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UK weather: Europe in heatwave, UK still cool. What's the weather like? | uk news

UK weather: Europe in heatwave, UK still cool.  What's the weather like?  |  uk news


The longest day of the year is almost here. But there was little sign of summer in Britain. Meanwhile, some parts of Europe experienced record-breaking heat.

Greece recorded its first-ever heatwave last week, with temperatures soaring to nearly 38 degrees for more than three consecutive days.

This is a sharp contrast to the “disappointingly cool” weather in Britain so far this month, said Sky News meteorologist Steff Gaulter.

So what is going on? Will the weather finally get better?

A Tale of Two Summers

The UK felt far from summer throughout June.

David Schultz, professor of synoptic meteorology at the University of Manchester, told Sky News: “Temperatures for this time of year are probably one to three degrees below normal.”

That's because there's low pressure above us or winds are coming from the North Pole, Gaulter explains.

Cold weather is also affecting other parts of northwestern Europe.

But while this was happening, southeastern Europe was blanketed by hot winds blowing in from North Africa.

“The air in North Africa is hotter than usual this year, which has led to even higher temperatures,” she says.

Is the weather going to get better in the UK?

For most of the UK, the weather is expected to settle down for some time this week, Gaulter said.

But don't expect too much from the heat wave. This is likely to be a short-term respite before conditions become unsettled again over the weekend or so.

On Thursday, the longest day of the year, the Met Office forecast a dry day for most areas, with highs reaching 21C and “places receiving sunlight will feel warm”.

Where are the hotspots in Europe?


Temperatures peaked at nearly 45C (113F) on Thursday during Greece's first recorded heat wave.

The definition of a heat wave in Greece is above 38C for three or more days, explains Gaulter. This typically occurs in July or August.

“This is the first time a heat wave has hit Greece before June 15, with records in Athens going back to 1890,” she says.

Authorities closed the Acropolis and all other archaeological sites in the Greek capital on Wednesday and Thursday due to the heat.

Image: Red Cross workers distribute water to visitors to the Acropolis. Photo: Reuters

Officials have been on high alert for wildfires that have plagued Greece in recent decades, especially during summers. Temperatures are expected to rise again starting this week, although not to the level of a heat wave.

Several tourists died or went missing on Greek islands, many of whom began hiking in high temperatures.

The body of a missing American man was found on Sunday. The discovery of a Dutch man comes six days after he was last seen walking in the sweltering heat.

And officials continue to search for three missing tourists in the Cyclades archipelago.


The island is said to have recorded record temperatures in June, with temperatures exceeding 40C last week.

According to Cyprus health authorities, two elderly people have died from the heat and three more are in hospital.

A forest fire broke out near the capital Nicosia, wiping out more than 1.2 square miles of forest and threatening the town.

In the Paphos region on the island's west side, 49 people from two communities were evacuated to hotels as wildfires threatened their homes.

Image: A woman takes shelter during the heatwave in Nicosia, Cyprus. Photo: Reuters


Temperatures in Turkey exceeded 40C last week, with 66 million people in the country exposed to extreme heat for three days, according to Climate Central.

Istanbul authorities issued a heat wave warning and wildfires broke out in at least seven districts, local media reported.

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Have a holiday booked in a hotspot? A thing to do

There is currently no Foreign Office travel warning related to hot weather in Europe.

However, the Foreign Office advises people traveling to countries where bushfires are common in summer to be cautious and follow the advice of local authorities.

If you change your holiday plans due to weather, you will be charged the normal cancellation fees as your travel insurance will not cover you unless a travel advisory has been issued.

Vacationers should follow heat precautions, including avoiding midday sunlight, staying hydrated and applying sunscreen.

What about the rest of the summer?

Europe is expected to experience hotter than average temperatures in the second half of summer, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) forecast for July to September.

The south of the continent is expected to be drier than average, while the north is expected to be wetter than usual.

As for what the UK wants, Gotter said there are “no clear signals one way or the other” at this point.

“We will have to wait and see.”




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