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US Open 2024: Bryson DeChambeau wins at Pinehurst and fends off Rory McIlroy | Golf News and Tour Information

US Open 2024: Bryson DeChambeau wins at Pinehurst and fends off Rory McIlroy |  Golf News and Tour Information


Bryson DeChambeau won his second U.S. Open in four years on Sunday, converting a tough up-and-down by sinking a four-foot par putt on the 72nd green at Pinehurst No. 2 to hand Rory McIlroy another bitter defeat.

DeChambeau's clutch bunker shot from 55 yards set up the winning putt, the only par save from the front bunker at the par-4 18th all week to beat McIlroy by one stroke at six-under 274. Beaten by one shot last month on the 72nd green by . DeChambeau shot a closing 71 while McIlroy had a 69.

Can you believe that? Oh, my God, DeChambeau yelled into the camera as he celebrated with friends behind the 18th green, the same green where the late Payne Stewart got up and down for par to preserve his 25-year-old one-stroke victory earlier.

DeChambeau won his first US Open during the pandemic year of 2020 in the quiet of Winged Foot, when fans were not allowed to attend. At Pinehurst, the California native, much more popular and engaging now at 30, was cheered at every tee and green, although the crowd also drew McIlroy, who finished second for the second straight year and now has 11 tops -five. in the majors since winning the 2014 PGA Championship. The 35-year-old Northern Irishman remains stuck on four major titles.

DeChambeau became the 23rd player to win multiple US Open titles, and he is the seventh player in the last 40 years to win the national championship twice in five years, joining Brooks Koepka, Retief Goosen, Tiger Woods, Ernie Els, Lee. Janzen and Curtis Strange. The victory marked his ninth in a PGA Tour event, although he won't get credit for it after leaving to join the LIV Golf League in 2022. Since then, he has finished in the top 10 in five of nine tournaments major, including T-6. at this year's Masters to go along with his second-place finish at the PGA.

First of all, I want to wish you a happy Father's Day. Unfortunately, my dad passed away a few years ago, so this one is for him,” DeChambeau said in tribute to his father Jon. Also to Payne Stewart. That’s the reason I went to SMU. That's why I wore this cap. Wow.

I just can't thank you enough for your support this week,” DeChambeau added, addressing the crowd after accepting the Jack Nicklaus trophy and medal. You meant the world to me.

Struggling all day to find fairways with his backup driver after collapsing his usual club face on the practice range before the final round, DeChambeau managed to gut out the win. His six-under 274 matched his Winged Foot win total when he won by six shots.

This time, he had his hands full on a hot afternoon in North Carolina with the determined McIlroy, who seemingly was on his way to his first major title in nearly 3,600 days.

The championship essentially came down to a three-way battle for much of the day. McIlroy, Patrick Cantlay and Frenchman Matthieu Pavon started the final round three behind DeChambeau, but Pavon fell out of the hunt with three bogeys in his first eight holes.

McIlroy took a two-shot lead with four birdies over a five-hole stretch, starting with a 15-footer at the ninth and ending with a five-footer at the short par-4 13th hole. But a putter as hot as the weather betrayed at the most crucial moment. He three-putted from 27 feet at the 16th after not missing within five feet in his previous 49 attempts. That error came after DeChambeau suffered his only three-putt of the championship at the 15th by going four feet out.

But McIlroy's smash came last when he missed the fairway and could only hit toward the front of the green. He threw well, but the ball went over the cup. He was clearly nervous as he tried to hit the left-to-right attempt. It didn't hit the cup. That set up DeChambeau's heroics after he also hit his drive into the left native zone and had to hit his second under the branches of a tree and near a tree root.

He scraped it into the front bunker, then got up and down to claim victory and take home the record $4.3 million first prize. Ranked 38th in the world, he has a good chance of climbing into the top 10 after his second major title.

Cantlay, the first-round leader, hung around most of the day and had his chances, but he finished tied for third with a four-under 276 after his second straight 70 for his best finish at a major. He was joined by Tony Finau, who birdied the teeing hole for a 67, tied for the lowest round of the day.




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