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Maps show “very hot heat” heading toward the northeastern United States that could break dozens of records and put millions of people at risk.

Maps show “very hot heat” heading toward the northeastern United States that could break dozens of records and put millions of people at risk.


The sweltering heat felt in the western United States is moving toward the northeast, with dangerously high temperatures putting millions of Americans at risk. The National Weather Service warned Monday that the impending heat dome “could see temperatures surpassing the century mark” as it is expected to break records in several cities.

The National Weather Service says this will be the first significant heat wave of the season, with “the hottest temperatures of summer” expected to hit the Midwest, Great Lakes, Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. In some areas, temperatures will be so intense that “the longevity of the predicted dangerous heat…has not been known for decades.”

Level four “extreme” risk is forecast for cities in Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and Massachusetts, the service says, which means “rare and/or long-lasting extreme heat with little or no relief during the night.” “. At this level, the National Weather Service says anyone without effective cooling or adequate hydration is at risk. Maryland and Washington DC are expected to be at “major” risk.

Large cities could experience higher temperatures than surrounding areas due to the heat island effect, putting many people without access to shade or cooling systems at risk.

The National Weather Service's June 20, 2024 heat hazard map shows that much of the United States is at risk for heat-related issues on that day, and many residents in the Northeast are expected to experience heat hazards. major” and “extreme”. National Weather Service Thermal Hazard

CBS News senior weather producer David Parkinson said “heat, really hot, is the name of the game this week.”

Chicago will hit its peak heat Monday with an actual temperature of 97 degrees Fahrenheit, while Cleveland, Ohio, and Rochester, New York, are expected to tie records of 94 degrees Fahrenheit, he said. On Tuesday, at least 24 more records are expected to be broken, including in Vermont, New York and Washington, D.C., while three dozen more are expected to be broken on Wednesday.

At least 265 million people will be subjected to temperatures above 90 degrees Fahrenheit this week, Parkinson said, a temperature threshold that can be dangerous and lead to heat-related illnesses. Parkinson said about 22 million people would be subjected to temperatures above 100 degrees.

Heat is the leading cause of weather-related deaths in the United States each year, and data shows that heat waves have become more frequent and severe due to climate change.

These maps show what is expected in the area.

Temperature forecast for Tuesday The National Weather Service shows that much of the Great Lakes will be under a “major” to “extreme” heat risk on June 18, 2024. National Numerical Forecast Database

NWS forecasters expect much of the Great Lakes, including Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio, as well as neighboring states, to face heat risks “major” and “extreme” Tuesday, leaving people without adequate hydration and cooling systems vulnerable. heat-related illnesses.

Temperature Forecast for Wednesday This map from the National Weather Service shows that virtually all of the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Southeast United States will experience temperatures of 90 degrees or higher on Wednesday, June 19, 2024. Base national numerical forecast data

On Wednesday, the National Weather Service forecast that virtually all of the eastern United States and much of the south-central United States will experience temperatures of at least 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Some smaller areas will see triple-digit temperatures in the Northeast and Southwest.

“By Wednesday afternoon, parts of interior New England could experience temperatures surpassing the century mark, breaking daily records in some locations,” the National Weather Service said. “Across the Four Corners region, critical fire danger conditions are expected today amid persistent dry conditions fueled by gusty winds as a strong front approaches.”

Thursday's Temperature Forecast This forecast from the National Weather Service shows temperatures in the mid to 90s for much of the Northeast United States on June 20, 2024. National Numerical Forecast Database

Thursday is expected to be one of the worst days for New England, with even Maine seeing temperatures in the 90s. Temperatures in Boston will reach triple digits while temperatures in New Hampshire are expected to exceed 100°F. Little drop in nighttime temperatures is expected in many places, including New York, where forecasters estimate lows will reach the mid-70s.

Even in areas where temperatures don't rise enough to warrant an advisory, New York forecasters say heat index values ​​will be high enough to “require caution.”

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