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Scottie Schefflers' US Open nightmare raises questions about major planning | US Open

Scottie Schefflers' US Open nightmare raises questions about major planning |  US Open


Four hours before eventual winner Bryson DeChambeau set out for the final round of the US Open, Scottie Scheffler stood on the first green of a Pinehurst No2 course that had scrambled his confidence for three excruciating days, carefully lining up a 20 foot chance for bird.

The world's No. 1 golfer looped a putt with perfect speed and line all the way to the cup, where it defiantly landed on the left edge without falling. Scheffler stared in disbelief for a moment before stepping forward to make par. It would have been difficult to imagine a better example of how the week of the two-time major champions unfolded.

The faint chimes from the nearby village chapel that carried across the field during Scheffler's double 72 Sunday morning, which left him eight points for the championship and 14 shots adrift of DeChambeau's winning total, might have sounded like a funeral song for the Masters champion. He had arrived here as the biggest betting favorite in a major tournament in 15 years, having won for the fifth time in eight starts the previous Sunday at Memorial. He had already broken the circuit winnings record in a single year with more than $24 million (18.96 million) in prize money. Nice job if you can get it and left Thursday as the first player to win five tournaments in a season before the United States. Opened by Tom Watson in 1980.

The 27-year-old fell out of the top 10 on Sunday for the first time in nearly six months, lamenting one missed opportunity after another on the glassy, ​​turtle-backed greens. There is surely no shame in Scheffler's scores of 7,1747,172. But for a player known for almost mind-boggling consistency whose bad golf is still pretty good golf, the week was a source of surprise. For the first time in a six-year professional career spanning 120 tournaments, he went four consecutive rounds without going over par.

It took a course built in the first decade of the last century to achieve what the world's best golfers, and even the Louisville Metropolitan Police, couldn't: bring the Schefflerscharmed season to an abrupt end. The tour leader in birdie average entered the final round Sunday ranked 73rd of the 74 players still standing at putting, seemingly unable to read Bermuda's lightning-fast, inverted saucer-shaped greens that are the world's greatest defense Pinehurst No2. If it was revealed on Monday that they had been seeded with kryptonite, no one would be surprised.

The laid-back Texan functions in such a balanced manner that his bruising experience here is unlikely to leave any significant scars. Even his pre-dawn arrest last month outside the gates of the USPGA Championship, where he stretched in a jail cell, managed to pass his tee time in the second round and finished a share of eighth place , couldn't stop what was an all-time warm-up.

But Scheffler admitted after his round here on Saturday that he would reconsider his schedule ahead of the major championships, suggesting that playing in the Jack Nicklaus-hosted tournament at Muirfield Village the week before could have compromised his mental fitness for what is considered the toughest test more difficult in professional. Golf.

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Scheffler said: “I think in terms of preparing for a week that I know is going to be as tough as this one, I tend to not play the week before. I think going into major championships, especially ones that we know are going to be really tough, it might be in my best interest to not play the week before. All eyes are on Royal Troon and the British Open, which starts in a month.




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