agent and swing coach in tow.

It was a stunning start without addressing the media, United States Golf Association officials or anyone else.

I've never seen a player so close to the top leave so quickly without talking to anyone, a USGA media official said. Take at least 10 minutes and pull yourself together.

A 3-foot-9 miss for par on 18 was the final blow in a deadly march of errors on the back nine.

A birdie on the par-4 13th hole that briefly gave him a two-shot lead (DeChambeau birdied him moments later) and had the crowd chanting Rory, Rory as he headed to the 14th tee was not enough to prevent another golf disaster. . It was his last birdie.

Even a 3-foot miss on the par-3 15th hole by DeChambeau didn't turn the tide in the Northern Irishman's favor, as McIlroy missed a 3-foot-8 putt himself at the 16th, a par putt knocked too strong.

Never mind the fact that McIlroy entered Sunday's final round 4-for-4 on putts from 3 feet and longer, he was undone as he had been so many times over the past decade.

He now has two consecutive solo seconds at the US Open, as well as top-five finishes at every other major.

We know Rory has been chasing a major for many years and when you want something that bad it's often harder to get, said French golfer Matthieu Pavon, who finished fifth solo and had a lot of empathy for his European compatriot.

The more we want something, the harder it is to get and maybe he felt a bit of pressure that attracted him.

It's a tough game we play and no matter how much you are like Rory, it's natural to feel pressure on the last day when it all comes down to the last nine, added England's Aaron Rai. This is the test of the game we play and Rory will come out better for it. He's always done it before.

At 35 years old and still in his prime, as evidenced by his multiple victories this year, McIlroy should have many more opportunities. The first is next month at the British Open at Royal Troon, where he finished T5 in 2016.

But after that it will be the 2025 Masters, the only major tournament he still needs to complete the career grand slam.

His fellow players say Sunday's latest disaster will do little to hamper his future.

Is he finished? Are you kidding me? He has many more opportunities. He's a world-class, generational golfer, said Tony Finau, who matched his best result in a major championship with a tie for third. Rory will achieve this and be able to silence all the noise.

But the only sound in the Pinehurst parking lot at 6:42 p.m. ET on a warm southern evening was that of a Lexus's tires crunching on gravel as McIlroy left the stage, slowing only for a security guard to clear a crosswalk so he could leave what was happening. was perhaps the most painful loss of all.




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